Board Brieï¬ngs FWIO Annual Meeting Report Nov. 29 - 30, I999 Teamwork and improved communica- tions was the message relayed by outgoing FWIO President Arthena Hacker in her address to members attending ttie 1999 Annual Meeting oi the Federated Women's Institutes ol Ontario. With refer- ence to restructuring in the past year. Hecker noted that these two ttiings - team work and communications - will pull it all together and ensure a smooth running or- ganlzation." Hecker thanked everyone tor their pa- tience and understanding during this year at transition. It was a challenging year tor everyone - Branch members. Provincial Ad- visory Councillors, Coordinators. and the Provincial Board - remarked Hecker. “But we survivedl.†she stated. “The Women's institute can only go lorward because every Wl mambarwants the same thingThe best. the very best lor the Federated Women's Institutes oi Ontario." The upcoming year- 1999-2000 - sees a new President. President-Elect and Educa tion Coordinator, tour new Board Directors and nine new Provincial Advisory Council- lors. ‘Whatawaylo starla new millennium†Hecker stated. “new laces. with liesh ideas!" C oordinator’s Reports Education Mary Lou Norton. outgoing Education Co» ordinater. reported that herlouryearsrnthis position were “a unique experience unlike no other." She proudly reported that 40 PHONEBUSTEHS meetings had been or ganized in the Eastern and Western regions ol Ontario. and that 4200 citizens were now better intormed about the dangers ol tele- marketing or phone lraud. She stressed the recognition at Branch projects. wl'iather it was sewing food at lairs. knitting cuddle bears tor Alzeimer patients or entering a lloat in a local parade. “Every project brings about a change.‘ she remarked. The newly elected Education Coordina- tor is Jean King from Camiachie. near Samia. You will be hearing more from Joan in tuture issues oi the Home & Counlry. Lobbying Lobbying Coordinator Anne Dyas updated Annual Meeting delegates With respect to two resolutions passed at August Board. The resolution requesting clear labelling on all loods containing genetically modiï¬ed components was sent to Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Minister at Agriculture and AgrivFood Canada Lyle Vancliel. and other appropriate oiï¬ces. Dyas noted that no re- sponse was received to data. With regard to monetary compensation lot Merchant Navy veterans. the Hon. George Baker re- sponded that he was preparing a resolution to present to Parliament Resolutions Sustained Seven resolutions were received With either insulticiant supportive material or the Lou bying Committee tell that the subrecl would be better addressed locally or by a letter campaign, Dyas emphasized that when a resolution is returned reasons and positive suggestions are provided. The lollowing two resolutions were sustained by voting delegates to the annual meeting: a that FWlO request the Federal Govem- merit and the Federal Minister olJustice, the Hon, Anne McLellan. to continue to uphold the law as written that one must not be in possession of child pornogra- Phil - that FWIO request that the Board at the Associated Country Women at the World seriously consider and endeavour to implement teleconlerencing, and other state of the art modes at commu- nication. tor committee members in the next triennium Recommendation The Lobbying Committee requested that FWIO encourage the membership to write letters to the Ontario Minister of Education Janet Lynne Ecker and their local MPP. School Association and District Boards when they have a concern regarding any aspect ol the present school curriculum. it is tell that individual letters more suitably address the concerns ol the membership and give them the power to make a diller» ence. Also. it is believed that a number at individual letters carry greater weight than a single letter iiom the provincial Lobbying Coordinator. Public Relations This past year. the Public Relations Coordi» nator (PRC). Carol Hellenstein. reported promoting the Women's Institute in press releases via email to a number at daily and weekly newspapers, farm magazines and radio and TV stations. Press releases have promoted FWIO intitiatives. including PHONEBUSTERS. the Health Program and the Excellence in Agriculture Award presented at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair each November. Hellenstein com- mended Public Retetion Assistant Joe Ann Lane's dedication to maintaining the FWIO 4 Home l. Country, Winter I999 - 2000 Web Site and uploading intomiation on a regular basis. As PRC Heifenstein hopes to create “stiongercommunications links. tied in with new technologies.‘ between FWIO and Branches. Districts and Areas. Tweedsmuir History ‘I'll be entering the new millennium with renewed enthusiasm tor recording and sharing." remarked Tweedsmuir History Coordinator Rosella Clancy. She encour- aged members to obtain a copy at Our Millennium - A Catalogue oI Possibilities (see page 9. Summer 1999 issue).'Clancy noted that a special heritage section otters a myriad at ideas lor communities to mark this epic occasion. As a millennium project and “the grand linale" to her term. Clancy is launching a new project entitled “Grandma and Grandpa's Treasures.†The idea is to create a pictoral coverage oi the treasures in one‘s home. providing documentation about their origin. age and acquisition. Watch tor details in tuture issues. Finance Finance Coordinator Lynn Ruigrok updated Annual Meeting delegates on the Budget. Marketing. Personnel and Fundraising committees. She thanked the Budget Com- mittee tor their commitment to arrive at a balanced budget. The Marketing Commit- tee introduced three new products ~ a The Board of Directors from left to right in the back row are Pat Sahel, Ruth Cmmp, Faith Nelms, Fran Far- rell. Donna Willows, Angele Oberg and Elsie Stephenson. Seated from left to right are Aflhena Hacker - Past President. Christine Reaburn - President. and Dianne Orr - Presi- dent-Elect. AT LEFT The Coordinators standing from left to right are Anne Dyes - Lobby- ing and Lynn Rur'gmk - Finance. Seated from left to right are Rosella Clancy - Tweedsmuir. Carol Hellen- stei‘n - Public Relations and Joan King » Education. . postcard, the 2000 pocket calendars and the 1999 Christmas ornament. Ruigrok was pleased to report that2§0 centennial plates were sold due to their reduction in price. The Personnel Committee had a busy year in addition to normal contract and work reviews; they hired a Health Program Coor- dinator and a Fundraiser, Committees of the Board Erland Lee (Museum) Home Shirley Woodbum. Eriand Lee Committee member. reported an 18 per cent increase in visitation numbers to the Lee Home. Cu- rator Michael Gemmell's efforts to increase the Museum's proï¬le in the community via local papers and radio stations has paid all. noted Woodbum. Some oi the projects carried out at the Lee Home included: overhauling the Museum's educational program and distiib» uting it tothe Hamilton Public School Board: producing a video tour at the Home; leor‘ ganizing the storage area; cataloguing the library: and. planning new exhibits and events. such as the Quilt Show and the Heritage Homes Fall Colours Tour. .