(l4) AREA WOMEN’S INSTITUTES F ia‘c'rtl Year September I - August 3 I Fee: Set by Convention Area. Following to be elected for one year at Annual Meeting in September, October or November. President; All Vice-Presidents; Secretary/Treasurer; Public Relations Ofï¬cer. Executive Ofï¬cers: Board of Directors: Provincial Board Director/s: 5 Conveners of Standing Commit- tees: | Curator; Z Auditors; Special Committees if required. Additional Facts: Refer to Handbook for details Retiring President by virtue of her ofï¬ce is the Immediate Past President. All Executive Ofï¬cers may vote at Executive Meetings. Each Area may have their own by-laws. which shall not contravene the Handbook. (Wit itt/ Hiring Dvlvgum ltl Arc-u Curivt'tufutt: Each Branch shall elect one delegate. Each District shall elect the District President and Federaa tion Representative.» as their delegates. (Alternates elected for all delegates). QMI'FlIJll.‘ 'l: of Area Board of Directors entitled to vote. must be present at Board Directors Meetings. “A of Branch and District delegates. entitled to vote. must be present at Area Convention. All Branch Members are eligible to attend the Convention. When it is your District's turn for a Provincial Board Direc- tor. the District Secretary will receive a list from the Provincial Secretary ol‘ all Federation Representatives and alternates who have served since the District was last rep- resented on the Provincial Board. It is the duty of the District Secretary to mail the lists of all these names to the other District Secretaries in the Subdivi- sion before District Annual. Each District Secretary shall mail a copy to all Branch Secretaries in the Subdivision. by September 1 so the voting delegate will be familiar with the eligible names. Pt'tll'llit lttl llI'tH'tl Ult't't‘liu'. Is the ofï¬cial VOIL'L' tor the Subdivision, and ls elected at Convention by voting delegates from her Sub, division MclNTRYRE Wl. THUNDER BAY NORTH DIS» TRICT members received a gold seal to be attached to a scroll. acknowledging the assistance received during the Canada Games. [I was reported the cushions made by Wl Members for the presentation of medals to winning par ticipants at the Games in 1981. were delivered. lH F ot-mer F WlO President Mrs. Pearl Holmes (r) and Di mt! President. Mrs. Reta Chisholm cut the 80th Armin Stil')’ cake at HASTINGS WEST DISTRICT WI annivt sat-y. â€"â€" g. '. \ . . . . NESTLETON WI, DURHAM' WEST DISTRICT men bet-s are 541mm will! a pltiqiteï¬'om the Province ofOrimri't presented on the occasion ofrlreir 75111 Amiivermy. Long time members were presented with Certiï¬cates of/lppreclu lion and gold monogram pins by Mrs. Melville Wisemar Lâ€"t' from raw, Mrs. Gram Thompson, Mrs. Hurt McLaughlin. Mini. George Bowers, Mrs. WilfredJut‘ksor Buck mu'. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. President; Mitt Ric/turd Dawson. Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Mrs. Bruce Haas/i, and Mrs, Wisemart. LAUREL WI, DUFFERIN SOUTH DISTRICT, pre sented engraved silver trays for the completion of AdvanceL Honours in the 4-H Homemaking Club program to Mrs Ellen Bryan. Mrs. Donna Rutledge. Mrs. Glenna Bell. Mrs Marie Miller and Sheena Ewen. REACHING OUT LUNENBURG WI, STORMONT DISTRICT members proposed Reaching Out as a group. They W1“ meet several times a year to call on the sick, shut-ins and elderly at various hospitals and institutions. Members will gather in a body in Cornwall and be dis- persed to the various places to bring a bit of cheer to the elderly and inï¬rm. Members would welcome other citizens with time to spare to join them.