Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1998-1999, page 9

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Pot Pourri By Mary Janes “For our organization to continue to grow and to work towards our gonlr we cannot rest on our [aura/3 nfpartachieve- merits. We must keep the be.” oft/re part in work toward: the best in the future, That 's the way Adelaide would have done it! ” r Snurt'c Unknown Improving Communications The following are some ideas on how to i mprove communication within the Women‘s Institute: use email or 3 WI computer chat line members can give questions to the delegates who represent them at meet- ings in advance; delegates then report back to the Branch with the answers invite local AreaChairs, District Presi- dents, Board Directors, Provincial Advisory Council members and proâ€" vincial Coordinators to Branch meet- ings have a chart of all levels ofthe organi- zation (from Branch to international) for all members; include this as part of the FWIO presentation folder keep absent members Current with a phone call after the meeting: the tele» phone committee could take on this responsibility deliver Home & Country newsletters to absentees immediately following the meeting at which they are distrib- uted. by delegating the responsibility to a close neighbour, or find some other convenient method each Branch should subscribe to Red erated New: and The Ct)llllfl'_\'lt’0m[lli and appoint a member to report on highlights at Branch meetings; rotate this responsibility with each issue the Secretary can draw attention to ar- ticles in the Home & Country when it is distributed at a meeting "What matters most to Canadians of all generations is good parenting, dependable role models, happiness at home and at work, relationships.” ~jrmn u A1IIKIE’IJI'I'X nm‘uarine pnll. Dec 97 Isn’t this what WI is all about â€" working together shaping tomorrow's world. From FWlO members: I recognition/appreciation ideas that Branches use include presentations of years of service pins, life membership certificates and badges, Certificates of Merit. honorariums, key chains or pens, Friends of WI Certificates Erland Lee Awards or other volunteer award nominations and letters of thanks and appreciation I to celebrate WI Week in February de- velop a promotional campaign using the media and the WI Jingle: use this week as a building block for recruit- ment in May I encourage WI members to display “WI Member Lives Here" signs in their yards and “For Home 8: Country“ stickers in their car windows I have a category at the fall fair: for example â€" photos of tlowerbeds in WI colours or using the WI logo or a blue and yellow Cup and saucer flower or rangement competition I distribute monthly Subdivision news- letters that are the joint work of the District Public Relations Officers: highlight Branch happenings, upcom- ing events. chit chat. member profiles. workshops and orientation sessions; develop a network of WI members working together at a local level I each Branch can provide its members with professional looking business cards created easily on a computer From the National Federation of Women’s Institutes of Engiond. Wales, Jersey, Guernsey and the isle of Man: at each meeting they have “stalls” so each member can sell her wares A crafts. baking and jams (etc); [0% of the proceeds go to the WI. the rest to the seller displays and exhibits strengthen the speaker's presentation at meetings there are special interest group meet- ings (ie. sports. crafts. gardening, etc.) between monthly general meetings each WI member belongs to a village community group to “reach out" or “network” with others dues of £125 (approxi $25 Cdn) are split in half; half goes to the local Branch and the other half to the other levels of the WI; branches also fund raise in a \‘ariety ofways (jumble sales bazaars and coffee mornings) the National Federation provides life skills education - money management. computer skills. awareness ot‘new leg, islation, public speakinU, conducting meetings and awareness of the world, wide organization from the Women s institutes oi Nova Scotio thNSl' the “Do Something Special Project" is an award to recognize the Branch demi onstrating outstanding efforts towards increased community awareness of WI; the award is a gift item for each memberi‘rom the provincial supply or- der form the WINS Alumni Association of past provmcial Board members meet annuâ€" ally (not at the provincial convention) to discuss WI concerns and solutions and to socialize Mary Jane: IS the outgoing Public Relations Officer for FWIO. -------.---.-..--......n..--- A South of the Border Perspective: Canada's climate is nine. months winter and three months late in the fall. rEvan Esar Home & Country, Winter l998-99 9

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