The President’s Corner Mu. Everett Small, President F.W.l.0. ROM REPORTS which I have received. t know that the past months have found our members very busy as they prepared their programs to honour the 70th anniversary nl the founding of the Women’s Institute at Stone}. C'recl. and Canada‘s IOUth birthdzty. Annutd meetings of the Branch and District Annuztls also received careful planning. lhis hats been :1 time when the members have worked together to mttlte 'd success of e.i.'h undertaking, the true meaning of the \'-t‘rLl err-operation has been put into effect. 'lhis l\ as it should he: one person can uccom- [tll‘al‘l much, two people working together can accomplish more. and group participation can achieve great things. "Working Together." the theme ol the A.C.‘v‘V.W. conference held in Dublin in l‘Jï¬S. is important {it all times and should never be forgotten it‘ we are to be of Value in our work and in the community. lhl’tlllgh co~operution we experience the joy uI living. ol doing for others. and the satis- t'.ietion of seeing resulh from our Work. Let ll\ give of our best in whatever we do, no mutter how small or how great the task. In giting, \\t.' not only help others but also help ourselves. "All [but we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.“ As I write this letter I think or the c0« ttpcrtttiun among the members who sent a delegate from their Brunch to the Ofl'iccrs‘ ("t-nterence. Through the group chairmen and their leaders I not certttin your delegate re- turned to the Branch with :1 wider knowledge or the work of the Women's Institute. If the opportunin £ll‘l\t.'\ 1 hope she will share her mpertenee with other branches who did not hate .I tlelegttle representing that particular ~I.tntlm_e committee or ol'l'ice. I think. tint. ill the co-upcrminn Hmong the members who are sending ti tl-Jlegrtte to the Nittonnl ('ttm’entinn. Those coming to the opening session are also to make this event an t!tll\l.tlttllng success. Truly. co-operntion is a great “on! and should he put into action trotting our members ill till timexi It is only through working [ugclhcr {hm “c can can; out the tiittts rind tthiL‘Clx of the Women‘g In; stitute .h \te \\nrl; for home ttnd countrv. 4 During Canada’s centennial year we \\ it recall events of other years. Will you pith: consider the followtng lines as worthnl‘ t- thoughts to remember. I Remember the value of time Remember the success of perseverance Remember the pleasure of working Remember the dignity of simplicity Remember the power of kindness Remember the worth of character Remember the influenCe of example Remember the obligation of duty Remember the wisdom of economy Remember the virtue of patience Remember the improvement of talent Remember the joy of originality Eileen St A PRAYER Eternal God _ I \Vho hast been our dwelling place in all gcit lions, Under \Vhose guidance Those who have gone before us have walked And by whose sptrit they have been strengthenet and sustained. \Vith grateful hearts we acknowledge before Tl Our gratitude for these sixty years of service To Home and Country. In faith we look down the future's broadening v. With steady eyes and confident hearts. “7:: thank Thee for the pioneers of the Institute For the vision that inspired them For the faith that sustained them For the light that guided them We give Thee thanks for the achievements of th- ast: Th1; enrichment of rural life and rural homt The strengthening of the ties that bind us To the women of other nations. Grant, we pray, to each one of us A new vision Of the opportunities that lie before us An awareness 0f the tasks that: are still unfinished And a determination to do our part Large or small Wherever we are To make the burdens of others lighter And our Country 3. better place In which to live. W’ith the simplicity of a great purpose And the power of dedicated lives May we dedicate ourselves With eagerness and enthusiasm To the task that lies at our hand. As we have entered into the labours of others Help us so to labour char in their turn Others may enter into our labours. We pray in the name of Him \Vho glorified our human life By becnming a part of it: And who came to earth To enrich and bless the lives Of all people everywhere. Amen. On the 60th Anniversary of the Women's Institul‘ By Rev. W. A. Young Chaplain, Ontario Agricultural College HOME AND COUNTR