100'" Anniversary Celebrations Springbrook WI, Hastings North v An afternoon tea was held August 29, 2001, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Springbraok WI. There were several displays of WI memora- bilia, plus Tweedsnruir and scrapbooks to view. lsabei Mclnroy spoke about the history of the Branch. Representatives of five Branches from the District attended along with several visitors. Provincial Advisory Councillor Cecelia Maines presented a certiï¬cate to the Branch and each Springbraok member with a 1 00 Year Pin. Trent Valley Area President Joyce Glover brought greetings. Shown from left to rightare President Bernice McKeown, Secretary-Treasqu Isabel Mclnmy, Jerrine Sutherland, lva Burkitt, Agnes Eriksen, Doreen Reid and Grace Routley. Submitted by Bamice McKeown, President. Springbrook WI, Hastings North Hostin s W t District WI "ï¬lings West District Women's Institute cale- brated their room anniversary on May 17, 2001, at the River Valley Community Centre. Business and installation of officers was followed by a 'UVGIy dinner. in the evening, the release of care- monial doves celebrated the men anniversary and the unveiling of a new banner marking the four Branches â€" Uniondale, Pinegrove. River Valley and Highlands - in the District. Shown from left to right are Grace Scea - Secretary, Emlyn Burkitt - President and Eileen Waite - Treasurer. Submitted by Helen Thompson, PRO. Hastings West. 7 . Lintoln District WI 1 As part of their 10001 anniversary celebrations, the Lincoln District organized a Friendship a Social Night last November: They invited and recognized seven Past Presidents from the Dis- trict who could attend. Shown from left to right are Jerinne Porteous (1997-2001), Lena Bye (1991-93), Lois Poole (1987-89), Thelma Stewart (1593-95). Swadesh Sachdeva (2001-). Jean Whitty (1963-65). Nelda Morrison (1973-75) and Eileen Turnbull (1995-97). The contribution of these women to the W! has been and still is enormous. This District also celebrated by an- tering a float in the Niagara Grape and Wine Festival Parade in St. Cetherines last Septem- ber. They were thrilled to have won second prize. Submrtlad by Swadesh Sachdeva and Lena Eye, Lincoln J Nonhumherlund East District WI On May 29. 2001. I the Northurnber- - land East District WI celebrated their 100†anniversary. The District was founded in 1901 when tees were 25¢ and dinners were $1.75. Shown cutting the cake are (from left to right) President- Elect Sharon French, a third generation WI member, Life Member Agnes Meneilly, who joined White School wt in 1946, its founding year, and was District President from 1957 to 195.9, and current District President Flo Martin. Subrfltfled by Laura Halerkom. Secretary. Nonnumberland East yCurIvke WI, Wentwortl'r More than 150 members and friends gath- ered for the anniversary celebrations of the Cartuke WI, Members were thrilled to have a granddaugh- ter and four great granddaughters of the first President in attendance, A history of the Branch was presented and a wonderful display of treas- ured articles from the past created a great deal of interest. 100 Year Pins were presented to members b y F WIO President Christine Reaburn. To commemorate the occasion a $100 donation was made to the ACWW "Water forAli" project. along with the $252 collected that day. Long- time members shown (lrom left to right) are Hazel Butter. Leila Pottruff and taleen Norsworthyt SqurHcd by Audrey Calder. Cerium WI Wenlworlh ‘ Wooler WI L York Road WI, Nonhumberlund East .men's institute The 100th anniversary celebrations Ior Wooler and York Road Woman's institutes were held at the Wooter Community Hat/an October 13. 2001. Bundles of blue and gold balloons. together with blue tablecloths, blue and gold candles and gold chrysanthemums provided a festive atmos- phere for the 55 guests. The two Branches gathered to celebrate their shared beginning in 1901. Members and guests were presented with the history of the WI in the area. Branch Execu- tive members brought greetings and congratulations. as did the mayors from the area, followed by lunch and a social time. York Road Wi President Marilyn Edmonds (left) and Woo/er Wl President Margaret Gainiorth (right) are shown with the 100m anniversary banner. Submitted by Shirley ‘foung, York auau wr Norlhumoerland East Home 5 Country, Winter MOI-2002 II