{111.1 ,4 r s:/ x 5,, __ f- I 0 éxmyoflrï¬ï¬ - TO THE LADY 1 Call arid see‘the ‘ (@me $70 Wï¬wrwâ€" - gm: 53mm :12: Magus: 5;. jtmt received, also my Stock of Muslims, India Linens, Prints and Drillcts“, lnlcus. tm‘mola, Bruich Ju'rst‘ys, uml Column} Mvt'wfleux, and n chhicc lot Ul‘ BOATING SHAWLS -. All [mught for Crush nut] to bu i 4 SOLD ‘U‘Hmflï¬o \ fâ€"‘i‘ll<‘l.\L VALUE IN A Lace Curtains & carpeï¬a ... Him 1. LI (h-In-rnl [hx ’w- ul .Hr wvriu-H, (‘mcL-w)‘. f‘lmm. run? Hl-lï¬swnn SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS. u 11H ‘r' l'nnl hr 1‘- w"r: Hal HIV-ï¬n? Sign mt Ull‘. Mamnmm )_ LAVROCK, I'Hll'l‘ I;I.(.l\,