HE‘SALL W] held a meeting entitled "Health in 1.“. Community". A Home Economics teacher rein- iiireed her talk about Canada‘s Food Guide “till a {hm gm , She spoke about the nutrients in our foods .le .td itives that are added to our food to enhance :iigir IOL‘kS. HYUW'N W] â€" Roll Call give a minute talk on the t Lll’i House â€" ï¬nd out what goes on inside, Motto i «. molt: tight shut. is but a block of paper. HUL'TH MACAULAY WI 7 had a picture presentaâ€" ,;. hi Charles Stewart. Local scenes in the various ,tiin's were thurouohl} enj0}ed. he then showed '1le pt of Florida, PaEistun. DAISY TIME See. the grass is Full of stars. Fallen in their brightness; Hearts they have til" shining gold. Rays of shining whiteness. Buttercups have hUnL‘)L‘d hearts. Bees they love the cltwer. But I love the duisies‘ dttnce All the meadow over. Blow. O blmi; you happ) Winds. Singing summer‘s praises. Up the ï¬eld and down the ï¬eld A»dtincing with the daisies. Marjorie Picktlitill ilNTON WI 7 have 1.1 anel entitled “A \\‘nmttne in a Mttn'5 World". anelintn included it home- : businesswnman. communin titirlter. and Ptlllllv i \lrx. Harold Murray in her sttnimtir} til' the dix» inn deï¬ned women's lihcrutiun as "the UPPI‘HII- ll‘ mttltc mature chtiiccs in the interest of the min herï¬ell' and the pctiple who depend on her " \he \tlld. “Poise ceases to he a mutter iit’hctiiline; it tiiiming who she is. What .slie In and that hllt.‘ hi:- igx," She suggested farm \i'tvex have reached it high rl iil‘ emanctputiun. with their L‘Ulllptlnlt‘nhl‘lip utth ir l‘llhhflndh and their participatitin In lltniili hlhi- . \RMOUTH GLEN WI â€" Citizenship and World illiirx. ill Gt†7 Name at Citnudiun woman who lel't her «iprintx in the sands til" time lwllii » Better [0 try something ttnd l'tiil thin to tr} thing ttl'ld succeed. lierunime 77 A woman ltl\\'\'Cl' LilsClls‘tfd tiiiniiiii‘k lc in the community. She ernphzisi/ed her duties in 'inither and homemaker ï¬r~t ttnd then her ciintrlhu- >ii in her community in priwidini.r leuderxhip, lxlNG WI â€" Roll Call ~ Name tin Indian Tribe, \pcukcr â€" Mrs. Emmerson Wallace told about the lllL‘ and activities of the Cree Indians living in the \‘llltlgc Ml Paint Hills on James Bay. She described the skinnâ€" in; til‘ at Lynx by a Cree whman (not a drop at hltiiid lcll to the floor) and told about watching a rahhll ‘kinning race. Slides complemented her talk and she ‘Plike highly of the bead and leather craft work. Shelley Ballanlyne (r) With leader Mrs Don/in Lamp- man receiwng PrOVirICIaI Honours at Niagara Norm Achievement Day THIRD UNI". “I celebrate Jliitl .tt'llll\cl‘\.tt'\ lilL' cclchrtttiiiti \\.l\ held II] the t'iitiiiiiuiitti |i.i|| ititli menith .irid lliriiit'r I'llt'llllk‘h .tttetitliiie lilt‘ Illllllllt'iil'the lirxt meeting \\L‘I'L' I'C‘ILI _i~ tit-ll .lK liiyliltelih int-i lhc \cttrx \1rx R '\ “line Lil.|l|L'l ll‘lt'lllht‘l Ltlll tltlL‘lcd ll‘lc tlL‘HIlIiinx \|l\' il.l.\ \Illtl' dit'tl \lll\lt iil mun} \tlllL'll£'\ \LIN lliiir-itielih L'|l||l\\'\l \ ~|lliltt'.lhiird lllllL'llL‘tlll .Ii||‘\\L'li the lllL‘tnht'lx .intl yin-xi» in mtnglc and unit“. lllL' tint Al 25th Anniversary SDE'ClaI' guests and lust ysmr mr-mriiiiu ,ittnnrfirig celebration of Hifisdale Wt t r Mrs Griffin†Huer Mrs James Bell. standing Mrs Alvin Dianna Mia rm; ald Swailes, holding anniversary Cake. MM. Ruth li-.i Mrs Li‘oyd Dunlap Mrs Gordmi l'limnmmi MU'I'IUI‘S l‘hcnnl}. \tilue ill Iiiiii: I\ II\ the When there I\ "ll \tsiiiii the purple perixli Strnnue hint rnlth \uii'ie _i_-..t in him“ hL'ItIlL‘ ti... hr1I|\lltH\\lllllL' \I'll hllil“, Tiicltriih ~tccp lllllx retitiirn in-ti PJLt' .i1 lilxl 2‘)