Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 2003, page 15

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Warwick WI, lambtan North, Southwestern Area The February 2017.? meeting at the Warwick Women's Institute laatured soybeans, , “Taking Says to the World.” Sharon Hart (centre) from Dystrar Farms Ltd_ in Woodstock spoke about the process ol roasting soybeans tor human consumption. as an altemativo to peanuts. Soynuts are a crunchy snack with a nut-Ilka flavour. Member Sue Williams (Ieh) holds a container at the specially grown Identity preserved (iP) soybeans. while Connie Steven checks out some say recipes. For more information check out the following website at www.says.r:am Sutmtltfd tv Univ Juries, Waiw Cl Wt Woodland Springs WI, Grey Soutlr, Grey-Bruce Area onion ‘5 Health Matters, a- successlul Health Fair, was hosted last tall In Mount Forest by the Woodland Springs Wit The aim at the Fair was to bring health information and experts to the Mount Forest area. The group was pleased to have tilled twelve spaces or booths. The hours at the Fair were set to accommodate all women and especially the ladies oi the Mennonite community. The Branch la considering a larger event this year. This Branch has alao creatada new lundralserâ€" selling Hypatola (lightweight cement) pots. Members soldpots at all sizes and shapes at the local Big Sisters Craft Sale In November. The money ralsad was used lor numerous community pro/acts. Stibfntlled by Karen Thompson Wizodluntt Spilan- WI Windennere WI, Musliaka, llanliem Area Thl Windarmere Women's institute recently made two $1.000 donations. The Brent Clinic Dapanment at the South Muslmlra Memorial Hospital in Bracebrldga received one donation, while the other went to the Day Surgery Unit at the Algonquin Health Services Huntsville Hospital. Shawn 1’0"" it!" '0 ’Ith are Barbara Low, Elaine Mason. Chief Nursing Ollicer at South Muskoiia ‘amorlal Hospital Janice Hardy and Connie Cain. Submttled by Dtanne Annette SFâ€"Citetalv Wmummnru WI Renlrew South Distrlrt WI ‘Ivt Woman with over 50 years 0/ service in the nan/raw South District Women‘s Institute were honoured with Queen's Jublieo medals at a ceremony In tho Admaston-Erarnlay Council Chambers last week. Scaled iron-I tell to right are Marlon Bristol, Susanna MocMi/lon. Ina Humphrr‘os. Elsie Blnlr. Olivo Watt and Florida Young. Standing tram left to right are MPP Satin Conway. Doris Humphrles. Noroon McGregor. Jean Stone, Norma Dewar, .Luulln Janus, Loon Syn'Iinglon (lur Joan Syminglon). Lois McNab. Joan Ellloilttdeoy Lnnynn (for Jean Crozler). I‘imm (rimle iii Mm»! znuiw. i (NIWIHU ll'llLll‘i Prescott Distritt WI, Eastern Area ' ltIlll' RUSH Iluullli Scmnm \I‘crc hold III lhc lluukrshnr)’ :Intl Dhli‘IL’l (icncrul 'I'hIx DINIHCI hIItl unulhcr pruprux‘sivc Hmpnnl \Vllll ill‘l IivcriIgL' til (15 Pl'liplC In tlllL‘lltltll'lL'L‘Z tliu District is working with tho lithium ()ntIII‘in llcaIltlI Unit tu pin‘m‘nl II Nulri-Actinn weight llllll‘lugclnclll prugrnnr, ll\\ll.’lll||ll\ \u‘rv IlliILlC to the litmpilul. IrgriL'IIIIIIrIII ilL'llVlllL‘H :iIItl k'\‘Clll\'. lllL‘ AllliciIiIct's Snelcty :Ind numcrnus uthcr tannin/minus, :Intl HINIHK'I \t‘lll‘ltli shipx \vcrc awarded In Inuil high \L'lIiml student» Arlrell Wl, Wellington South, Guelph Area Tlic Arkcll Women's lnxtitulu In “Tilingtun Smith lll\ll‘l\‘l illr ranged i'ur lltL' Inxttilltltltni nt II illiltl \liitl Deni (‘IIIItIi'cn l’luylny -t\|1 Wutwn RIIIILI “mill at Il'lL' Villagr oi ,-\rltull Will] the Imps that niutnrislswuuldltikc xiii-(ml picctltitmnsmi hchiill til Ii lillllll)’ wrllI II hearing nnpnircd child Codtlnglarr WI, liarthumberland East, lrent Area This group came up with soma lmpraaaivo lira salary tips, the topic at one at their roll calls. and tho introduction to a program Irom their local lira department on Fire Prevention and Sainty. A paramedic cl 2:! year- lhowada video andgava l demonstration on howa dollbfliiatar woritI. Lorna Barron (tar loll) praaantnd l 3200 cheque to Fire Provunliari and Salaty Coordinator Mark Hulchlaon, Ilraman Elli Dingmarl and paramedic Patrick Lanoue (loll to right), Simmrtlnd by Mitllunir Smith I'RO [,ntlrinqlon WI llama l. Country, Summer 2003 IS

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