Dublin WI, Perth South District. entered a float in the centennial parade celebrating the 100th year of the po- lice village of Dub/m. Some 0! the ladies from Victoria East District Annual hosted by Pleasant Valley W! L-r Mrs. Oscar Carew.‘ Mrs Marguerite Adams, Area PRO; Mr. Dave Murray, Warden, Mrs, Stan Lee, Presrdenl. Pleasant Valley. Mrs. Percy Junki'n. Central Area President; Mrs, M. Heads York East District members visit the Errand Lee during Wl week. BRANT NORTH 75TH The beautiful green lawns. shade trees unit and pink flower gardens at the Adelaide Handle» Homestead was the stage for the 751' versut’)’ ti|d~t1tshioncd tea at“ the Brant North DI The executive board directors and alt. served lemonade. tuttmeul and sugar cookies. tier hirthdtt} L'ilkL’ made up of pink and yellu eupeztkes was centered on the beautifully tipi ttthle. Thme serving were in old-fashioned ma Mrs. Harvey Fetttherstone. President, inlrt the guests including Mrs. Glynis Connery. rep: mg the Yuung Farmers Club of Ulster. Northei Ittnd ttnd Mi» Eunice Holdcrull of Staï¬urdshirt Innd. Mrs. John Charlton. l‘ormer District Prï¬bldt [reduced the beautiful red Adelaide Hoodle» l«' the interested gathering and Mrs, Owen Lt- hnstes» explained l'uture flower garden plans. Ravenna WI members. Gray East Distrrct. work on a quilt to be sold at their craft fair. Ill m