rclrntond WI. Carleton West District, raised $500 on a draw m m.- "mm af quill pictured above, The money was donated Iu RI’lt'l. .r rm-m’ ml “patients and visitors to the hospitals and nwdrmIJm-rhm-x m ( )lmu .I I n. ,rutlt Ottawa Rotary Club is Irving to raise lttultt‘yklnr l/n' U m. rm 1.“ ,1,“ “WM “’1 members have been busy making pupva and \. t'lll't r u- Irv/p mentalldren about agriculture. The fairflcld l-‘anulv ([lll‘ll'tft‘tl (I’ltll't‘) and ‘h! rat of their show is available for use in (my ,u'ltmll m Imnluun I fll‘ lantth Federation ojAgn‘mlture gave tin- branch Jim I'ur mun-Huh n futr he when donated marry man hours. \llult lIlInd, unnox District M December this branch holds 1 Mum Dinner and Party for local senior citizens. For the ï¬rst time. Int year. the members worked will! “I inland youth group and this mam. During the rest of the vent. III: branch is buy supporting the Cal-dim National institute for "I: Blind. the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Cinder Society. as well as local '0 I m of Rothwell-Osnabruck High School nnd mmnhcr Untnliu‘ Morgan was [he retipienl (Ii lhr llcl nice Noblitt Award fur the xtm‘. .\h Ego Trip. Ice Lake. Manitoulin Wcu DIHIIN Eva McConnell, NILIL‘HHV lnr lu- Lake. writes. "0n Mnnltultlin IklllnLL the shrinking Ol Wl groups has In spired many long little memlwn In brainstorm for ideas 10 rcvcrxc tlm trend. Recently members mcl lur a regular meeting and over all View of past accomplishmcnh.“ Shc gnu ml to say the group hasn't Han us hunt in the past. but has now dCL'IlJL'd tn do so! \nnlu‘lun \‘UllghlllllJHl‘Ii me ulentch to lln~ lullmluly \\ l llmmhcx Urmtgmillr, l‘llilk'llll \uulh .lmi Minlll'nlnyu, \l.lmluu'llu lml \ciulmllcll |i1\"i Sl‘lh ,llllllwl~.lm'It'u‘nlh Hirr. \lhldlnm LN. \l. PIILII'~. l‘cllll Smith. 1 :tttglunl. Ill.ml .\ml|1 null htlirlr). Unler \ulllh Hulknl their “111 .ll'll'll\l"l\llll"~ Hl .1 \.ltIcl\ at \\.l.\\. llnlll .l lint. 1H .1 lllllL'iI, In wit-(ml yum ~lw.l|u‘l~ (urinlll. llvm I‘m ll-ll‘luJIl-ll m “UlilJIlIlht'i‘JH Ill llll'll‘i‘\ .llllllnnmy l“\‘ lliilll‘ Iluml‘mlu, l lit‘lill'.|ll\ .ln.| .Il‘lnl Ilrulnplull. l )\il‘l\| \nmh ll'll‘ llmlul lhl'u r-ullll'u l‘llllll .ll'lllIH‘l mum \lllllc l‘iul' (.rmr. \nn‘np I ,m ll|.\| Ll‘rl le -llll|l .lIlIIIu‘ImI \ Muggin- .Ilillthlltl. \\t‘lll\\\‘|l|l \rmlh h.|.| |E.‘Hh .llnmnmn lum‘lalnlnlmux In [hr lHHl'UIIlI‘ \luml'n \lIllI It‘u'ln'll llll' Illl‘llli‘t’l \lluh I\'\\'Hl|\ \l'IIIr \uunl, Mutil- IIanl'llrr. .ll‘lttl “lulu, \Illll'l Mnrslulll. Murgurrl \nlulu. I-stIIl‘I' I'llrkllill. I'IILI \hlmtl. I \l'i\l| IIlIl lill‘llll, "nth RH'IIIIIIHIII. Mun Iluml‘l‘. anIIIl-l-n “IIIIL'IIIlI'I .ln.l Rnln Milli, all n! hum HIIIIIIIIIHII \KI, [Hilllll \nulh. uvlv lmnmnl uillr llll‘ nrrlnlu l\|ll]l'- .ll Illr I'l.ll|x ll“. rIIiIlI\l"l\.|l\ lurnlh Mn. \l'il Ml‘lllu' .lml Mrs. Millullll'l \. Mm'l l‘llll, Dunn-rum \\ I‘ l rivnp'.†l\_ .ll\u [urn-1| lilr‘ll illl llll'llllll‘l'rllql‘. ill Ilu- i‘I-IlIi ll .lmnn rum 'xl l’.m|". “I, l‘l'lth \ulllll plrxn‘nl-‘II Mn. Ilulmlux "Il'lll'lll'rillfll'lll .lml Mix. “Elli†Illmhnr mill Illl‘ mrmIn-l mun. .lltll IHIII Iil.ll|l'l nmnlwlu u: l'nmmlulv \\ I, ( l\|lllli NHIIII, I'llll‘l (.rt‘uun . I'tlilll Mllr'km. I‘i'l'l'll IIlIlr 1lIl|.im| I‘lltlll IlIllllnt, urn mull.†ll. illlllllll'tl \ ill-.Irnl ilil' mu'mlu-I ahlp “,lu rl\\.|l(i¢'ll |v\ krill i.lu| In MM. Iarnrsl Ill-pl-Ill‘il-r .H Ihru rr- 1'!“ .umlml nu-rlmv, Willll'l .||.||m,m- \\'l. Rlinltvu. 'mvllih |vII".l'II|I'(l Mlmn “Inlllc \Hlil .l i‘I.lll|'l IIII' llll'llllll'l \Inp ll‘kl'll'h‘ I rw llll'lllill’l‘v ul '\mul;i WI. YIIIL ‘l'lllll‘, Ilrll'n Hunlt'r. hllllt Men-mun. (.lullu l.:lrl|illt-r. .It-un thll lltul llurnllu Ill-mull, rutele-ll llrcn ilil' lnvnrlrl'lulnpu ( crll1u';itr--.nl Mrul Wl‘ll.‘ £I\Ulllll.'l| tn Mrs. l'sllll'r Illrtlgim. .Illm'l Inn: and Honm SlunIt-y Ir‘.‘ llm WI, Muldlcsn Mal. ll .lr lulu. «\m' . um l'li-ll'r l1