“30'h Anniversary Reports v/Meitose WI, Hastings East Formed in March 1902, the Meirose Wi remains a vital group at ttt. Members, past and present, along with their families, friends and representatives from other nearby Branches, Hastings East District and the Provincial Board attended a potluck supper in celebration of their 100th anniversary Eastern Reg/anal Board Director Evelyn Peck presented the Branch with a certificate and each member with a 100 Year Pin. A brief history of the Branch was presented and all 14 Tweedsmuir History Books were on display. Submttted by Nancy Pardham. Secretaty MeitDSE WI, Haslmgs East l/Thornhill WI, York East Members ol the Thornhill Women's Institute celebrated their math anniversary as part of the Vork East District Annual last May, which they hosted. Standing from tell to right is Pat MacDonald, Violet Drew and Stella Wilkins. Seated is Margaret Fliley (left) and Shirley Mereheuse (right), While they have a small membership. they say they are large in thought, Submitted by Water Drew PRO. Thotnnttl WI, Vork East V'Kirkton WI, Petth South 3:} Sixty members and guests enjoyed a bountiful beef dinner at the KIrkton-Woodham Community Centre in celebration of the Branch’s 100th anniversary. Member Eleanor Williams outlined the Branch '8 accomplishments over the pastZSyears. compiling them in a booklet [or everyone to take home. Tweedsmuir Books and much more memorabilia were on display. FWlO President Dianne Orr presented Kirkton members with a special 100 Year Pin on South District's 100th anniversary celebration. Submitted by Gina Hanwtck, Secretary, Kukton WI, Perth South Huron East District WI "In Friendships Circle Bright" was the theme at the 100th anniversary celebration of Huron EastDistrIct. The “Hats 0n" special celebration was included as part at the District Annual held at the Ethel Community Hall. District Past Presidents (1944-1945) Bernice Sparling (left) and Jean Mather: (right) is shown cutting the cake with current President Margaret McMahon. Pro vincial Advisory Councillor (PAC) Leone Foerter presented a special 100th Anniversary Certificate from FWIO. Submitted by Leone Foettel PAC. Subdtvlstun m Gorrie Women’s institute members met at the Community Hall in Gorrio to celebrate the math anniversary at the Branch. Provincial Advisory Councillor (PAC) Leone Foerter (tar right) presented the Branch with a certificate or congratulations from FWiO and each member with a too Vear Pin. From ielt to right are members Erland Thonon. Jean Wilson, Dorothy Eischner. Donaida Graham, Eleanoro Gralnger, Janet Hogg and Marion Mundell. Subrmtted by Leone Foerter PAC, Subdtvtstort 10 JThomton WI, Simcoe-Kempenieldt This group held on Anniversary Tea at the Trinity United church in Thornton in celebration of 100 years as a Branch. Se verat local city nitartes brought greetings and congratulations. The festlvltles Included a “Parade Through the Decades. †with President Ann Pepin reading the minutes from one selected meeting from each decade. Each reading was followed by a song and a briei skit performed by current Thornton members, shown in various costumes In the photograph. The program concluded with the singing at an anniversary song written by member Florence Banting. Submtttad by Shttiay Glbson. Thornton Wt Home E. Country, Fall 2002 IS