Entrance Award Winners Aikinson. Karen Flob Brenda Bremner, Lois Lounsberg, Mrs. H. Nob/1‘11. Presvdenl, Entrance Award Winners Siudenfs now amending Univer- ingslon, Joan Patrick, Mary Slly of Guelph. College a! Family and Consumer Studies (L-R) Dr Jane-r Wardi‘aw. Dean 0/ College. Barbara Liv~ Barbara Livingslun. l’urth A graduate 11l l’crlh 11nd l)1\lr1Ll (hllrglnlc l11~11~ 11111: .1111l .1I \L'\L‘lllL'|.'ll L‘nlcrul 1hr llnlwrsll} Ul (hiclph 111 ll1u l-mr war wurxu ul l.11111|} .nnl (1.11- s11111c1 Simhcx mun-ring In 1111|r1l11111. ll.11'l1111.1 l1:1pc\ 111 111-1 I11‘1 ili'grcr 111111 haw-mu .1 LllL’llilJI] Slu- L'11|I-\\ wulllg. winking, ummnmg .1111.| mum- 11111h|l|11y \K'hilc .1l hlllnL' \hu “in Imnlxul 111 Lhunh .1111\111r~ .11111 unnplrlul wwml 4-H ll11111r111.1l\1ng (l11l'1 prwicrh \|r~ lulugxtun 1x .1 [LN prusldunl 111 [hr Sauna l111L'11l [)111111111111111\\ui11c11\l11xl11111c.111ilh.1~hcu11.i lk'.|LlL'I' Inl' 4-H |lu1111:111.11\1111_1 ( lUl‘x .1s “cll .Ix ll1c ~111- 1<11 11.1111111pul11111lN ll.11h.1r.1 lu‘h Ih.1l \‘\11111c11\ 1m11111m \111l111x 1.111- .1l11111x prunilux .1 \.1r1vl1 ul .111111110 lur \uiing gn’lx .1111I l111111u111.1|\c1~ .lllle' .1111l hclpx 131 1lr.i\1 11111111111111- llL‘\ min-11.1â€) r111’.i| “no. t'lH\L'l lnguthcr M1“ ll\|ll§\lt‘n m1» "ll1.11 1h: \L'hl‘l.ll\lllp\ PF11~ \HlL‘Ll l1} [hr \\1>111L~11\ |n~111111m nlH11|,||1..‘LrL-nnv..| 1311' [1111\I m-rlln pi‘qiixlx 1111plcnlc111cd l“ .1 \-1|11111.111:1'§.1i11/.1l1ni1 ' Brundu BrcIunL-r. HlllL'Hlll.‘ ll11'111l.1 |1.1~ whiplului l4 PrlilL'kl\ .IIILI I'L‘L'lx lhh h.1~ l1111gl11 hur ll)‘; 11r.11.111.1| l1111111'111.1l1111g \Llllx .11111 hclpx In lmlul .1 (01111111111111. \111111 “[1 Â¥|\\_'\1111L'1;\l1L-. llk'HLL' 111 111l1'l.11'1111:_' mih nlhcr 111cn1hcr'xnl wur gum- 11111111l\ .111d .1 kmmlulgc 11f \killx 1|1.11 \11ll hi-Ip \1111 ll11'1111gl11111l 11-11r lllL' †I 30 Mrs Hrcmncr is u 4â€"H Hnmcmuking Club |1.1\‘1ng l1)le l'nr lhc |11>1>even years and ï¬nd: 1! lcrol inunlvus her in Community life, which she 111w “1111111 11115541 Women‘s Institute member 1‘ |.‘1\l 24 _\1::1r\. givcs her an uppnrlunily 10 do org 111111;:l \\url\ which .shc enjoys. \lmx thin Brenda 13 at the University of ('1 \lH.‘ limlx l|111l hur llmc 1.\ limited and her ucln spurh .11111 huhhlL‘N has been curtailed. hnweu hupux [11 lind 11111: for swimming. scwing and u 111g rwlpcx Iur winking. Hrcndn l1.1\ 11111 d¢c1dcd what she will dn gmdimlinn. but one thing for sure. she hnpm ‘- 111.1111 .1 [1.111 111' 1|1c rurul community. Lois Lounsbnry. Smithville 1.11s .1111] her mullwr enjoy doing lhings Inga hulh l'ccl 1hr) have beneï¬led doing things fron: llunminnking (fluh princclx Mrs, Lounsbur} 13-1 11m \\‘n111cn'~ [11111111115 nrcmbcr but now IS a It I 11|\ I1.1\ wmplclcd 13 units gind some 11l'thc 111111 I.11111|_\ thhcs lhlh: hccn those made in 4-H. Shy 1\ .111cnd1ng1hc L'nivurxily ul‘Guclph. 61114 111 lllL' l'.11111|_\ 11ml ('nnsumcr Sludies program \l.11'1c11 111111 lhu ILlCLl «11' humming a dlctiuun. him xhc |1.1~ Lhnngcd her mind 11nd 111 1118 moment ll: ul 1111111111115 111 Family Sludies “ilh some nulrli 1111mm,Shcluclx1l1coppnr111ni1iesin1|11>ï¬e|dl1~1 “11h- \UIPL' inr Ll career. She 111.1119 1111M 01' her mm L'lulhe: and wnh 1"