The Hon. Wm. G. Newman. Minister of Agriculture and Food, WELCOME The new minister of Agriculture and Food the Hon. William G. Newman is I'ull_\' committed to the Met that farmers are entitled to a decent standard of liung. notjust once every year or two but ever) year. Although born in the city ol‘Toronto he has strong ties with Agriculture. A graduate from OAC with a it. 8A.. P.Ag. degree as a professional agrologist. one ol his vital concerns is the preservation ot' farmland. Mr. Newman lives with his wife. Margaret, and three children. Cathy. Allan and Carrie at Balsam ‘lC'dl' Pickering. and still maintains the lentil} farm where he raises Hereford Beef Cattle. His wife is in- iolvcd with communin activities and Cathy is a -l- H'er. As a family they enjoy Skiing. snowmobiling and hauling. while Mr. Newman is keen on ï¬shing and hunting. llis ï¬rst introduction to municipal ï¬le was his elecâ€" lion to the local Council of Pickering. Deputy Reeve and then Reeve. Later he entered the Ontario political scene and was ï¬rst elected to the legislature in 1967 representing Ontario South riding. Because ol‘ elcc~ ioral boundary changes it now is known as Durham \iorth. Since becoming MPP he served on a number ol' parliamentary committees including the Estimates ('ommittce. Natural and Physical Resources Coni- niittee and the Select Committee on Hydro. The next step was that of parliamentary tisStslant to the Min- ister of Transportation and Communications. He served as Minister ol‘ the Environment from February. |974 until his appointment in October. 1975 as Minister of Agriculture and Food. The Ontario Women's Institute menihers welcome lhe Hon. Wm. G. Newman as Minister ol’Agriculture and Food and “wish you well." OFFICERS‘ CONFERENCE SECRETARY A native of Elgin County. Grace and husband Russell Campbell live at RR. 1. lona Station with their two daughters and two sons. This Scottish community known as Cowal has ï¬fty-four Campbells on the mail route. (Take note and address your mail carefully it" you want Ollicers' Con- ference information to arrive in "Grace’s" mail box) The Campbell‘s operate 400 acres and are in both heel‘ and hog operations. In the harvest season Grace sometimes helps out by driving the tractor. running for rum“. taking meals to the ï¬elds or doing the “joe jobs." She feels' strongly farming is big business and you have to be either in or out or it. it's no longer pos- sible to have a little of this or that. She knows “hut she is talking ahout, for she owns a few steers. l9 cows and a purebred t'hnrolnis hull. She's a thrill) individual. Back in hcr school days. both as a student and teacher. she worked in the to» haieco ï¬elds. She saved her money and bought it house. ï¬xed it up and rcnted it. From this income she purchased the Charolais cattle. (iracc sats "l'hitt's how 1 got them. but where I go from here I have no idea." Hours have been spent reï¬nishing the niam an- tiques in her home. l-or the past sc\entcen )L‘.l.ts she and her husband have been working on the house. doing some remodeling and huilding an addition lot a family room which includes an eleven toot ï¬replace and ll Sewing room. She needed a sewing room iiir she sews for the whole family from pants and jackets tor her husband to the lingerie for the girls. She ï¬nds tune for all kinds ol' liuhhics. l'roin en» cheling and knitting to caning. spinning, oil painting, candle making and even making gingerbread houses She was President ol' ltlgin (‘ounts .ltinior l'tiriiicrs. ol‘ course. that's where she met Russell. A «l-ll lloriicâ€" making Provtncial Honour gal who helieics Mothers \vith girls should take FCNPUllhlhllll) in ~l-ll clubs. slic proved it by receiving her 4-H ten year leadership t'er~ llllCdlL‘ last liall As a member olit‘oual WI (iracc has sent-d in al- most all capactties and in l‘lgin West District has been Secretary Treasurer for NH scars and non. is Second Vice President, Another community interest is .-\\\tit‘|- ale Director on Wiillaeetown I air Hoard The family manage holidays in a camper and have travelled to both the east and west coasts as ttcll .is up to Alaska. This May. Mrs. ('aiuphell “Ill he in charge ol‘ llllir ccrs" Conference. a new challenge but a most remod- ing one (iood luck PUBLIC RELA'I'IONS PROGRAMME Why public relatmns'.’ was the theme lor ('uinsville Women‘s lns'titute. Mrs. W. R. Sweetnam. l’ltt). ex- plained that public relations is concerned “Ill! PllhllL opinion, She continued to sa). that l’ll planned and conducted Wllh Wisdom can bring great rewards The programme Was presented in three parts. the deï¬nition and duties; how to get it in the press and communications. illustrated by two sluts; a 20 question qllll dealing with general knowledge about the Women's institute and the Handbook 25