More calcium for women over 50 In the Kitchen Monica Beaumont lhcre has been ti lni iii InlUl’l’nuIlOll in the press rCCc‘Iitl) linking calcium intake \Hll’] nslcupuiusis. El dchuhiltr itttmg bune cuiiclitmn that ull'ectsonc m liitir \mmcri titer theugcul' 5“. ,-\s il lL'\Llll. IIlLllH \\llITIL'n file CUHCCYTTL'L] Aholll their calcium intztke ( .ilcium is lflll‘Urliml in the prexen- tmn lll iistciiportisis because it helps lll build .tntl l‘l'lillllltllll strong htines. \htitit W per cent til the calcium in itiur htitl) is sttiretl in your hunes. I he rctnziintlcr clrciilutes throughout llle had) in icgulnlc bud) I'unctions like nch e and muscle ilL‘li\i|_‘-. blood clotting und heurt contractions. The hull). needs ti ctinsltinl IE\Cl Oi this inniertil ill the hlt’itidslreuni, [l' yuu cluii‘t get enough calcium in your diet. ttilcmm is gruduull} druiln lrom the huiies nilti the hltiotlslrctun eientually lctniiiy tlicnt hrilllt', purtius £1l]Ll\Ll\* ccplihlc In Iiztclures. Will Is the hcst source ol calcium in the LlIL'lt II L‘talllullls added \Itnmin I) tiiitl lm‘ltlsc [milk siigiu‘) \lliich helps \\|lll llu' iihsiirpllun til calcium. ll’ ynu think hiunc pusleuri/cd milk. set: your tlnuur tlhlllll tukmy iitctnun I) sup- picniems. "\ll d.iir_\ prmltiets. \iith the excep- Iinii ul cit-um ehecsc. butter. whipping \ll'Jillll. llllki Ll'L'iilll LlrL’ Al gUUd \Olll'g'c lll calcium Select ltmsl'at milk and lllllk pthtlllc‘ls ll you ElI‘C concerned tlhnul cliliiries. ihei prmidc the same .ini-iiml \‘l calcium but less calories. ll \l‘ll L'\[1L’tlL‘I‘ll.'L' stomach riches. hluiitmu Lll lerrheu .tl’ter drinking milk. iiiu ma) he luethse intolerant. Instcud iil drinking milk, tr_\' eat, mg hultermilk. cheese and yogurt. -\ntithcr tiptimi is "lance/,2". luc- milk specifically L|C\IilnL‘Ll lur people With luctme in~ ttilertince. ll mu don't drink milk or cut milk hrtiducts. it is Llil'l'icult [UDhlall] your rectunmunded (Lilli) culcium intake \\ hicli Is 70†mg for “'Un'lCli If» [0 49 i‘eiti's old. 8110 mg I'm women Sll years Imc rctlttcetl 3 "ii ft'lHHIHHL‘I/ 4m page H} 4 it u C April. May. June I986 SOURCES OF CALCIUM SOURCES OF CALCIUM CALCIUM r0005 \lilk and milk products 250 mL “hole milk 307 mg Jill mL 1% milk “4 mg 250 mL skim milk BIS mg 350 ml ehocnlale milk 296 mg 45 g brick 303 mg 45 g camemherl '74 mg 45 g Cheddar 324 mg Bill in! cottage cheese. creamed 142 mg 350 inL cottage cheese. dried curd 67 mg 45 g mnnarclla partly skim 129 mg 45 g Him 432 mg .55 g processed checsc 277 mg 175 mL plain yogurl 348 mg 175 mL Fruit Flavored yogurt 266 mg l cgul‘nm l 250 mL white beans. unwode 95 mg ‘ 250 mL red kidney beans. cooked 102 mg . Jill inL sO)‘ bean. uncooked IIS mg l lli ml so) bean. curd 45 mg Nuts Jli ml almonds J75 mg 125 mL Bra/ii 123 mg Frtnls and Vegetuhlc: [25 ml heel greens. cooked 75 my I25 mi. broccoli. cookch 72 mg l IZS InL spinach. wand 83 mg IIS ml rhubarb. choked 208 mg I l‘isll 1,2 r 21†g cun salmon will! bone 284 my 7 medium surdincs Will] bones 393 my 5 scallops 115 my llreiid and ('creals l \IIL‘E: whole \s heal bread IUD mg | medium cum muffin 96 in; | medium “amt: 76 mg L tunhinution Foods 250 ml baked beans. canned h1me lli tnL baked custard I47 my 1 :50 ml chili can came with beans 84 mg 250 ml luaugne. homemade [29 mg 350 ml itinenroni & cheese. homemade “3 mg l .s‘ medium ehecae nina. homemade I66 mg [25 ml rice pudding. homemade E00 mg Reference: llniri Bureau of Canada. Calcium -â€" Your Many Source Book. I935