Erngramme l 518-! El ISIS o JULYâ€"“Value a: Chung»: at Air and Scenery." MN. F. E. Coombe. Roll Call Answered with a. Pruvam, AUGUSTâ€"“"255 Nicholson. Subject: to ht! Chosen Roll Call to he AUHWBI‘BI] will] a. Uulreul. Event. SEPTEMBEniï¬â€˜v'hyialhe Autumn sh Beanmul, Compared with the Aume of Lite." Mia. Uren. Roll Call Answered with a Quotation. OCTOBERâ€"“The Sooinbfllty of Yesterday and To ï¬lmy." Mrï¬â€˜ AHRn McLeod. Roll Call. Answered with a Hmwehuld Hint, NovmlBEnâ€""Thuuksglving fur Prosperity and the Wellnra of Du! Duminion ' MIX-1H H. Wihwu. val Gall will: a Curlenl. Evenb‘ DmmMHnu~Repm~nnl Dalegma to Annual Cnn. Venflan Roll Call. Answered with a Christmas Suggesucn. I9I9 JANUARYâ€"flunk Cuulent led by Mrs. Farley and MN Ruen. FEBRUARYillImk Courasn‘ continued, led by Mrv‘ McKee Nurl Mix» M. Ra MARCHi‘TIIe Ideal] “lle and MuLher." Mus. EH. Farrell Bull (7511 Ausw Pfl wilb a poem APRIL J‘Canadinn Wild Flowers Mr, Jar» re“. Hull Call Auswel-H} Will! a Favnrim Occupanun. MAY -Am:lua.1 Matting. ElucLiou of Dmcerï¬. J UN hisnclal Allel'ucuu.