oss (oun ry Calendar The West End. Mmhumugh. Ponsnnby and Riverside ancn's Institutes of WeL lingtnn South l)lhlllCl held at Cummumly Picnic lust summcr In hunuur ulthc lnlcr- nutmnal YcurulUIdcr l’L‘rxnnx. Admmmn tn the Picnic was :1 dunuliun [U the lucul food bank. The program Included spcukcr Mitchell chin, u l‘lHl’llL‘lJllUrC Therapist fmm lhu Humcwmul l'lcullll Centre in Guelph, Members nl this Brunch \IurlL‘Ll that lull program with gut-st \Pclllxcl l’uula Smith. Smith inul many mlcruxttng lucls and an» 1'ch In relay :llmut hur ycnr spent in Tnmpxcn, lVlL‘ULtr, Icalclnng (,ll’iltlc 7 chil- drun. Sin: l'upnl'lud m1 lltIW cugcr the Cl‘llllliL‘ll wcru In lL'llrlt :md hnw lnnd they were ill ('untultunx. Thusc l)|hll'lL'lh orgum/CLI the L‘FCillIHn (tin Signature Qinlt lur ll": HL‘KLIUICcnlCl’lnlfll ol l.;nnhtun L‘ounly WI llrnnLhus mld xignuy Iutcs nl hundreds ul rcxttlcnls In the County, unll llIL‘n umlntmlrrul [llL‘ll' natmcx nn hclnrc wwmg Ihc quill 'l Ins turned nut In be u \uu‘cxxlul lumlttuscr int the Sc» qutccnlcnmttl (‘umlnlllcu Earh year, Vinemount Women's Institute members in Wenrworth District hold a St. Patrick’s Yea and Oulit Draw. Alice Madden. an active WI member for more than 45 years, stand: beside the quilt she made and donated for last year's Draw. Alice has donated numerous quilts. Ihe proteeds go to- wards 4-H Clubs and other Iota] projects. SthllM bv Marlene Wevlie. Vmomclml wt Vlonlwonh 14 Home 8. Country Winter, 1999-2000 Listowel West WI Member Honoured A life-long dedlmtlon to WI was recognized when Winnlfred Mann ((entre) was honoured by Listowel West Branch. Mann was presented with a plaque by Hranrh Serretary Ethel Wood (left) and outgoing President Gwen Perkin (right). And a sum donation was given to the MR) Headquar- ters Fund in Mann's name, “It [was] 50 years in September sinre l folnecl Listawel West WI..., †Mann retalled. "A! that time l was hoping to learn more about gardening and homemaking. " She noted that she has learned much more through the WI, but remains humble and thankful to be associ- ated with so many WI members at all levels of her involvement. "Our Wl is a tamlly,“ Mann said, “We are ladies with mutual plans and mutual work. l1 has been an honour to represent the Branch. " Stlbmtllnd hv tlhet Wood. PRU LISIDWEI West WI. Penn North This paper tale plrture ole Welsh women in tradi- tional tastume was made by 3 Wales WI memben the member had visited the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead and observed that Wales Wl was not represented in the gifts donated. Conse- quently, she made the picture, sent it to a friend. Pat Osteln (right) of St. Pauls WI, with the wish that it be presented to the Homestead. Pat, along with fellow member Doreen Van Westerap (left). pre- sented the picture to the Homestead's summer assistant Cathy De Hruin (tentre). Suommeo by Vlmn Summer. St Paul; wL F'enh South Burnstown WI Author Irene Robiliard, Public Relations Officer and Assis- tant Tweedsmuir Curator for the Burnstown WI, has published her first book entitled Burnstawn United (nu/(h, raw-1999 150 Years as a Congrega- tion. In the course of her research, Robillard compiled and made available to the Bumstown Tweedsmuir History Curator the genealogy ofover rao families. Bumstown Wl membersare proud of her acwmpllshment. Call Irene Roblllard at 613- 432-6987 for a copy of the book. Subrrulted by Eileen Brvdges. Secretary. Bumslowu Wt. Renlrew South Representing More than 300 Years of. Volunteer Service Six members of the Belhaven Women's Inst/lute in Vorlt North were rerognized by the Ontario Minls- try of Citizenship, Culture and Retreation for their many years of volunteer work. Together these women represent more than JODyears ofvolunteer service. Each rezeived a letter from MPP Jul/a Munro, 3 tertifitate from Premier Harris and a special pin, Standing from left to right are rede- ents Margery Johnson, Berta Schortinghuis and MP? Julia Munro. Seated from left to right are recipients LII/fan Kydd, Blanche P999 and Augusta Pepe. Absent - Eeth Anderson. SLIDWIIfled by DeDI Johnson PRO Belhaven WI V911 Nk