PAGE 6 â€" THE TEESWATER NEWS. Wednesday, February 12. 1836 McKague family tradition :N BY CAROL HELFENSTEIN Jim and Lana McKague, Jana Susi Kelly and Laurie ol Belmore. hosted a gathering at friends and neighbours all deeply devoted to their hobby, pleasure rldlngv Flnel tally was 16 hltches, 30 horses. ‘lOD people, who arrived lrorn tar and near. Most brought their horses In trailers and stock trucks, but some from Belmore turned up on hooll When everyone was lined up at the Beimore arena ready to go, they headed out the boundary as for as the Schlestel homestead Percherons. hackneys. Clydes, standardbred. every breed was well ranresented, bells were ring- lng and a great tamlly day was underway! Later, beck at McBel Holetelns. the MoKague dalry term, the crowd enjoyed an elternoon ol visiting over mites and doughnuts, A birthday cake was brought out and they all watched Ken Short» read at Walton blow out his 39 Dlrthday candles. Jim and Lana Sald their group gets together 576 times a year to enloy thelr love 0' horses and their hobby at pleasure riding, Other rides they have made includes the Bluewater Drive In the spring whlch takes In the Port Eigin»l<inr cardine area THE TEESWATER NEWS. Wednesdav. March 5, 1988 â€" PAGE D THE TEESWATEB NEWS. Wednlldl fabran 5, 1'55 â€" PAGE 15 A plays“ to determine which F.E. Madlll rlnk would advance to tho Teeswater curling teams advance chkson. vice, Karen whytcck; second, Carolyn aenninger and lead, Llnde Merkley, Curling at F.E. Madlll this year has sparked more than a llttle Interest locally as both the senior boy‘s team and the Iunlor boy's team as well as the girl's team have curlers from the Teeswater area ~ not to mentlon orcthers on oppos- ing teams. The two boys teams have been Involved In a strung battle for supremacy Alter each team winning one game previously. on Feb 2. the Teeswater Agrlâ€"Curl Curling rink was the site or a curling game that would determine who would advance to the Huron High School Curling competition. This Is to be held In Goderlch on Feb 5 The team that was shipped by Darryl Button came out on top with a llnal Score oi 10-1 The other members at the winning team were: vice, Steve McKague; sec- ond, Mark Adams and lead. Mlke Hawklns, The opposing team was sklooed by Kevln McKegue. The members at this team were: vice. Paul Tolton; second, Jell Pike and lead. Chrls Eadlev FE. Madlll will be represented by two teams In Goderlch. Along With Darryl and his team, Jeno Dickson and the girls teem will be t Huron High School Curling comp- atlllnn waa hold on Fab. 2. We wish both teams the best at luck in the upcoming bunsptel. -Llsa Kuenzlg among nlne dtllerent teams com- peting at Goderlch The members 01 the glrls‘ team are skip, Jane The eight area curlers who com- peted tor the rlght to represent F.E. Mefliii were In tront lrnm In": Eadto’aknd Dariimtonf trom lett are: Kovln McKaguo. Paul Tolton, Jell Pitta and Stave Mark Adams, Mllte Hawkins. Chrls McKegue. EELMORE CHAMBER ol Commerce presenis "The En'crtamcrs" Satur- day, March 22 Bulnorc Community Cen‘rs Dancing 9 to 1 Hot lunch Included 5500 per person Age 0 maturity required Proceeds to com N 3 mume Dellsims-nl For hotels call 0 3358577 (evallllljti> 36/0165 or 367 2468 or at the non: E tiL‘lltix gym. The wtnghem high schoolgirl: curling team that won the consultation side at lhe WOSSA competition Febi 27 la mode aw Di Jane chkaon, Lind! Merklay, Carolyn Bunningor. and Karen Whytoclt. The group ls coached by Jo-Anno McKegue ol Teeswater. Balm are (U E 01'