More About The Branches As a resuit of the course prowded by the Home Economics Branch, Mrs. Harvey Featherstone. Caiedom; made angeis as a hobby ever Since During the Ontario Women '3 Institute Week at the Erianct Lee Home ma members watched her papier mache demonstration with keen interest RH?“ RSVILLE “I.TUIIC.1|]"Vili1ICLt rmpnnsi- hilll} nlfli \\'| nmnhcr." .-\n~ucr~ urged mcmhrn [0: MM- tm le'[1\\.' IHlL'I'rhl In the mmmnnll} 'rw mlimg In [:11er _m uiiicc I'm- nilhng In purnullmlc in WI :lL'[l\IliC hr gum-rum \\ll|‘l mm IAICI'Ih he unthmmxllc And jam in dle‘l|\\Jnn\. MUI NIAIN \'l[:\\' W] had \"IL'L' ('hdlt'mun ol‘ H.1slll‘igx‘fllll‘ll} SKI'IIVHI Bimrd, Mrs, {\ixrmm (iruhum xpcuk III'UI'HMIH} mm the rule ul‘ :1 \L‘iuml Bunrd Mum- ik’l’ In [with \L’hunl s_\\lr:nL She lnld ul' some of her nun lIllL‘fuNtlll'r' mptncnccs .I.\ .I mcmhcr on the Board \K‘l\(u| R “AH-FLEET \\'.l was muted 10 [our Dnnnmnn \\ uhuwn Fuhrle and Tcmlus til Dunm illc. Mr R ('ullun apekc at a mun-ling u\pl.tlnmg the nine 0le mulhmh ul' designing lcwlcx .lml tluxL‘l‘thd the mtlcluncr} uwd Ibr pruducmg mlnurud patterns (the .luL'LluurLl) and screen pnnlmg fur nulxlng flurul pul- lt'l‘nN. Hu ltllkl uhnul the muchinc uxcd I'ur making l'urklsh luu'cls which \ms imenled In [H51]. ‘- 5‘3 Ftuskview W.i celebrate 60th Anniversary. Mrs Foster, President, and Mrs. Stan Service, Secret: Treasurer, cut anniversary cake Members, Life Mr bers. District President and Secretaryâ€"Treasurer «» typist tor Tweedsmuir History ail received lovely f? sages in institute colours before dinner at the Pionr Restaurant. Wasaga.