Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1998-1999, page 4

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Board liritlings Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 1998 “Let's atl do the best we can lor the Women‘s institute in our deliberations." stated Arthena Hecker. President at the Federated Women's Institutes ol Ontario (FWIO). in her opening remarks at the an- nual meeting. Hecker made this statement in the wake at great change that was to come about in the days that lollowed as the newly restructured Board of Directors. the ProvrnCial Advrsory Council (PAC) and Co- ordinators would become operational. The November Board meeting in Guelph, noted Hecker. “is an historic time in the lite oi FWIO.“ The lirst two days ol the meeting was the last time the Board met under the long lamiliar structure ot Board Directors and Executive; the Board that met on Wednesday consisted pl 11 Board at Direc» tors. including the Prestdenl, President- Elecl and Past President. “If we want this new structure to work. it will." remarked Hecker. “We should be the drivtng torce and look to the future with optimism and enthusiasm." she added. To reinforce the implementation ol the new stmcture. several officers oliered their Vision of the organization in the luture, The lollowing are some extracts otthis visioning process: “I would like to see the provrncial Board of Directors all using email. and the Provincial Others and the President using scanners so that all information would be available to the lull Board. What a boon to communica- trons!" - Arr/term Her'kr’r. President “Every Branch should know which resolu- tions are being worked on. They need to know how it relates to their own area and to be in contact with their MPP or the proper authority. The Branch needs to advise the provincial Lobbying Coordinator so in her discussions at the resolution on Parliament Hill she can be assured that there are 11.000 woman behind it. Yes. I did say Parliament Hill." â€" Arllrenu Her/(er. President “My dream is tor a Women‘s Institute Club where Board, committees and all members could stay at a reasonable cost. The Club would offer bed and breaklast, along with lacilities tor meetings, workshops. relaxa- tion and tellowship. I have a dream that the Home :5 Country newsletter will be publish- 4 Home 8. Country, Winter “98-99 ed six times a year. I also have a dream that the Marketing Committee will branch out into ever expanding items. suchas "Howto' books. This committee Will be so successlul through sate outlets and book stores that there will be suHrcient lunds to consider a WI Club and publishing our newsletter six times a year “ - ("tin rrrrm Re‘ubtlrtl. Pl‘t‘xlllt’lll- Elev] “Women's institute has the potential to be extremely relevant to today's society, just as it was in Adelaide Hoodless' day. The Public Relations Coordinator will need to use clear communication. both verbal and written, using all the technology available today - including the Home «E Country. the Internet. radio. televrsion and the print me dia ~ to get the message out. The message needs to be about current innovative pro- tects and creative programs. This message will encourage new members to get in- volved with WI. ‘Build it ' they will come.“ A Marv Julrm‘. “arguing Pulrltt' Relurrrms Officer “The vision ot the Education Committee is to promote one theme for the organization which is concise and illustrates our purpose and education goals. A suggestion is "Women's Health and Education.” Known as a “hook.” the public would connect “Women's Health and Education“ with the Women's Institute. Other examples at or- ganizational hooks are Rotary Clubs and crippled children. The Shn’ners and burn centres and the Lions Club and eyes. The “hook” would never change eliminating con- luston among the membership.” ~ Mary Lou NIH-Inn. Edrrr'urr‘nn Crrrrr'dirmmr “The Consumers Associafion at Canada in partnership with the Federated Women's institutes ol Canada, and that includes you, have a vision to improve the literacy skills ol Canadians. Hopelulty we can make a ditterence by participating in this project." - Dunmr Ruxserr. FWIO Exerlrlll‘l’ Offit er In FWIC Resolutions Sustained Leila Pettigrew, the outgoing provincial Resolutions Convener. stated that she telt the Women‘s Institute should locus on spe- cilic areas ct interest with regards to resolutions. She also noted that a delega- tion or spokesperson meeting with MPPs on Parliament Hill has a great deal more im- pact than writing a letter. The tollowing resolutions were sustained at the 1998 November annual meeting: a that the Federated Women's Institutes ol Ontario (FWIO) approach the Ministry at Environment and the Ministry of Natural Rescurces to make available reason- ably priced tests on drinking water so that toxins may be discovered belore serious health hazards are experienced v that FWIO request the Government ol Ontario and the Ministry ol Transporta- tion to prohibit Long Commodity Vehicles tLCVs) lrom driving on Ontario highways - that FWIO support the Multiple Organ Retrieval and Exchange (MORE) pro- gram through publicity a that FWiO lobby the applicable elected bodies to use the established emergency tund intended to resolve en- vironmental hazards as soon as they become known and litigate the cost ol clean-up alter the hazard has been re- moved - that the FWIO lobby the ministries oi the Federal Government to maintain re- sponsibility tor a sale tood supply tor Canadians by providing the lunding nec- essary to: eliective testing and research ol our lood supply by qualrlred persons at arms length from private interests - that FWIO urge the Ontario Minister oi the Environment to end any agreement with Norampac Incorporated to stop the spreading of the product known as Dom- bind and Timbrnd on municrpal roads - that FWIO urge the Ontario Minister ol Healthto adoptaprocedurewherebylhe Ontario Health Card is electronically im» printed upon a medical receipt which must outline all health procedures and related costs to each participating party, be they patient, insurance carrier or pro vrnciat treasurer; such a receipt is to be signed by the patient and attending phy- sician with a copyto goto the patient. the physrcran‘s tile and the provincial tile - that the FWIO urge the Ontario Ministry at Education and Training to give sepa- rate consideration tor District School Boards. under the School Accommoda- tion Funding Formula. so as to allow District School Boards to run rural schools etlrciently and keep rural schools open. resulting in rural students receiving an equitable education in their community schools The new Board oIDiredors - {rum left to right in the back row are Vera Mlner, Rosemary Moran. Mary Ham's, Arrhena Hacker. Christine Reaburn and Donna Willows. sealed from left to right are Margaret Wilton, Pat Salter, Billie Powen Elsie Stephenson and Faith Nelnis. Financial Matters Faith Nelms. Board Director tor Subdrvr- stone 2 and Chair of the FWIO Finance Committee was thanked tor the tremendous amount ot work she had done in preparing the proposed budget tor 19984999. Mem- bership should know that in the last two years. FWIO has set and adhered to a balanced budget. However, the auditors letter addressed to Board Directors stated: "The membership and consequently the membership tees ol the FWIO have dectined. The result is that each year it is a struggle to maintain the General Fund in a prolitable manner. This year. the timing ot the fee payments was accelerated in order to improve the cash flow ot the General Fund. However. this is a short-tenn solution only. The tong-temi locus should be on attracting newmembers or increasing revenues trom other sources tie. items lor resale. etc.) in orderto ensure the long-term viability ol the FWIO. At the next Board of Directofs meeting the FWIO budget will be reviewed and dis- cussed in detail. The Provincial Advisory Council and Board were remindedto review existing committees and decide it members are getting value for the amount at money allocated to that committee's budget. David Juniper, an Investment Executive with Sco- tia trrtcLeodI spoke to Board and answered questions about the organization's invest- ments. A motion was passed by the Board on Wednesday that FWIO hire an FWIO Fund Raiser. Remember. donations given to the Gen- eral Fund can be used toroperating. A point at interest - tor the first time since its estab- lishment. it was not necessary to use any at the interest lrorn the Headquarters Fund tor general operating because oi prudent budgeting. The 1998 tees are held in an investment account lor operating expenses trom October I to June at). 1999.

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