ll ’n'lt‘ex and humid :lllt‘ll‘, [\en \Itrrlt'ttt' \twn tut/r 'llrr. Hum/(l Illen tillt'l \lrr, Irvine Steele m the ( «L‘Hllilf'll H I meeting featuring the "Pro/munit- Uttr You/ii" theme. (asshurn. Prescott "l‘t'otttotttt_-t_t ()ur \outl‘t" was the theme at an cdttcut ton meeting of the Lnubttrn Brunch l'hc meeting heartl iron] .1 trio oi young speakers reprca wilting agricultural groups in the prm tncc. KL’llLlll «\llen, “ho ts come [tlcttne a degree at the Ontario Agri- Lttllllllll College in (.iuclph, elaborated on the many opportunities In 4-H ul‘tllc‘ PFCNLUII Dairy Princess Mariette N'twn uplntncd her duties as a pro- nmtet oi dull} products. Ken Wilkes, .l lttnior Farmers ol Ontario director, liritttultl llk‘ “I lllL’llthl" up to date on the many prnjt‘c‘ls l'll\ organt/ation has Lttlllplclcd tn the community. He noted lunnir Farmers provtdcs young men and unmcn “ith chunctw to at- lL‘llLl mnlercnccs at the rune and Ildltttnztl lL‘LL‘l. ‘.(.... \hcddtin, lilgin “est A. \\ clcotitc \\ anon brochure. cott- lalntng community information and an Htllllnt’ ot the obtecttves 01' the Women's Institute. has been devel- oped h} the Sheddon Branch. Ttto members til the branch visit each neucnmcr [U ll‘Ic community \\llll .r “arm \wlwmc. that includes the presentation ot' the brochure, A second intimation |ll\0l\C\ the Neighborhood Watch Program. OPP Iv WI’s On The Go! officer Art Manninger taught WI members how to participate in the program, which involves residents keeping an eye on neighbors' homes and reporting any suspicious occur- rence: to the police, * $ 1! 3!! ’F * Slrabane. Wenlworlh North Problems stemming from drug use, peer pressure and other youth-related dilemmas sparked a lively discussion between panelists and audience mem- bers when the Strabane Branch held a meeting honoring International Youth Year. A high school principal was moderator for a panel of four young people. The audience consisted of members of the community, three other local Wl branches and Alma Branch in Wellington District. itktzki Rideau, Lanark South It “as a cultural exchange of sorts when Nina Lamb of Sussex, England addressed the Rideau Women‘s In- stitute, Mrs. Lamb, secretary and public relations officer for the WI in Sussex County, England, told of win- ning the Churchill’s Travelling Fel» Ion-ship in I983. which included a six- week tour of Canada. She returned in 1985 for a convention in Van- COLlVCl'. Community History Nancy Dodswarth {left)curator of the Adelaide Hunter Handles: Home- stead in St. George, admires a West End Tweedsmuir History book with Marjorie Durnford. curator of the West End WI Tweedsmuir program. Mrs. Dodsworth was attending a dis- play of rural skills and lifestyles, presented by the Wellington South District WI. The display also included six cultural projects. (Photo court- esy of the Guelph Daily Mercury.) Anniversaries and Life Memberships Numerous anniversary cakes dec- orated in WI colors were cut across the province in recent months. Maple V\'l, York West District, celebrated 87 years of service to “Home and. Country" while 80th anniversary dates were observed by Coningsby WI, Wellington Central; Beamsville WI, Lincoln; and Dundas District. There were also four 75th anniversary parties. They were enjoyed by mem- bers ol‘ Brooklin WI, Ontario South; Cayuga WI, Haldimand East; FinCh Wl, Stormont; and Meadowvale WI, Peel South. Celebrating 35 years were Garnet WI, Haldimand West and Ridean WI, Lanark South. Lil'e memberships were awarded to Ruth Austin, E. May Dennis, Reta Dickson, Ruth McMillen, Emma McCready. Ada Morley and Maggie Newton of Burgessville WI, Oxford South; to Mrs. Cliff Ballarn of Shed- don WI, Elgin West; to Muriel'Foster of Coningsby WI, Wellington Cen- tral; to Fern Love, Nola Taylor, Olive Webb, Verna Lovie, Jeanne Kading, Clara Hamilton, Ruth Ken- drick and Olive Miller of Grand Bend WI, Huron South; to Viva Allen and Jean Hayes of Cassbur'n. WI, Presâ€" cott; and to Marian WiISOn, Rita Biundell, Eveline Davis, Mary Pen- ney, Eileen Porteous, Bessie Mae Loren, Margaret Robinson and Vera Graham. all of Torboltc'm WI, Carle- ton West. Certiï¬cates ol Merit were presented to Louise Southern of Mead0wvale Wl, Peel South and to Doris Burl and Anne‘ Graham of Co'riingsby WI. Wellington Central.