Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1955, page 35

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man farming. White School: a talk on Soil d Its Relation to Health. Dalston: slides n reforestation, Cain's Corners: a conducted or of the Reforestation Grounds at Midhurst .ith information by the gu1de. Rosemont laced first. a lecture With slides on beeâ€" eeping Ravenna: the agricultural meeting rith a Junior Farmer as guest speaker. At lum Creek two programs tied for first place a talk on landscaping the home grounds and talk by a local boy, Fred Francher. on his rip to Britain as one of the farm young people hosen to represent Ontario. South Cayuga: program on Canadian Industries with the epic “What Canada Makes, Makes Canada," display of products of local industries and e roll call. “A Canadian article in use in my ome." St. Vincent: a program on the history f the Federation of Agriculture in the town- hip, county, province, Dominion, and IFAP (The International Federation of Agricultural roducers); a history of Farm Radio Forums nd information on commodity groups by the vives of members. Thomcliffe: a fall meeting with a talk on the planting and care of fall bulbs. Daffodil bulbs were distributed to the nembers for forcing and these provided an interest all winter. There was a sale of plant cuttings and cookies and the proceeds went 1:) the Barley for Korea fund, Gordon: a meet- jug when the agricultural representative showed a film on home beautification with "before" and “after” pictures taken in lhc district. Savard‘. a meeting when the agricul- tural representative spoke on home improve» ment. and the school nurse on the care of whildren's teeth. This was “visitor's month" with several neighboring Institutes attending. Historical Research programs were consid~ mod the most outstanding in several places. \l Stittsville this program dealt with the lift- .Ind work of the early settlers of the county. _\t Centre Yarmouth a history of the come riunity was given and members put on a Skll wearing oldâ€"time costumes. Later they when Weniworlh county celebrated its centennial on- niversary, North Wentworth District Institutes entered lhis lloal in the parade. The branch presidents rode 0n lhe “Gal, dressed in blue smacks with gold sashes bearing the name of the branch, WINTER 1955 The South River Institute carries on the practical health proiezl of supplying milk for Ihc small children in lhe lowest room ol Ihe school. It was known that some children delinitely needed milk and it was considered best Io give it In everyone rather than lo single oul a few. The lnslilulc president, Mrs, W, Sohm, right, and the vice-presidenll Mrs. J. Graham are shown here with some of the children engoying their mid-morning lreol. Funds lor lhis project were roiled mostly by running the kilchen DI the arena on hockey game niths, \‘isltt‘d a neighbouring lnslllutu \t’L‘HJ‘IHg tin-5c costumes and. we presume, pI'L-suullng the skit. Onondaga hud :1 program featuring the his-tor}; nl' Onondaga ilifilllllll‘. Roslin, :1 his tory of Rustin, Members brought [)ll'llll‘t‘s im- the T\\‘L‘L'fii<nlllll‘ history and they hull :1 quiz on [he ilvvclnpnmnl and spread of [he Women's Institute. A1 Mono Road momhux‘s brought articles of historic mil-rust w n‘mslly clothing, household :ll'lit'lt‘h‘, rhino. glusswurv and jt'VVl‘il‘)", and told llll‘ll' history, Tu :idrl current L'Vl‘lllh' in llll> program, then» Wm: H paper on Canada's Fin-vigil Tl'Htlt‘. Kiri-nt- hurl a hisluri' nf 1h:- tnwnshtp cutiipIh-d :mrl J'i-rid by two nu-mln-i‘s, As :i hlh‘llll'll'ili rusvnn'h feature, Churchill t't'pm‘ls :i clclmlu with Lelroy: "Hr-solved that the women of lnrlziy are iiuppii'r than those of fifty years ago." Buysvillc. tor its historical l'l'HL‘le't'll ml'L-lmg ugkt-Ll cat-h member In snarl-h out an itian for the ’I‘wcctlsmlur history, Each mr-Inhr-r was given an assignment :ilnng thr- |Inr_- nl schools, cliurr-hcs, hl‘ldllt's‘ lnrzll slum-t: m' nlrl futliilius. ‘Vhitt‘churt'h (-ulvi‘tmm‘rl lhi- gl'nnrlnmlhr-rs at their nil‘t'llllu Ull himui'H-Jil I‘I'Sl‘ill‘t’ll. W. 1. Nut the 10ml important l'tlm'tlnn ul‘ thr- WumL-n's Ins!ilulc:; is in (-ri-ntc a happy sociability among the nu-mlu-i's :1an 1n the 'ommunili'. Horr- urv :nrmv of tho “outstand- mg programs" contributing in this: Scutrh Block 1n liziltuu County had 3 Val- entinc Day meeting and held it at the County Home for the Aged. They report that thr- meeting seemed to give a great deal of pleasure to the residents in the home. Grand View and 35

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