Membais of the Rock- Iyn Women ’5 Institute «irved hot dogs, pie coffee at a food th at a local farm sale. Helping out from left to right are Nancy Breadner, Teryl Sew- ell, Viola Clark Evelyn Fullord, Myrtle Wiley and Mae McLean. Submitted by Teryl Sewell, Rocklyn WI. Grey Norlh. Desbarats Members Recognized tor Voluntarism Desbarats Women's Institute members were named Volunteers olthe Year for Johnson Township at a Dinner/Dance for Community Volunteers, They were r'pients of the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association Volunteer Sen/ire ward, and letters of recognition from Algoma MP Brent St Dems and Prime Ministerlean Chretient This Wt group works closely with their local Recreation Committee. in the past year they have held a family skating party and a Christmas Tea and Bazaar, judged a Halloween Contest for the Best Decorated Yard, helped with the Children's Christmas Party and operated a booth on Community Night. They are also responsible for cleaning up a portion of Highway 17. Sianding from left to right are Lavlne Livesey, Irene G/‘os, Ann McHoIe, Betty Mills, Doreen Pollard-ind Sherry Kernt Seated erm let‘t to rightare Dorothy Hillstrom, Rachel Hunter, Arlene Hunter and Fay McClelland. Submitted by Fay McClelland. Curator, Dcsbalau WI, Algoma North Short- ln recognition of the International Year of Older Persons Storm-mt District WI launched a cookbook, in- cluding favourite recipes from the past Anyone wish’ ing a copy (on call Riki to Plate (left) at 611984-2437 or Luella Rob/man (right) at 613-346- 5906, This District also celebrated by honour ing the two women with the longest membership in the District - leitha Casselman al Finch for 64 years and ma McElheran ofAvonn'iore [or 62 years. Suhmittrrl n, San'l'fl MMMullan PRO Simmom “Busy Hands" Seven memheï¬ of the Riverside Heights Wl dis- play a few ol the over $0 knitted and crocheted lap covers donated to local shut-ins. seniors‘ homes and hospital: Standing from left to right at (hair "Busy Hands" Meeting are Bov Brown. Flomncc McManus, Bov Rood, Hlltrud Walker and Annette do vetto Seated IS Doris Erratt (left) and Marion Moore (right) ultumh-a L“ Him or w. law with Human" itaithu w: limuLI't Hearing about History from Long-time Locals Bruce Peninsula rz-xidnnis brought (.tpt‘ ivcorcli-rx and Vldl‘l) (amt-ms to the My Wonwrl‘s instituti- Hniorical Night l.ut tummor Guest {pH-ti"!!! Doris Wolr (scaled lrnnt loft), ago 89. and Bart llardman (seated lmnl iighil, ago 964 recalled ï¬le when travt‘lby harvm on corduroy road; was the norm These two loralmslrlonts have been blosxod with vivid muan "as. Another Historical Nith Will bv organ/It'd duc- to popular dumandi The ID mumbon of Mir WI also sponsor monthly pot luck dlnm'n and t'uchlt‘ pmms to, their community the (um-m MJ! W! Hall, a lorrnL'r schoolhouse built in 1908, is supportcd with tln- proceeds lrom two Flsh Dinners, The Branch has been lucky to attract young Il‘llIEL‘S to thaligraup in rvtentyoars as people relocate to tho EIUU', and “my hope to continue to Wow Word of mouth and writeup! in the local paporgol the wordoul for special programs and events Mar Wl members arc- lnvolvcd In their community and it shawsl minimum m mun mm vim F’itiliit'ul Mir] Mm“ Ill-Lilian (IIIill'l m." w: aluminum Centennia| Hlstory Scrapbook (hair of the Centennial Hlstory Come mittoe Leda Archer (loft) presented FWIO President Arthena Hacker (right) with the completed Scrapbook at the Annual Mooring. rho book ls a collec- tion cl all Branch, District and Area centennial projects that were submit- ted. Hacker extended a heartfelt thanks to this committee: Leda Archer, Lorna McGrath, May French, Lolr Lautian, Elsie Howes and Laura McNatzbi Home 1. Country, Winter 1999-2000 15