ONCERNED FARM WOMEN i A group of students from Toronto's orthern Secondary School visited ’iarton in November, for a taste of rl'l‘l life. CFW members Jennifer ruder and Joy Ward organized the â€"day event. The students toured a eder sale yard, several different rms, a farm equipment dealer, and e Bruce County Board of Educa- ' un‘s Outdoor Education Centre. ne of the students’ teachers said she never learned so much in so short time! . CFW are involved with Bruce ‘1’ ounty, the Royal Bank, the Ontario ,ii’ linistry of Agriculture and Food and Visi- other groups in the organizaâ€" {ii on of a day designed to teach people i; to effectively provide compasâ€" onate help to farm families in .iWOMEN FOR THE SUPPORT 5hr AGRICULTURE itsoumwrssrnRN ONTARIO) ‘ New Frontiers for Farm Women ’87 ll be held on Thursday, March 26 . the Delaware Community Centre. Registration will start at 9 a.m. The orning session will be a panel iscussion on Rural Child Care â€" ecessity or Nonsense. In the after- oon, the session will cover Action ho Positive Change. Titvo guest eakers will talk about farming in i' e future and lobbying. If you would ke more information on this day, or -- ' interested in attending, please con- ct one of the following women. onna Lunn, RR. #1, Belmont, NOL IBO 644-0316 retta Smith, R.R. #2, Thorndale, NOM 2P0 461-1371 iaine Ball, RR. #2, Thamesford, , NOM 2M0 285â€"2846 . ‘ haron Weitzel, R.R. #2, Tavistock, NOB 230 273-0918 ' ' EYMOUR EAST WI, t ORTHUMBERLAND EAST _ 'Rveedsmuir Curator Doris Potts ' eceived a Volunteer Service Award rorn Minister of Citizenship and “ ulture Lilly Munroe last year. Mrs. otts is a teacher and is also active in ,er local church, the Campbellford Ortieultural Society and the heritage ocrety. LUCKNOW JUNIOR WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE in October, Lucknow JWI sponr sored a stress workshop, in co, operation with the Bruce County Health Unit, The day was Open to the public and Offered ways to identify and deal with stress. In December, the branch entertained local senior citizens with a play. readings, songs and dancing by "appening. . . membch children. Aim, r hrlnlittd, baskets wurc provided trir liitnl tit-nil families. CEN‘TRE VESPRA WI, SIMCUE CENTRE Member». Oi Ihh brunch (ic‘xlgttLd. made and autographed a iriciidxitir quilt lor member Dina liociisciuar whose home sulit-i'cd CHL‘I'HIZ'. damage by the tuttiadu tit 1%‘5 Simcoe County Farm Women participated in the Agri~F00d ll’c‘ek A fall Dtvttui at the Georgian Mall in Barrie. Many different t'mttmodr'ry groups and rum! organizations had displays. Pictured above is Bonney Smith with t/tt.’ Srtttt‘tte County Farm Women ‘5 display Congratulations. . . Hallon District celebrated its 85m anniversary in October by organizing a candlelighting ceremony and hosting a luncheon, fashion show and euchre games. Salem-Nileslown, Middlesex East District marked its 75th anniversary last June and Walton WI, Huron East marked its 30th year. it Hi t Several WI branch life member- ships were awarded during the past few months. Spring Bay. Manitoulin West District presented Margaret Gilpin, Mae Tracy and Blanche Ster- ling with life memberships in June. Mrs. Claude McCrady, Mrs. Gerald Cross, Mrs. Robert Allen and Mn. Ford Haig of Fairgrove WI. Iccdx East received their lite memberships in June also. Myrtle Wright of Salemâ€" Nileslown WI. became :1 branch lilt- member last summer. ‘ $ e While it was celebrating its unintcr» sary last summer. Salem-Nilesttmn also presented certificates of merit to Bess Woods, Mrs. John Yeoman and Mrs. Frances Williamson on behqu 0t her mother, the late .lennct M. Dtiddx, H & C Jan. Feb. Mar. 1%†1)