Al the Slaney Creek 75th Anniversary Celebration February IV, 1972. "Al. From left â€" Mrs. Oliv: Furquharsan, A.C.W,W. President; Miss Marjorie Lee. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erlund Lee,- Mrs‘ U0“, Dow. President Stoney Creek Women's Institute. With The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canm Forty women from across Canada met in Ottawa June 13-15 for the Annual Board Meet- ing of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada. Mrs. E. V, Fulton. of Birtle. Mani- toba. President, opened the meeting by observ- ing a one<minute silence in tribute to the late Mrs. James Haggerty of Napanee. Ontariot President of F.W.I.C. from 1961-64 who died in April of this year‘ Many subjects were covered during the three-day meeting and plans were laid for the National F.W.I,C. Convention to be held in Banff. Alberta the week of June 17. 1973. This year being the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the F.W.I.C. the members cele- brated the event at a smorgasbord dinner on the first evening of the meeting. Over the past year a Cross-Canada Survey on the Legaliza- tion of Marijuana was conducted by the Con~ vener of Citizenship and Education. Mrs. Care men Inglis of Tupperville. NS. and an over- whelming majority of the replies (39.479 our of 41.102 to date) voted against the legaliza- tion of the drug. The members sustained a 26 resoluuon to make their findings know Federal Cabinet. One of the important projects over 1‘ ten years has been the establishment 0| en's Institutes in the North. The Pr: Mrs. Fulton. and Mrs. George Clark. man of the Northern Canada WomenV tutes Committee will tour the Yukon .| Northwest Territories in August to in themselves with the feelings and prohli Canada‘s northern homemakers. * sir * Perhaps I'm no: religious But when I say a prayer I somehow feel inside of me That God is always there. * ‘k Morgan 53 * HOME AND COUHIR"