MATTAWA’S FIRST LADY Mattawa‘s ï¬rst lady. Annie Lamont. exclaimed “1 don't know why they chose me." However it was evident to her many friends why :he should be chosen - she has spent most of her the "doing something" for others. She is quite at ease at meetings and contributes much to many organizations. The women of the town mow her as President of her church women and the Women's Institute. A member ofthe local Council and .t-Jnourary member of the Mutual Aid Fire Depart- .nent for Nipissing and Parry Sound. The Golden Age I'lub elected her as Treasurer. and she serves on the guard of Directors on both the Hospital and Librar} wards. For 29 years she worked as a postal clerk and dur- 11 that time “went through" seven trucks in her duty sâ€"mail contractor. As if all this wasn‘t enough to keep a person busy. 1e ï¬nds time to paint. embroider. and socialize. Lti .1] ts exciting. and opportunities to do for others still :r greatest challenge. Citation from Premier as one at the Province's out- standing women during international Women's Year. Annie Lamont. Mattawa Wi member is a tower of strength in community. Scugog island Wt. i. â€" r PFtO Mrs. Nelson Reader. Convener for Education and Cultural Actrvrties. Mrs ivor Medway-watch; Mrs, Judy MacCoil, and (seated) president, Mrs. Roy Freeman, PRINCE OF WALES \VI branch has been active in the Community since it was organized in 1938 by the District President. Mrs. Tom Dawson and the President of West Korah Branch. Mrs. Earl Fuller. Community interests have included the donation ofa piano, two radios. ï¬rst aid kits to the school. books for the library. and support for local health clinics. Money “as made through community dances and activities and from interest derived from bond invest- ments. [1 was from this interest the branch was able to donate a display case. in the case are displayed W1 material. scrap books with the pages open at local t'arrn history and a school history. A picture is on view of members from the District \vho chartered a bus to the Adelaide Hoodless Homestead and presented a “What Not" from Highland Park branch. Since the formation of the W1 charter members still active are Mrs. Sam Cooper. Mrs. James Bowker. Mrs. Alex Wilding. Mrs. Carl Dixon, Mrs. Rod Cam- eron. Mrs. Chas. Sharp. Mrs. Jack Fantham. Mrs. .-\lcMask. Mrs. Jack McCulloch. Mrs. Chas. Rathbonc. Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Miss Williams and Miss Shirley Leas. Prince at Wales Wt donate display case to the Korah Branch Loan Library courtesy â€" Seult Daily Star ANOTHER BOOST FOR LARC FUND The public campaign to raise funds tor medical lab- oratory equrpmant at North Bay hospitals got a boost trom the Nipissrng Junction Women‘s institute Mrs. Noe reen Pepper. premdent oi the institute branch, presents a cheque for 3100 tor contribution to the LARC fund John McKenzre, tund chairman. accepts the donation 39