ARMOW WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 1990rl920. It was in the early 1960's that Armow Women's Institute had a high light summer when we held a field day usually July or August. Several ball teams came and competed with Armow ball beam. We also had decorated bicycles, rides, Hot dog stands and games, but these boys became men and we lost our ball teal and field day. Later in that decade we sponsored a spring tea and bazaar and lladies came fror other branches, and we had a social afternoon. We had one especially designed for our Centennial project. We had a tour to Douglas Pomnt Neuclear station and we were shown around by a guide, and each summer we ha vs a bus trip to various points of interest in tnis part of Ontariol We have had different delnnstrations which resulted in new crafts in our community--also hair stylists. During those years we have had bake sales. picnics, pot luck suppers. But we have a special project and that is L-H clubs, we have been fortunate in having very capable leaders, and at times they have very large classes. During that time our presidents have been:: PRESIDENTS SECRETARIES TREASURERS Mrs Ted Jacoibs, Mrs Robt. L. Scott Mrs Featherstone, Mrs R. BcConnell Mrs Wm. Eskrick Mrs G. Ibbotson Mrs Nelson Eakrick, Mrs A. Scott Mrs Ronald Slade Mrs W. Eskrick Most of these ladies then were the District Directors. u>ntributed by Mrs Wm. Eskrick.