lli\~l \ll‘k l PI)-\Ii Protect Yourself The \ugtisi IQHS L'LllllUl'l of Protect \(iurst'll uiiiiluliis it special supple- [‘IIL'lll ltll \Cnlill' chi/ens, llit' sunitirs' handlka includes uscliil inlnriiiulion iiii laws, health serxttt-s. housing. llil\L'l opportuni~ ilcs. I‘l'QLilll/tlllfll'ls. L't‘llsUl'UL'f rights and llit' liint'liiiiis til llicgmuriiment. ll' iihltiiu Ll cop}. wrilc Prulecl \uursi‘lf. \ciiiiirs' Huiidbimls. 5199 'sherhrimkc's‘l. h, Siille 258i), Mon~ irczil. UllL'l‘s‘s' HIT JXI. [ l. You‘re looking for an attractive. useful Christmas gift forsomeone speeiol â€" but can‘t afford to spend a lot of "dough" â€" the Ministry of Agriculture and Food may have just the thing to help you "use" to the "I ‘ ‘ 5 m. k Liz‘iziaiiktlight on Bread is a cookbook prepared by OMAF Foods and Nun-5- tion Specialists, which contains everything you ever wanted to know about your daily bread. The contents include how to bake, store and freeze breads and rolls. an examination of common problems and their causes, nun-5. tional information, and even a section on whole grain and diet breads, Best of all, the 60-page book (which features a color photograph 0n the cover) costs just $250 per copy. To obtain your copy or copies, just clip the handy coupon on this page and mail it with your cheque or money order to the Treasurer of Ontario, I Please send me | the amount of S I II NAME copies of Publication #137 "Spotlight on I Bread†at 52.50 per copy. Enclosed is a cheque or money order payable I to "The Treasurer of Ontario†801 Bay Street, Toronto, M7A 232, for 801 Bay Street. Toronto, Ontario M7A ZBZ. POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE (Businessl (Residence) l l | | l l l l l i | i l Reader wants magazines delivered anytime Bruit: (Ill .itli\c “onich Institute lllL‘lill‘CIi i look liiruurtl to rcccisiug iiit LUDIC‘ of Home tk (. otinlry. Ii l\ iiiiisi ll'llsllulllll.‘ honest-r. to IL'LL'HL' lllL‘ 1 :ill '54 issue in >\pri| and lllL' \\‘ii'itt-i 'h‘i in June! By receiving Ilic tiipius so l.iic. the “UH is out tlnlutl illlLl the I‘lll‘lls’l/L‘LlC\€l1l\lli.l\‘\? liiippciit‘tl long :iiio, l'his set-ins ln hi: it rcgillilr priihlcm niih |\\llL'\ ciiiiiiiig UIlL' sctison, and LlllL‘l'I Itm sutisiins lillk‘i Why are we iiiii teething [llL‘ issues promptly? lllL‘l L' are many people asking this some question :iiitl perhaps you could indicate in us uh). this is happening illlLl suggest some solutions In the piuhlciii that \\c with] address to 11 solve this and speed up the delivery of these magazines. One of the criticisms often heard regarding Women’s Institutes is that it takes too long for anything to be done. and I feel we need to address this criticism and rectify it. i know that when I wrote to Ms. Johnson concerning problems we had proâ€" inoling Women's Institute locally, her response was vague and did not address the real problems we faced. A copy of that letter did not appear in Home & Country until a full year later Resolutions also take a full year to be acted upon and it is for this very reason that women are forming new organizations such as Concerned Farm Women and Wamen: for the Survival of Agriculture is aboui time we ask ourselves nization is draggin' advantage. ?.R.0. Ruscom Editor's Note: FWIO Boa"