( unsumer products today have a “tutor impact on the satiety. comfort .tlILi tome-meme til our dï¬li) lites. \\ ilL'lI the prtrtittt'lx \'.t.' depend on turn (till {it by shtititi} tlr tlnsai'C, [hCl'L' 2th? litcrttllt hundreds til agencies. and liL'PEllllTlL'iti‘ read; In unsucr tour llItllJlllL‘\ tll intrsllgttlc an) \dlld Lurtiplarnl It you‘re set-king adiice or lellllll. IICTL' 1‘s \Hll‘lL‘ guidance itir itin'lliilf- Illt' lill.‘ urgttm/aticinx that tart lint ;l\\]\l two When llltllllllflLiUful'x display the f \ \ mark till their prndlit’ls, the) an: Ir-lliuu LI‘ll‘tllllln‘l’» their products ttvmrih uitli (tinddittri thtndétrds \\ .titidliiui lt'LlllllL'lllL'lllH. home ('SA ‘.L'i||ii\.tlll¢l|l l‘llllfliilllh tutu clt't‘lrit'all .iIr: ll'ttilitlttlUH. \‘LilliL‘ ttlhch dl't.‘ mlimlurt \‘intt' nittnulueiurcrs zirc tiiitlt-r lltI let-til tililitctilltitt In tihtttln il'llliIL‘ililllll iiii ( KAK marl} voluntary |'lIIIJI:lll|\, the “hk' KUllHlJlTlt'f “I†:lml tor lilci H:\ nth bt'icxrt‘ pure Llltl'winL'. i'ttwt'ncc Ill lilt.‘ marl. ml] .l‘wxltlL’ \llll that llit- picitltit'l hits lllL‘l tt‘ii.|lll stllt'li. .Illti tll pt'TitlrlllillICL‘ ‘llll'lld l"..'\ [llIIiL'L'lN lIIL‘ |III.“«t'I\t'\ tin: iiilt't'illt til lilL‘ (‘HA plihllt' tutti I†ll t\L K \prrl. M.“ [‘ltlh‘ Got a lemon? â€"_.. mark by means of spot-checks of GSA-certiï¬ed products carried out by its ï¬eld representatives. If. in spite of these efforts. you do encounter a sat'etyvrelated problem with a certiï¬ed item. CSA’s Audits and Investigations Dir ision wants to hear from you. Call or Write: Audits and Investigations. Canadian Standards Association, [78 chdale Blvd. Rexdale (Toronto), M9W IR}. 4E6 747-4278. Safety problems with gas-ï¬red appliances should be directed to the Standards Department. Canadian Gas Association. 55 Scarsdale Road, Don Mills. Ontario. M3B 2R3. 4l6 4416465. In general. your complaints with the quality or cost of repairing a product should start with a visit to the retailer or dealer. it this fails to resolve your complaint. you should follow up with a registered letter to the store or manufacturer’s head office. including lull details or your purchase (such as dutt- purchased. price, copies of receipts or warranties. reason for Wishing a rcl'und or replacement) and your name. address and telephone number. Always keep angina; receipts. ) 0' If this doesn't work, you can mil turn to a number of tram-4X agencres. Depending on the ri. product involved, you may be 25rd t .' get results through industry it 7‘ zations. the Better Business Br your local Chamber of Com your provincial or federal gown departments concerned with no: protection or regulation of but - or. if all else fails, perhaps en» local Small Claims Court. ‘ 'Ul' The Consumers’ Asaociai Canada, a national not-to- . organization involved with mi monitoring and product i it: operates a referral service dirt: iii calls of letters to the appr t;- company or government depzr m Referral calls from across Car JT‘J taken at CAC’s Ontario bram- .e 234 Eglinton Avenue East, HE. .ii1_ Toronto, M4P 1K5, 416 4HI - Don’t overlook regulation .r r .r L- in pursuing your complaint‘ provinces and territories hat. .m protect your rights against [I l‘yc goods or unfair business prut in questions of contractual t. unethical conduct or misrcprc- it'll of merchandise, in parltcw will should contact the Ontario ' -'7