Negro, English, Japanese and Italian school children in Ta- ronlo wilh ll'Ieir leather, Min Helen Tokiwa. No race plain- dice have! ()ME MONTHS A00 .1 l'iillul Shin Clllh‘ll had lhc Color of his skin lrmpumrlh chunqu by means of pills‘ ullmvmlul mu .llltl iluw on he wt out in set his cnunlr} .is .i hugm nly his pigmunlutiun wan different llnl uh.†.I hungc he found in his rcccplmn bx hu cmmlix 9. cnl The prcjmliccx hc cncminlcrml .iml lllL‘ .1“ imin Inry lrcutmcnl that hc ruccncd rcmllnlul nadium of lhc iniuxlicc nf [‘lL‘llllllL‘C l‘.|'\l'\l im ace, religion :md L'ulnr. Mum rcmllul ilm 11w ill of Righls III'ILl nlhcr .'II1ll-lthl’lllllll-ll‘lull my.†re.» haul bucn cnuclul lu plulccl llllllllrlh unmrs rom cxplnimlinn :Iml prcimhcc. Thu)‘ rccullcd uncusll). lumrwi, the mini-imp. hich [no nflcn lunml ucmnum-dalmn ".ilu-mh lllul" . . . [\(‘Nllllln\ “lllUll hull 'IIM hccn lulu'n" i . incicliu "liniilul" in lllcllllu‘lxlllI‘ llic'. calizcd [hail lama .ilnnc mnnul [ml an L'llll In l'ClllLllCL‘ :le iliscrlmlnulmn. and llml cumin u! L: luw oflcn rmulls in clhnli; grnnps. ll.|\llll' ln 'vc in cnlnnics. \lL‘PCI'lllL'nl nn lllt‘ll' unn min-rial: 1'» for unliipAniunslun llmr lnlL'l'lillllln II1liI nnmliun sncicl} dclaycd; n.1tnu (anadmm. um ablc In ï¬nd juhx. llLL’l‘nlnllllldllllll .in-l mmpunmn hip "ouhidc." dcicclciily rclmnim- In their lL' crvcx. Discrimimiliun is ;i musl L'kpcnxlu‘ hiva Ill cgicgulinn. invnlvini: :i “.hlL‘ ul human turn-nu ml Cup:lhlllllc\, uml u uhllx. Inn-Ir" m1 Ill..- uxlgcls of snuinl :iml wclliuc .HZK'HLIKW ll prciuilicu l‘\ with an L‘Tlltlll’ll! wual :nlriwril 'h) has ll nnl hccn cI;i-llc.ili‘il fmm much lull" {:07 A Clmcr cuumnulmn nf lllL‘ :anlUln'. l‘l rcjudicu: may \upply llic :inw-cr FirHt of all. prejudice and dikcnnnnalmn (In uni exist cvcryuhcrc. T/lrrr i5 rm prejudiic whr'rc drinwr lurli or in fur.- lunrli'm'lr i: a rnmnmn lmml, Tlir H'Uunflrl! an‘r care: no: for thc racr, cniur nr rnwl “I Mr Ivmlilv M'Im pulls him :0 Injury. Tin-N [T rm pn-[nu‘u r‘ ml the 1mm" ll'hl‘ft' .mlrzlurily, burn in} ilir \r'l'\‘ INTER 1961 The Anatomy of Prejudice By G. R. Bl'llflll Director of lllfurllmliun. ‘illllllllll lh‘purlmrul ul {llllll'llhhill mu! Immiuruliuu Him] [.4 .liï¬rm' .ui um mini/In, [I ll ILuI’ .If hfr. Hm n winnln. In l-i luau-I arm-m: .IulJuir lulli’ hm; uni fuui minim! m Iliiu hum.» N n .Jli.‘ ..- 1...: that ,w. nuliu I\ up: ..-nrm..l I-I Hrr \mm lmrlmi II'IHUIIHI um r.- rln- nlrili 1.“. In .1 umM nlmli l\ min 1min i.«l.-m..f .mil nliliii hm .Ii'riiimul m mmli ifiulimlvliifr-‘H, “’AHHIHI limb 1' mn Ilj‘lilui'rl \hmmniv hum ll ri-nh Fniuni [H‘U'i Ml 1m. imJ mun:un Jil Hm! p-i hum.» n-IHH uni mmhu “llcnvul ll l'\l‘\l‘-_ llimcu'l, lulilililiu’ l‘: lllnl [‘Inuumllx In Iwmmnn‘. lmi, llll‘llullUIl .Illil l||.|lli\1l.ll lunlr l\l'll III lln-- nnlIi-lltallnl .ll". [mi |Il.IIH i'cuivlr In .lllllll‘tldll' lllv l.llt‘l|l‘- «II |‘|.'| mna ul ll.|lll'llillllll‘- ulhrl llmn ll'llll null. nl illr Llll.t“~.ll|' ul llli‘ll lll‘Jl‘llL iunliilmlmnn Iii nun lin-l lIll' llI.IlI'.‘ .ilm, liini' .ilm .I nlu'plk lumli‘ul l'i'ln'l an tlu- iuluini- ‘.II|N‘|II|Hl\ nl llIIll nun kllllllli llinIl-ri-I-J. inhl .II11lun'IiIlii-i.!-. l|.i‘..' .illlllllnl Ivulv lunul .wm: llmi llu‘ri' ix nu lll’lllllJIliIll lUl E.ILI I .lnrum , llmr '-lI|'l \H‘U-w Him llll ill \Illlll Lll iiiuniiln Illllll‘ll- .uhl i-llul <Innllnfln| mu lH‘ll‘Ilr-FH llu ivlnuiml Ill-lldll'llilll u v-l a lulu-m lw .ll 1m [L'lilllllll lll]! in lll. \illlll .I- ,i lllllII.lII lumi' inn ii. Ilu .M -- i-l ulv LII-Ipm-nl .IlLiuuil M .I mun [Inllll Ill lllillll'. l“. prunpli lllllll.|l|\l‘ ul lllill inllumv \nutll In [In t'ulll‘ull'll' lulnii'u Ill lIIInLIII inlm'n llll'lll ll'dlI/illllllli ll‘I', “Mir lln‘u \Hllllll‘llllllll‘. null 'wm-lvrn. . Lulu mm.‘ luinun- mle ‘- Iman in llli‘ll ‘Imn'nl I'llHllrll‘H llll’ “inul [mink-ll. vl.lll LIA-l Illll'uli ml with lllllnlll .imnuui‘nl klllll1' .inil '.Elll\l|l ln lllo llli‘lï¬l‘i null/ml linilmll' \I'1 Human ,.n.| (mil [lvlll‘ll'i ‘v‘vllt lI‘-II||' Ill |1llrIlIlHr 'vT‘llll' nunl- null-n 1 him 1: .In-I llllll-Ill tllllllll"- Illlllll'~ll .wl Ill 1.†.Imimi l-lllll~ Wi- 'illl'flL ul llmluulJu in, ii l'ljllll'lll'" -|I his! immullml'h '(-Ill.l'l\ lL'lllL'lll lunm- Ili,i1 (IIILI‘ II \‘vd'l llIL' 'illr (ll :I lllllllrll‘» Hlll'u'lxllL .u Illlll'tl (111":le imII llmlmi' willh' .lllrlll’ L.Il.l\.|" umla'u I'In lllt‘ Hllll‘l lmml. lmw IIMII‘. minimum cqilippul nnl', \i-Illi nlnnc up: hull-.4 19