Nutrition continued niï¬cant number of school classes attended the over 100 workshops held throughout the province from Ke- nora to Cornwall. Cochrane to Cottam. Press coverage and co-operation was almost in every instance. excep- tional. At this time. I would like to thank all of those countless people who helped with the workshops. whether their contribution was big or small. for it takes many to accomplish this kind of successful un- dertaking. And we do feel that on the whole this pro- gramme was successful. We wanted to create an aware- ness about nutrition and have people look at their food habits and know what to do. should there be shortcomings. The results indicate success. Thank you for all your help. 7 All of these comments are just some of the high- lights which you might be interested in reading about. If you have questions or would like further informa- tion please write me. Sitk's Ruth Sayre WI 25th Anniversary. L â€" I back row Mrs. Doug Brayiorct. Mrs. Harry Lyons. Mrs Chas. Firth. Mrs Trueman Thompson. Seated l â€" r Mrs. Raw Lyon. Mrs Margaret Silk, All rscet‘vedfife memberships. HILKS' RUTH HAVRE ANNIVERSARY Approximatele till guests were welcomed by the President. Mrs. Doug llravford. to the 25th Anniver- siiry eelebralii‘in. A special thanks to Mrs. Henry Smith for ti hetttittl‘iill} decorated cake, which was flanked \s'Ilh candles and Spring flout-rs to carry out the Insti- lulc colours. Special guests. | Will Board Director Mrs. (icruld Holder; Mrs. II’VHI] Malth). Past President (‘cntral Area; M rs. Walter Branden. Dull'erin South President; Mrs. l'ldon Orr. President; and Mrs. Howard Gal- laughcr. Past President. both from Dulferin North. Organizers of the Branch in NSâ€. Mrs. Maurice Jones and Mrs. Delmar Stewart. both expressed pleas- ure and nll’ered good \i'ishes. A highly amusing skit with Mrs. (has. firm as commentator and the charter members as participants depicted host the idea for the Institute originated. All the members Joined [II for the second act to play out the ï¬rst iitceling. BLUI‘ZVALI‘: \VI Conservation was the theme used his Mr. Ian l)cs|.tttrters til" the Maitland Valley Conservation .‘\ll[itLIfll_\' He explained the work of the Authoriti- and showed slides depicting the various goals and projects that were in \‘ieis. EU THE TRAVELS OF A W] COOKBOOK A cookbook of treasured recipes travels half war around the world? It happened recently. The promote} or the Norwood Women’s Institute cookbook Rose Het‘fernan of Norwood was overwhelmed when ,he heard that one of these books had reached a [UL zeï¬eld Women’s Institute member. Mrs. F. G. Dunn of Hertfordshire. England, At a recent meeting of Norwood Women's trim, lute. Mrs. Hefl'ernan presented a letter from ii“ Dixon telling how Mrs. Dixon’s daughter. Mrs. Mom of Peterborough had sent a clipping from the r paper which told about Mrs. Heï¬ernan and Mrs I . den of Norwood compiling the volume of home i :4 recipes. Mrs. Dixon tried to get in touch with Mrs. H. nan. Using the information gained from the :, paper clipping the letter arrived at the newspapt free and someone forwarded the letter to the Nor“ t correspondent (Annie Deen) who immediately 1. Mrs. Heï¬ernan. The Norwood branch passed .1 tion to send a complimentary copy to Mrs. Dix. Reception at the home of Mrs. W. Stolys for Au i‘an visitor. L â€"- r Mrs. Walter Green. PRO: Mrs. C. 5 President; with guest Mrs. Evelyn Chapman. AUSTRALIAN VISITOR The Caistorville Women's Institute had Mrs. J lyn Chapman. a craft director of the Women‘s Asa ation of Australia. as a guest in AUngSl. Mrs. Walter Green and Mrs. Lawrence of Cat- ville Wl have for some years corresponded \s‘u member of the Waiaa Group in Victoria. Austr and this served as a connecting link. Mrs. V. Dutk provided transportation including a trip to the Ed Lee Home. Mrs. W. Green entertained Mrs. Chapii at luncheon and Mrs. W. Stolys was hOSlESS for a caption and tea at her home for W.I. members . friends at which Mrs. Chapman spoke on Austria and showed pictures. Our guest tool-t time for a brief visit to see A! Lawrence. our most senior member of 92 who v contined to hospital. after which she was entertain to dinner at Stoney Creek before leaving for Toronto MANOTICK WI â€" visited the Turkish Embm and met the Ambassador and his wife. Much \learned about Turkish women and their families ttli life styles. Each member was presented with a cops "Women in Turkey" and “The Reforms 0f Ataturl» Ataturk is recognized as the Father of Turkey sinn I923.