C. recommending to Provincial departments of Edue 1 cation and centinuing education programs. that special efforts be made to provide systems of delivering programs to meet the needs of rural women? Yes_ Noi 4 Would you like further information‘.7 chi Noi RESTITUTION Gwen Hall. a member of the Dauphin Citizens Committee on Restitution felt society seems to be In a crisis Slluatlfln as to what to do With delinquent children. Public sentiment arc cornerstones of successful delinquent programs. She went on to tell about the Duupl‘lin Restitution program bridging the gap between the system and the public, Essential ingredients are accountability. recognition of the victim, partnership between agencies and publics and then evaluating the iiverull success of programs. Personnl involvement through community volunteers is the key. sumety needs dedicated petiple Without being suit, yet tough in ClCCtSIDn making PLEASE FILL IN THE FOLLOWING FORM ON Rl-iSTITllTION: l llnvc you used the topic nf restitution us a brunch pmgrum'7 Yes 7 \0i 2. Did the impcIUS come from FWIC Conven- tion" Yesi Noi Other ‘i’cxi \Jui .1. Did you buy or borrow the tape of the address given by Mrs. Hull'.7 Yesi Noi 4 Is there a diversion project in ydur com- munity" Yesi N0_ 5. Is your branch involved in the I‘L‘hlllutlon ldlt’ï¬rblltn proJcetl‘? Yesi No, h, W'uuld you like further information" i Yesi N07 ill' FURTHER INFORMATION IS REQUIRED IOR EITHER QUESTIONNAIRE CONTACT IWIC All Branches are asked to answer the questions. The District Director should come to the District Annual with the questionnaires answered. Even if you have not held a meeting, pIEaSe ï¬ll in the appropriate box. This information is to be handed to the Board Director who will summarize the Branch questionnaires from each District and return to the FWIO ofï¬ce with her District Annual report. DISTRICT vei- t'hruted their 7Uth anniversaer Furnwr Prt’Jldt’fllS en- joying the festivitiex L~r front row Mrs: Jim Nober, Mrs. Eugene Brad}: Mrr. Bessie Tin.rdtl'i, Mrs. J. O'Neil! Each row illrx. [:‘arl Prentice. Mrs. George limpet, Miss Grace Warren, Mrs Hamid Na_i'ler. . CONINGSBY WI had their English namesake “I i members as special guest for their anniversary. ‘ The six visitors brought an anniversary greeting mm the Queen. signed by her private secretary. A scroll with anniversary greetings contains; i signatures also a silver vase were both presented _ Branch. The guests showed colored slides . 2.?†i homeland. Life membership badges were presented to M i Cheyne. Mrs. Jessie Watson and Mrs. Myrtle R: Specially designed tea towels by Mr. C. K; i WI husband, were presented to the English gue. anniversary momenta. Mrs. Michelin Mulder ‘ anniversary cake which she made and decorated l i l r A i \l‘ii} ‘ Q ~ sen CONINGSBY WI, WELLINGTON CENTRE ix. TRICT celebrated their 75th Anniversary. Sin ' from Coningsby WI Lincohtshire, England aim: special event oftheir harriesake in Ontario. The L l] group are seen looking at the Tweedsmui'r Hist -r l Audrey Curie. Maureen Aspirin/I, Phyllis S: M ‘ Dori; Rudd Pretident; Nam'y Hannett, Evelyn H i r; l .. INDOOR GARDENING . HONEYDALE WI, ONTARIO SOUTH DIST “ll involved marry non-members in the Course. 0] l‘ inteniber group. 7 were non-members. The llearned a lot about growing plants and taking {1' them. how to make a dish garden, a terrariun 'v'L Pictured above are the participants.