lakeside WI, Oxford The Lakeside Women's 'u'te holds a bake .at the St. Marys Farmers‘ Market each Father‘s Day weekend, offering a variety of treats, Those members working at the sale, from [ft to right, are lda Ann Harris, Evelyn King, Ruth Gates. Linda McCorquodaIe, Helen Holden and Eleanor Ball. All proceeds were donated to Focus High for WI. Wobosh WI, Kent For many years the Wabash Wl have sponsored the local Boy Scouts. Lenore Craclmell and her husband Art attend many of the meetings and keep the Branch updated. Several Scout leaders are shown with Lenore in the WI Hall where meetings are held. With community support, this group organizes a successful Chicken Barbecue and Quilt Draw each year. This Branch also hosted lire annual Kent District Collector's Tea in June. Collections ranged from WI memorabilia to trolls, bells. elephants, crystal, china and pins. Sober-tied by Ruth Gates. Lakesrde WI. Ballard. Photo courtesy ol Laura Payton, St Marys Journal Argus t . h ‘ strum-um by Kay Hooyer. Wabash wr Kent 3 Rylstone WI, Hastings North Hyistone Institute member Marjory Finch is shown picking up two bags of garbage ior Pitch-in Canada Week. In addition to helping clean up the raadsr‘des, members of this Branch hold card parties every two weeks and volunteer at the Hastings County Museum 0/ Agriculture in Stirling. TWO members. Beverly Vyo and flea Findlay. laciiilatecl an Antique Teddy Bear Workshop at the Museum. The group also enjoyed a tour ola sheep term in July. Subm‘lled W 00'0th Thomson. Tweedsmulr Curator. Rytsrcno Wt. Hastings North Balsam Hill WI, Renlrew South Balsam Hill Wi member Pauline Hughes was named Citizen of the Year for Admaston-Brom‘ ley Township at the Canada Day celebrations. Pauline‘s many c a m fr! it n i t y activities include acting as a teacher at the Women 's institute Living History Museum. Assistant Tweedsmulr Curator. Co-chalr oi the Township '5 Citizens' Committee to deal with waste management issues and leader at home-composting workshaos at schools and adult sessions. Submrlted Dy Lynn Clalland, PRO. Balsam HllI‘ Renlrew South "Beury'l Generous Some 01 the bears arrived in grocery bags and garbage bags. Some were tall; others were short. Some were knit; others cro- MM cheted. Some were handmade ol lur labric, and others were pur- chased. They were every colour in the rainbow and some were not bears at all. but other stulfed animals. They numbered 230 in all and repre- sented many hours ol work and strtchas at love lrom the members at 15 Branches lrom across Norlolk District. Alter being distributed to various agencies across the District. including the Children's Aid Society and the local hospital. women‘s shelter, victim's services and a local nursing home. the bears brought smiles to the laces of many recipi- ents. What’s in a name? ‘u it» The Franktown-Numogate WI is still making the blue oval name pins, which include the WI symbol, They are 3" x 2" in size. The WI logo is centred above the member's name and their Branch name. Special orders are made tor District and Area. The lettering is white on a royal blue background. The cost is $6. with a postage and handling charge ol $5 per order. To order. contact Janice Campbell, RR 6, Smiths Falls ON K7A 487, Phone: 613283-5940. Email: wcampbel© ripnetca it: Home a. Country, Fall 2002 IS