The President’s Co mer Mn. leonord Trivers, Presidenl, F.W.l.0. night begins to close in so much earlier, when the birds cengregate In HOISY flocks and the goldenrod is ablaze 0n the roadsides. we suddenly awaken to the fad that our fleeting summer is almost at an end. How quickly the time passes! Now. if we planned wisely and did our work well at the proper time. those of us who are growers Will he reaping the results of our labors in fresh foodstuffs. lover flowers and â€" this is posâ€" sibly the best reward of all-â€"pride and satisâ€" faction in the summer‘s work. Nature moves very swiftly in the brief growing months and it' we do not cooperate with her at the right time. very soon it is too late and we can do nothing but wait for another year to start over again, It is not only in the field of seed-time and harvest that the time element is so vital. Writ- ers from even the earliest times have stressed its importanceâ€"from the Bible. which re- minds us “to every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven," through the other time honored sayings: “Pro- crastination is the thief of time". "The future belongs to those who prepare for it". No doubt you can add a dozen others. If We miss the moment to speak the word of sympathy, of encouragement. congratulation or gratitude, the opportunity may not come again. If we do not take advantage of chances to learn new skills when they are offered, we often come to regret it in later years. It seems to me that we members of the Women's Institute are being very slow to grasp an opportunity which is open to Us. When Mrs. Van Beekhoff visited Ontario this spring she came from a meeting of the World Food Congress in Washington. D.C. The Family l-lerald. a well known farm publicaâ€" tion. tn its June 6 issue printed 21 very clear “ml Compelling al'tiCle on the aims and work of this organization under the title "Hunger, World Problem. World Task". Space does not permit me to quote from the article here but 1 would suggest that every reader of this corner a T THIS TIME OF YEAR when the 4 find a copy and read every word of it the urgency of the situation was made very l.†to us at the Officers’ Conference b\ an Hulse of the Mysore Project in India. {.1 the projects named in the article. The i m of this organization is “to whom much is -_ of him shall much be required." Certau' in this country have been given much, Some time ago I was talking with a r. minister about such things. He said that im Opinion the story of the Good Samaritui timely in the twentieth century as it War ,3†years ago. In the twentieth century. ll 4h we must think in terms of nations rathe individuals. With travel and communw in being what they are today, our comr it, has broadened and these underdevelopt ;.'. tions are our neighbors. The nations .h act the part of the Good Samaritan It a these starving peoples may very well “i. in. balance“ in their decision to accept on of life or Communism. These people l, .ii want charity but rather to learn better :1. ods of production and preservation l tn- foods which they now have, but they \2 u now. This is something that will not \\ in the words of the article: “their seething "st has become a potent forceâ€"windeed it til plunge the whole world into chaos." For the past two years the Federated ‘l- 0 5n. en‘s Institutes of Ontario has been ur-__- n members to realize the urgency of thi .lt‘ of affairs and to take steps to offer a l ‘lg hand. For our sixty-fifth anniversar ‘-L' launched the International Scholarship 1 cl through which every branch can make finite contribution to help these people It lp themselves. The interest from the mm .-.c subscribe when invested will be suffic: in send some trained person to help when: a needed and to provide continuous sup] iv her work. We have pointed out repeate at returns this can bring in friendship nations. At this point it seems that the it; of your givings which flowed so freely ‘M’ outset have almost dried up, while his rushes on. The need of these people is very grt ltn‘ trained people are ready and willing :Jv. religious and government leaders are Utl that this is the best approach. Why d1 M‘ finish what we have started? Mary L'l'.‘ * * * JUNIOR FASHIONS By Mona Gould A freshly diapered physique Is all a baby needs for chic! â€" Canadian Mothercrafr it-tl * * 1* HOME AND co "m"