Waterloo WI member named to Hall of Fame Dedicated Wl worker. Helena Feasby. was amongst four new members enrolled in the Waterloo County Hall of Fame at the Doon Pioneer Village, Kitchener, recently. Sarah Helena Rogerson was born in Whitechurch Township. York County in 1888. the eldest of six children. After attending Toronto Normal School1 she taught school for several years before her marriage to John Feasby in 1913. During the first few years of her marriage. Mrs. Feasby was busy rais- ing her four children. but when her youngest reached school age. she returned to the teaching profession ‘s\ here she remained for a total of 34 tears. After moving to the Kitchener area. Mrs. Feasby. in 1936. founded and was ï¬rst president of the Centre- tille WI Branch. During her terms as president of the Waterloo North District from 1944 to '49. Mrs. Feasby assisted in organizing bran- ches at Dorking, Bridgeport. Bloom- ingdale and Williamsburg. The Williamsburg branch. named Jubilee at the time of its organization. later was re-named Helena Feasby in her honor. Helena Feasby In addition to her enthusiastic leadership in WI. Mrs. Feasby was active in the work of Trinity United Church. Kitchener. served on the boards of the Children's Aid Society and of the Humane Society. She also served on the committee for Water. loo County‘s iOOIh anniversary in l954. Following her death in 1956. the Waterloo North District set tip the Helena Feasby Award. This award is presented annually to a daughter or son of 3 WI member or to a 4-H Club member wishing to pursue a universi- ty education or its equivalent. and whose scholastic achieicmcnts merit ll. The Waterloo North District presented the Helena l-‘enshy Memorial Award of S300 eiieh ltl Lisa Hunt. Elmira. who is taking Co-op Chartered Accountancy iil lllt‘ University of Waterloo and Michael Kluges. Bloomingdale. Michael is taking Coaop Honoun Arts at the University of Waterloo. A second memorial award was presented. Mike llaffner. Waterloo. received Stilt). He is enrolled in psychology at St. Jeromcs College. Waterloo. Karen Herrle. St. Agatha. rl‘ceiwd SIDO. She is enrolled in the Early Childhood Education Progrum at l-‘anshawe College. London. David Aberle. West Montrose. will l’l‘El‘l‘l‘ Sltlt). He plans to uttcnd Radio College or Canada. Electronics Engineering Technologist Program. These awards are presented to qualifying sons or daughters of Women's Institute members or 4-H club members. 1%. The magic formula to avoid being drowned by the comlng social tian “2‘? is: get invoked in your own future and maximize your indepen- dence. / Paul I: hr/it Ii There's glamour in the sunshine. And the gentle falling rain That brings daffodils and tulips To say that “spring is here" tigain. Wheneicr “c hear a robin's‘ song. Sec green grass like velvet on the ground We knew the Hcmenly Father giws' us Glamour till year ‘roiiiid. Then summer brings its gltiniour The birds tllld bees and llt\\\.’L‘f\’_ Mother Nature leiiies ii magic spell “‘itli sunshine tint! gentle showers. There’s nothing quite so glamorous Especially so to me :\s our Ittnd in full production ()t .i gttict'ltil innplt‘ ttcv. When \ttnllltcr gently slips .iwuy. Wt: Iictir the nth] noose L‘llll llic muster PitllllL‘l tints tlii: it':l\‘t.'\l llierc sun: l\ gltiiiiour iii the lull. When the illlltllllll biiiigs the litiiit‘st. (it the many llllllg\ u-e'ie gums". l'is then no limits the gluiiiniir ()t' the tiny \Ccd\ ue'tc soon. Alter the glttiiinruits this-s t‘ll .itiiiiinn And “llllCr comes at lil\l. 1 know there's not much gltiiiitiiit Iii winter's mid and stormy bliisl Did you not see lllt.‘ sunshine (in the newly liillt'ii stints, Heat the itiughtcr til the (lllitilt‘ll With their rosy checks ugltiw'.’ ll you hate. you knit“ tht: iiitigit‘ ()l children's happiness til pltiy. llic hetiuly and glamour ()1 .t lrtisti' mnlct‘s tl.i_i (ultininmus arc the silver hells And the message that they cliiitic. Peace on ctirtli. goodwill to men. Magic bells at ('lirislnius tiiiic, Spring or toll and summer. ()r snow upon the ground. No matter what the season. llicrc's glamour all your 'rtiund. Mrs. Bruce Bunhlm ()Iltllnd Women's lnslltute I7