THE FEDERATED WOMEN'S INSTITUTES 0E ONTARIO irgunizulion lor ersonul Growth and Community Action (allude Post Publications Mail Reg. No. 16353“ Return undeliverable copies to: llinglon Rd. 10, Ill 5 Guelph, ON NIH 612 Winter Supplement NTRY would he nmuiing’ rovincial Advisory Cnuncrllur (PAC) (‘ecllin Mzuncx' 1mm Subdivision 5 was owned to present an Idea she Imx dm‘t‘lupc‘d for a fundraising project for lhc Winnan InSIllulL‘. Ccnlm to marked that this project would he a gmlt nppnrlumly for all members ucmsx‘ the province “(n wan lixemher at [he grnsxrmm level," and the RICCLIITTUIJIII‘II of all Brunch minimising cllnrtx Voting dclcgulcx at [he Anntml Meeting npprmenl [he [lira-gear lundrnising pruposul at the FWIU Annual Meellng on January 1h Delegates dubhcxl the primal "17mm High Inr WI I" Focus High for WI (Please use this title for advertising your even 1‘) You could hold a bake, yard, plant or craft sale (etc). The choice is yours! TIME FRAME PROCEEDS GO PROCEEDS FOR YEAR Anytime prior to From Branch to FWIO 2002 mid August Provincial Office by August 31st 2003 To be announced To be announced 2004 To be announced To be announced FWIO Headquarters Operating Fund for presentation to the FWIO President at your Area Convention this fall FWlC Adelaide Hunter Headless Homestead Upkeep Fund for presentation at FWIC Convention in Lennoxville, Quebec, in June 2003 ACWW for presentation at Triennial Conference in Tasmania in March 2004 Please make cheques payable to FWIO and make a note on the memo line "Focus High for Wl. " Also enclose your Branch and Area name along with your cheque. Advise your Provincial Advisory Councillor (PAC) of your contribution. "Let's really work at this project and have fun in the process. It will be surprising what we can do province wide."