t A {MrL Russel Saunders President and Mrs. Eoil Ward Secretary examining the liveedsmuir History of the Whitby Branch of the Women's Institute, the icwnd i institute. at their 70th birthday party. T THE FARMERS iNSTlTU’I‘I? meet- ing at Kemhle in lh'97. which included _ both men and women. the hilt Mix. James Gardiner was a guest speaker :ind her uhject was. “Mun Works From Sun to Sun. [but Women's Work Ix; Never Done". She e\- pressed the thought that it would he nice it ‘ omen could meet monthly. in it would he it been to Rural women. who could dixcim lionie making problems and exchange ideiix. In August of ihtli year. Mrs. (itll'tiinul' ,alled from home to home inviting the women 0 a meeting in the Library Htlli for the purâ€" ose of organizing a Wonien‘a lmtitiitc. \tltll- air to that recently formed in Stone) ('reeL. ' Clause in the first Constitution xhows that ‘i (3 first idea was to promote hettcr :ircliitce- tire and sanitation in the homes ï¬nd to studv 00d and fuel values. Later CtttltL‘ :i desire to return and advance in many wtlyx. which i].tever disappeared from Rlll’tli ('iiniidii. V The outcome of this meeting WM Ihiit Mrs. . S. Smith of Whithy orgiiniIeil the "third omen's Institute in the World. When Kemhle was (‘tl’gtlnllL'tl it um given ncourugement and :mistaincc hy hL‘VCt'Jll tlwcn 5- ludiCX. among whom were Mrs. J. cQuuker and Mrs. J. C. Griffith. The first officers were: Hon. Prexident. Mn. t. S. Smith of Whitby; President. Mr». Jitmex ‘ ardiner. an office which she held for ten 1 2 Vice-President. Mrc. Daniel [)uvidxnn; cretar_ Mrs. Franklin Wilcot: Treu-«urcr. rs. George Beckett: Directors: Kennelâ€"Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. William Mctiregnr: t LI. 1967 Whitby and Kemble Women’s Institutes Celebrate 70111 Birthdays Surmmkâ€"Miss Muir and Mrs. W. J. Saund- erx. Some i\\ent}-tlii'ee tttCtl'll‘L‘l'h “ere enrolled at lith meeting. Non-x tell tlx' th:it Mrs. William Mctiregor succeeded Mrs. \\'ilco\ th‘ Secretory utter ti. short uhilc. The prexident ot' Kemhle \‘i'onieii's ll‘l\lillliL‘ I\ non Mi'i. John lidiiiomtonc, R R. l. (“linerâ€" ittg: Seeicldt’iâ€"Mn. \\'illi.un (Ting. RR. 1 ('lnu‘t'iiig eight. Menihcn of Kcnililc \VomenK Institute iirc proud ot their long ittxlnr'} tit \\'.l. \H‘l'k and Like iiilde in keeping their I‘\\cedxmuii' llis» tor) up to dale. l'hci'c i\ :i iiieiiihci‘ship ot‘ t\\ciit_\'- Whitby “ f l \\'l||lil\' on the Z‘ltli ot June ltlnl. .i iiicctine ot the i.|.t|ll'\ ot South Uii~ t.iiio \\.t\ ciiitiened li\ Mix. J. | , Siiiitli lot the iiiuposc ot oiitniii/Iiii: .i \Vonicii's Ind stitule. llictc \\ £1\ ii l.iii‘ .ittendnnec. coiixidcr- iihle ltlll'lth \\.i~t lli.lttl1l‘\it‘ti and .i l1.tl'ljtli oieiiiiimtion “m. .iltcctcd. A \lttltl tiiiic iéllcl' .trtotltet‘ meeting \\.I\ CtliiL‘ll. liillL‘t'l'N were elected iltlti the \‘i'oiiien'x IthliltllL‘ ol South ()Iliillltl “its I.iir|\ i.|tltlL‘ltL'ti " the .ihme iiiuiirmiili t\ qiiotctl tioiii. “lhe I‘ltltl RL‘IH‘II Hi the l.iiiiiei"\ liistitiitex." 'I illlï¬ \\e h.i\c .iii :iiitlierilie record ol the founding: in the \l'L'tlllIi “hint-if» Iii-.tittttc in the world, lite tepoil L‘Ultllllflt‘\ .tlid tells Itx lilill oii ()t'tiiâ€" her l2. l3â€? the ill'\l ieeulnr meeting was held In lilt' ('oiineil (itdllli'tt'l‘t zit Whiting 'llie I’rcxidcnt Mix, 5 l Iiiowii i-\|iliiiiicd the tilt- IL‘L'i‘i til the .l\\l‘t’l.|li|‘ll .ind piiiecciled Iii eiiriy out the pit-ciamiiie Ili;ii li.iil liccii iiim-iilcil x\ Mi“ Meelt ol Wliitlw It'mi tl pup-er on "\‘i‘iiiiliiu tiiiidciiiiitt.†Itllll.l Row (Stephen) \mx ilicwtil iITIlI iiit'settled two .‘iildicsxeï¬, "Bit-nil .\l.ilrtiiii:" .iiid "iiiittci Mnkiui: " ‘llic tilltct't‘i ill the \cciiiid Wiiiiiun'a [nati- tiitc were iloiioiuii l'rcxidt‘iit. Mrs. .l. L. Smith: |1lt"~ilit'l‘ll i\il\ H l. ltiiiwn‘. Vice picxitleiit. \lrx. l’iii\i\'. 'st'L'll'lLllV. Mix W'ni. .‘\ttLit‘t’\IItt1lt’uthtlt’t'l. Mix. i ll Mitchell. In L'Imlrit: lici’ icpiiit tit liIlN tttL‘L'ltlti! tltc wen-Lin \.t\\ "Jiidiiitiit tiiiiii tliix, our tirat IllL't'l'llltL. I think he lll.‘l\’ \tIIL'lV -.:i\' tliiit the Women‘s itl‘dilllit: ot Siiiitli Untnrio is likely to liecoiiie. :it ill] l‘ilii\' iliitc, ii very xiicccxsl'lil :iiid |l\cilll orenniliitioii.†llie Whithv limnch of Woiiieii'x inflilltit‘ is \Etli \eri‘ active. "Ilie president in 1907 i\ er, Rtmel Saunders and the secretary it. Mrs. iiurl Ward. 13