A recipe for peace The following address was given at he Perth Centre District Annual : leeting last May by president Marg l ngeland. 1986 was International ’ear of Peace and so the topic was uite timely. However, striving for . eace is an ongoing task, and readers nay be interested in Marg's ideas. Although a recipe for peace has always been sought after, as nations ope for some magic formula to outweigh the news of ï¬ghting we hear every day, to date, no such recipe has evolved. 1986 has been designated the ear of peace, so let us make sure we do our part. Yes, each of us CAN contribute an ingredient to change the orld. Peace is a positive force. You can clear a plot of land of all its noxious weeds, but that certainly doesn’t l ake it a garden â€" only a barren ield. That plot only becomes a garden when flowers and plants are growing there in, fruitfulness. If we are 0 have peace in this world, hate, uspicion, and fear have to be rooted out. Love, joy, patience, and nderstanding must be planted and cultivated. Peace is something to be made. Peace isn’t always the absence of con- flict, but the ability to cope with it. he place to begin making peace is within ourselves. When you bake, do you always put the ingredients into the bowl in the exact order the recipe lists them? Well today let’s start at the bottom and ork up. ENTHUSIASM " all you can muster * “Teach us to put into action, our better impulses straight forward and unafrai 3’ The key word is better. When we have better ideas do we let others know about them? Are we hold enough to enthusiastically pro- mote our ideas? Enthusiasm is infec- tious and if channelled in a positive manner it does make a difference. CONSIDERATION " in heaping spoonfuls * How easy it is for us to be knives and forks cutting and piercing as we criticize people and their ideas. Before we realize, a rebellious let's get even Guest Editorial Mai-g EngeIand attitude has developed and someone is ready to fight back. It would be better to be big spoons dishing out leve, consideration, hope, co- operation and smiles. Did you know everyone smiles in the same language? Yes, “let us be done with fault-ï¬nding and leave off self-seeking. May we put away all pretense and meet each other fact to face without self-pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgement and always generous!’ Now let's add ATTITUDE. “Grant that we may realize that it is the little things that create differ- ences, that inthe big things of life we are one.’ ' How true that is! No matter who you are, or in what country you live, people want to live in peace. However in little things, our greed often takes over. The Middle East, Central America, and South Africa are often termed hot spots. Where is there peace on earth? There is emotional war everywhere. Person after person struggling with emotions; families torn apart; people committing suicide. There is also spiritual warfare â€" good versus evil. And there is another kind of war. This time the enemies are poverty, disease and despair. Somehow an altiludc ul respect and caring must prevail. ENERGY "Let us take time for all things. Make us grow calm, serene and gentlci‘ Have you ever seen a rambunctious preschooler, an exuberant elementary schooler, or an energetic teenager, and then heard someone comment “if only I had that energy“ or “If only they’d use that energy constructively", To make peace requires energy but the challenge is to use it in a calm, serene. gentle way â€" in a wellâ€"planned order. Our final ingredient is one all of us are called to give but often find difficult. PRAYER " daily * Prayer can change things. Willi prayer the impossible doesn‘t esi<t. Try to remember this trulh # Without God, man cannot. Without man, God will not. Now our recipe is complete. Miwell for we need an even blend for success. We Women‘s institute members can be proud that we have this recipe for peace. We have the Mary Stewart Collect, a secret formulajust waitng to be used. New I challenge you. don‘t just repeat this recipe at your next meeting and then file it away. Put it into action! Use your recipe of enthusiasm, your attitude of caring and respect, your consideration for others, your controlled energy and prayer and you will have peace within yourself that can spread [0 others. FITNESS Perhaps you’ve heard of power walk- ing, or perhaps you haven’t. Read all about this ï¬tness activity in the April, May, June issue, and get your sneakers out, ready to try it. NitfrIONAL FARM WOMEN'S CONFERENCE l The 1987 conference is in Saskat- pn chevran. Read about what’s on the giogram' and who will represent Ontario. f H & C Jan. Feb. Mar, l987 3