Mrs. R, Thompson points to her name on the list. as delegates line up to be registered by the Bloomingdale WI PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS Mrs. Maluske direCted the delegates" thinking toward the Conference theme and communications. lhe study of semantics has underscored the fact that words mean difl'erent things to different people. She --.cnt on to emphasize how some “word meanings" and .ntcrpretations have taken on other connotations. and words no longer have mono usage. For quite some time now we have been aware that tommunication encompasses Lt great deal more than a wl‘ClIkEl’: or a writer. who has an idea to sharc with lomeone who is just content to sit still and listcn or read. Communication does not mean simply telling or hearing or seeing something. Warren H. Schmidt‘s article. “How comm untcation tan be improved." suggests there are at least \i\‘ mes- tages. What you mean to say. What you actually say. What the other person hears. What the other person thinks she hears. What the other person says. What you think the other person says. Mrs. Maluske went on to illustrate statements showing misunderstandings through communications between speaker. listener or newer. Mrs. Maluske urged all present to accept as :I prime concern the art ol‘ communicating with one an- other inside and outside the Women‘s Institute. Con- \c} the work of the Women‘s Institute orally and \‘is- unity to reach and teach the individual member Bc mindful, that each year brings a new group ol'ollicers. .tnd constant repeating and strcssing ol' the aims. oh Jecttves and duties of ofï¬cers and responsibilities oi members is important. “Words spoken or written are a dynamrc l‘orcc. So whenever we speak. whenever we write. may we al- ways remember the creative power of our words. GONDOLIERS The evening programme. "The Uiindtiliers" by the students from Waterloo Oxford District Secondary School. Baden. under the musical direction of Edwin Ferguson and choreographed by John Cull. delighted the delegates and added that “special something" to the Conference. To show the audience approval the cast received a standing ovation. Bloomingdale Branch again carried on with the registration and delegates marvelled at the clliciency of its members. in fact even the University IS im. pressed with their competence. MISS HELEN McKERCHER It is indeed a pleasure to bring greetings to you from the Home Economics Branch during your 28th annual Ofï¬cers' Conference. I want to extend to you our very best wishes. especially to the public relations oflicers for whom this conference was planned. and to the branch presidents and members at large. We ape preciate the support you gave to our programme and to the county and district Home Economists. We are again glad this year to have printed your programmes. It has been fun working with your leaders and I do hope you will all take an active part in the discussion groups. Mrs. Campbell. your new Otticers‘ Conference secretary. and Mrs. Maluskc have put a lot of thought and planning into the conl‘crcncc. as all presidents and secretaries have. You will be hearing a lot about communications within your Branch. District and Area. in the next day or two. The Conference has always been planned so you can bc a part ol‘a widcr fellowship in which c\pc- riencCS can be shared and new ideas brought out. Pcoplc who plan conferences for tIthllIs make time for discussion groups, plan breaks l'or people just to talk. to share. It is important at your branch meetings 7 so you have your cup til [en a time to talk int‘or- mally Then alter the meeting. phone .1 member or colleague to share the good ncus of promotion. ol'ti grant received or ol' inoncs mudc for a good project or it programme succcssl'ull} complclctl. E\ cu lct another member comntiscratc with you in the grant not re» cciscd too. It works both ways. In my estimation. the Women's Institute as an adult education group scrt‘cs its members well and l\ par- ticularly strong In the colleague I'unclion which is .1 very important part of your organi/atton In other Words 7 cnpvy the news. when H Is good As Henry James said. "All life comes back to the question ol‘ your spccch. the medium through which “t: L‘nmmumttllc Wlll] one another " We ll\ c in the age ol' contmunicalion. r a I ‘ I J- 2 K ' Mrs. Maluske on behalf of the delegates at Olficars' Conlerence presented Miss McKercher with decoupage wall plaques depicting the front covers of the last two Officers' Conlerence programmes. The Erland Lee Home and Women '5 Institute Hall. to be built at the Agri- cultural Museum, are both current institute projects. The plaques were made by Mrs. Campbell McKean of the Mary H. Graves Women's Institute. l l