Board Briefings May 15-10, 2000 The Board of Directors of the Federated Women's institutes of Ontario gathered for a two-day meeting in mid-May at the Provincial Ofï¬ce in Guelph. The following are some of the highlights of this meeting. Resolutions All Provincial Advisory Councillors, and all WI members, are being asked to send all pertinent information (i.e. news clippings. magazine arti- cles. etc) related to current resolutions to the FWIO Lobbying Coordinator. Anne Dyas can be reached at RR 3, Cochrane ON PDL 100, Phone: 705272-6686, Fax: 705272-3425 (At- tention: Anne Dyas). Resolution updates are printed in each issue of the Home & Country. Board has approved a revision of the Resolu- tions Manual. If you have any suggestions, please send them to Anne Guest Speu ker Jan Craig, Community Food Advisor (CFA) Pro- gram Specialist. made a presentation to Board. The CFA was initiated under the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) about a decade ago, The crux of the CFA Pro- gram is food safety, healthy eating and food preparation. However, because OMAFRA has changed its focus to rural economic develop» ment and research and technology transfer. the CFA program is no longer in line with their man- date. Similar to other programs, the CFA will no longer be supported by OMAFRA funding. Con- sequently, CFA is working towards the following goals: - ensuring long-term sustainability and viability of the program. . finding a new home baseI 0 building a new organizational structure, and - obtaining and strengthening partnerships. A New Brochure The Promotions Committee has come up with a colourful new brochure for the organization. tea- turing the FWIO Tartan on the cover. Board commended committee members Winnie Trachsel, Marlene Archer, Ruth Jones and Helen Anderson for their initiative and creativity in this effort. The brochure is now available from the Provincial Office. 4 Home 8. Country, Fall 2000 "A Grandmother/s legacy†The project known as "A Grandmother’s Legacy" was a great successl Many thanks again to all those Branches who participated and honoured their oldest member by presenting them with a history book. Due to space constraints. the Editor of the Home & Country newsletter is not able to print the reports or photographs of these presenta tions, orthe Legacies themselves. However, the Board has passed a recommendation from the Marketing Committee to produce a collection of some of the Grandmother's Legacies submitted by senior members in 1999. Tweedsmuir Munqu An Ad Hoc Committee is being set up to revise the Tweedsmuir Manual. The goal is to have it available in the Spring of 2001. Home & Country on Tape There has been some interest expressed to have the Home at Country newsletter transferred to cassette tape for those who are not able to read the printed form, This is under consideration. depending on the response. If you are interested in cassette versions of the Home & Country or are interested in volunteering to record the infor- mation. please contact the Editor. Scholarship Update The topic for the 4-H Regional Scholarship Essay in 2001 is “4vH - Future Role in the Envi- ronment." The deadline for nominations for the Er- land Lee Award is Jan. 15 in the year of theâ€" Federated Women’s institutes of Canada (FWIC) Triennium Con- vention. Proiector Donated to ROSE Health Program Health Program CoordL nator Kelly Marshall accepted the donation of a portable overhead projector from 3M Can- ada Co. The portable projector is being used at the Leadership Train- ing Sessions organized at the Area level across Ontario. Curator Wins Tourism Award Michael Gemmell (right), Curator of the friend Lee (Museum) Home, won a Tourism Builder Award as part of the Greater Hamilton Tourism Awards of Excellence. This Award recognizes "an individual responsible for the development, enhancement or expansion of a tourism organization, event or attraction that shows potential to contribute to the future growth of the tourism industry." Atten- dance at the Lee Home rose 18% last year, and 23% this year to date. The Dunmbin W] was the Ontario winner of the MIC Tweedsrnuir Competition for Community History for the 1997 to 2000 trien- nium. The wall hanging depicts an area near Ottawa on the Ottawa River showing how the area developed: from canoes and voya- geurs and pulpwood pulled down the river to pleasure craft us ,' from stone and log houses and barns to homes with two and three car garages; and, from dirt roads and corduroy bridges to paved roads and cement bridges. The mum-orange colour swath repreâ€" sents the Great Fire of 1870. Institute members who worked on this Pfoiect are (from left to right) Ruth Kennedy, Barbara Reynolds, Eleanor Groot Koerkamp, Venetia Moorhouse, Emma Albert and Mildred Hogan. Submitted by Vanatia Mourhousa. Dunrobin WI. Ca “5'9†WE.)