Leaders of Discussion Groups â€" Officers' Conference, 1968 â€" left to right â€" back row â€" Mrs. Leonard Trivers; Mrs. Charles Beumer; Mrs. Ross Johnston; Mrs. J. Hermansen; Mrs. John Charlton; Mrs‘ J. Sherman; Mrs. R. J. Penney; Mrs. Russell Wise; Mrs, H. Strong; â€"_ from raw _ Mm George Regs“ Mrs‘ c_ EA Yeafes_ Mrs, Wrn. Gales; Mrs, John Craig,- Mrs. Elton Armstrong. ()flicers9 Conference “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent; a part of the main.†This quotation from the 16th century poet. philosopher. John Donne, was the theme for the 1968 Conference which brought together over five hundred women, officers of the Women‘s Institutes of Ontario at the Universi- ty of Guelph on April 30, May 1 and 2. The officers for whom this Conference was planned were: Branch Citizenship and Educa- tion Groups â€" chairman, Mrs. J. Sherman; Branch Presidents â€"â€" chairman, Mrs. L Triv- ers; Membersâ€"at-large â€" Mrs. Elton Arm- strong; District Secretaryâ€"treasurers â€" Mrs. J. Charlton. Group leaders were: Mrs. George Reist. Mrs. Charles Beamer, Mrs. William Gates. Mrs. C. E. Yeates. Mrs. John Craig. Mrs. J. Hermansen, Mrs. H. Strang. Mrs. R. H. Wise, Mrs. R. J. Penny, and Mrs. ROSS Johnston. Registration for accommodation in resi- dences on the campus of the University of GUEIPh and Conference registration started at 2 pm. on Tuesday, April 30. Bus and walking Ipurs of the University Campus were arranged for early arriving delegates and some delegates enjoyed a visit to the Adelaide Hoodless I-Iomestead at St. George. On Tuesday eve- fllng. Women‘s Institute members were able to renew old friendships and make new friends at a coffee party in the Macdonald Hall dining room. SUMMER 1968 Mrs. Everett Small. President of the Feder- atcd Women's Institutes of Ontario opened the Conference Sessions at 9 pm. on Wednesday, May lst. Mrs. Small welcomed the delegates and thanked Dr. W. C. Winegard. President of the University of Guelph for the warm welâ€" come received by the members of the Wom- en‘s Institute at the University and for the op- portunity of visiting the University Campus. Miss Helen McKercher. Director. Home Economics Branch. Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food expressecl her pleasure at the fine attendance and the great interest shown by the delegates in the work of the Women's Institutes. She congratulated leaders of 4-H Homemaking Clubs and said that she censidered the program of the Home Economâ€" ics Branch one of the best examples of Adult Education. "Today." Miss McKercher continued, “we must learn how to live. not just how to make a living. We must try to understand why we are doing the things we are. We must experience the excitement of continuous learning. We must give thought to enriching our lives to cope with increasing leisure times. We must guard against becoming the victims of rush. "We have exciting opportunities now for knowing more people and developing longer and longer chains of friendship.“ said Miss. McKercher. "The aim of the Home Economics Branch is to help people to help themselves, to develop 15