Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Spring 1975, page 7

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RESOLUTIONS SUSTAINED Mrs. H. Noblitt. Convener 'HEREAS at present packages containing table rodufls. i.e. spinach. cereal. etc. are often Closed bv eans of wire staples: and ‘ HEREAS in opening the package these staples ean be carelessly dropped into the contents and [MWSIbIV consumed. thereby injurious to health; ' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario request the De- partment of Consumer and Corporate Affairs to enact LIWS prohibiting the use of wire Staples when puck- Jging foodstuffs. WHEREAS we read. periodically. of this or that spe- cies of bird or animal being in danger of becoming ex» tinct through careless and greedy hunting PILICIIL‘C‘. and WHEREAS for citizen groups to zero in on one or an. other of these species in an effort to saw such could be too late. is time wasting. and ineffective in the merall situation: and WHEREAS we have departments of government whose concern is the balance and prescriaiinn of our wildlife for all citizens, notjusl hobby killers; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the lieder. .iied Women's Institutes of Ontario express their conA eern to the Ministry of Natural Resources of ()nltlflu and the Department of the Environment of (‘anada and ask if they wonld give this matter their earneu consideration, WHEREAS abortions are available to young women of In years or over. subject to review and approval by .i panel of doctors: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the chcr» atcd Women's Institutes of Ontario request the De- panment of Health to voice its approval to our present abortion laws and oppose "ABORTION ()N DE. MAND“. WHEREAS retailed foodstuffs in Ontario arc large-l} contained in unnecessarily fancy packaging; and WHEREAS this packaging involves the expenditure of time and money. therefore adding in the cost at the product; and WHEREAS economical bulk and utility packaging was the order of the day during World War TVA-u. and therefore acceptable; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT our De- partment for Consumer Affairs be requested to induce manufacturers and distributors to modify their pack- aging of products. and that the public be encouraged to buy items in simple or unwastel‘ut containers. WHEREAS the drivers ofschool buses are responstbtc for the safety of their passengers: and WHEREAS said drivers. in the event of an acctdent. may not be knowledgeable in current first aid prac- iiees; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario request the Ontario Government to enact legislation to the effect that all operators of school buses be required to have a current First Aid Certificate. WHEREAS women not thinking outside the nintriinw nial home ma} not make mntrihutions to the Canada Pension Plan; and WHEREAS it is the right of everyone to mid; and to have that work ret‘ogni/ed .is ultiable. “hellicr the Li- hour is paid in the labour market or unpaid in the home and continuous. .ittd WHEREAS many small htlslnCMe‘s and man) litftll operations “unit! not he able to sttniic “ilhuut the nil'e's labour: and WHEREAS .1 large part ofa “omen's L‘L'Ut‘ltlll'llt’ .ictt\~ it) fihomemakiug. child-retiring. and essential mitt» munit_\ senicc must he pcrtornicd because it is \II.II for the fdllllI)‘ and for SOCIEI), hut dues not |t.i\ e inun- ctar} remuneration. and WHEREAS although the hours of labour spent tit these .Nllttltc‘ ma) be long and tiring and t.‘\lt‘ttd met man} scan. it I.\ outside the labour market and liltlllflpulLI. and JIM." not bruit“ L‘cuiioiiiii.‘ strength and iL‘L‘UI'll) for the indiudiial. lHERIil~()Ri [if It RI SUI \ I'll that the l edcraied Women's InSIIlUICs of Ontario rciiiicst that the lcd« eral Department at National Health and \\e|t.iie enact the ltcrcssdfl legtslatiuii tu include IItIIIM‘\\I\L‘~ tn the Canada Pension I‘l.iii WHEREAS \se h.i\i: become .I\\.tt’L‘ that .ilt‘nliulisiu Ione Ufnur major health and \l‘tflttl pl‘ul‘lL‘flls, and is lit- creasing “Ilh the more related regulations. and li.i\~ mg a concern that we cndeamur in .illci l.llt‘ the pmti- lerti as far .I\ is pusslhIL‘; 'fo’RH‘URI~ III‘ II RI SUI \‘l'll that the | edeiaicd Women's Institutes of Horatio request the I t-dt-i.il government In ctitit‘t legislaliun IUI tiirl.iiliiiciil or it's- \atnin ol'ndvertising of hex ct.th .iIu-hol .tiid ll‘ plain- ourmilion WHEREAS ps}chi.itric I.lt.lIlIlL'\ and “d” \L'flllll,‘ Northwcxtcrn ()titariu are IIK‘dlt'LI in the \‘1I\ nl IIlllti' der Hat. and WIN-,RleS persons \celtni: prulcuiniial piiitlaiitc and counselling must in mam t..I\C\ travel otrr lint htindrcd miles. and ll\lt.‘|II_\ he prepared to .iriatipc lot several dtiys' accommodation .iua) lrniii home And to full) henelit from counselling iiini talie \L‘\L‘LII months and numerous return \'t\ll\ to the I.ILIIII\. and WIIIiRi-AS there is .in increasing .t\\tlfl‘ltL'\s oi the advisability.- ul'xecking aid for children uith emotional or behavioural problems during the PIC-\tIlttUI and early school years so that these t'hildrcn [1]th achieve their full potential as rcsporisihlc adults. TIIFRI‘JJORI: III: If RI:S( )l.VI'I) that the I t'dt'ritlt‘tl Women's Institutes ol'Ontario request that the provin- L‘llll Ministry of Health and Weillirc tirranpc ltI estab- ltsh Community Mental Health t‘entreu in \llt-IIIL'I towns and cummtlfllllcs in Northwestern Ontario, to that the fullest benefits iif professional guidance mitt he received by all thmc who viish to avail ll‘lttttlst‘IVL‘V of these \cn‘iecv. WHEREAS the government has plans to discontinue the type of home for the aged. now existing in Ontario in favour of two separate it pcs of home. one for spe- ctal care and one for ordinary care. and WHEREAS residents in homes for the aged are often married couples who thuId he separated into two scp~ 7

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