Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1949, page 4

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F.W.I.0. BOARD (Continued from page 3, col. 4) ' the districts and areas concerned Will carry the expenses of their represen- tatives. Branch presidents and secre~ taries' expenses will not be pooled. All intending to attend must send notification of such intention to Mrs. John H. McCulloch, RR. 2, Brampton by Apri 9. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE HOLIDAY A'I‘ GUELI’H Plans were discussed Concerning a Women’s Institute holiday at Guelph to take place some time between hay- ing and harvest (July, 1949), when women might enjoy the facilities of the College. Along with fun and rel- axation certain courses in such topics as perennial borders, flower arrange- ments, etc., might be arranged. (Watch for further announcement regarding this holiday). WOMEN’S INSTITUTE ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP T0 MAC- DONALD INSTITUTE Mrs. thcher announced that Miss Agnes E. Turnbull, Paris RR. 3, and Miss Jean Thomson. Fenelon Frills, were the winners of the Ontario Wo- inen's Institute Scholarships to Mac- donald Institute this year. Both girls are daughters of Women’s Institute members and in addition Miss ’l‘urii- hull holds her Provincial Honour Award for Junior Homemaking Clubs. These scholarships are the first of a series to be awarded each year. They have been made possible as a result of the generous donations of our On- tario Institutes to the Fiftieth Annni» versary Adelaide Hoodless Fund. A cheque for Nineteen Thousand dollars was turned over to the College on March 15, 1948. The interest accruing allowed two scholarships this year. In succeeding years five annual entrance scholarships will be awarded region- ally. JUNIOR HOMEMAKING CLUB TROI’HIES On behalf of the F.W.I.O., Mrs. Arthur Hamilton presented the Rose Bowl trophies to the winning pro- vincial homemaking club teams at the annual competition in Guelph. Perth County won the Clothing award and Middlesex County the Foods award. A motion was passed by the Board that in addition to the Rose Bowl Trophy each girl entering the Pro- vincial Homemaking Club Competition would be awarded a silver spoon. This ruling will go into effect at the 1945] competition. DRIVE LAUNCHED FOR JUNIOR INSTITUTE AND HOMEMAK- ING CLUB SCHOLAR- SHIPS The Adelaide Eoodless Fund was officially closed, the balance of which was transferred to the "Ontario Wo- men’s Institute Scholarship Fund" to be used for scholarship awards for rural girls in Junior Institutes and Homemaking Clubsi These scholar- ships will be awarded for outstanding work in the field of Junior Institute and Homemaking- (‘lub work. County Home Economists will assist in the selection of these girls and recipients may select any short course provided it is approved by the Ontario Woâ€" men’s Institute Scholarship Commit~ tee. It is the hope of the Provincial Board that there will be excellent response to this appeal not only from Women's Institutes but also Junior Institute and Junior Farmer groups and individuals. Please plan a drive for funds in your own community. If the goal of $25,000 is reached several regional scholarships can be allotted. OIL PAINTING OF FOUNDER FOR ARCHIVES A framed oil painting of the foun- der of our organization, Mrs.'Adelaide Headless, will be hung in the Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa. HAND BOOK COMMI'I'I'EE RECOMMENDATIONS Miss Anna P. Lewis, as chairman of the Hand Book Committee, presented the committee’s report to the Board. Mimeographed copies of the revised Hand Book were distributed to Board Members and a thorough and detailed discussion took place. The following are some of the main changes: HOME F.W.I.0. BOARD DINNER PARTY . 7s F.W.I.O. BOARD DINNER PARTY Head Table Guest: (left In righl): Mrs. J. H. McCullocli. Secretary-Treasurer; Mrs. Eric Chudleigh, dauymer ‘ . H . . L. K n (1.; M s. C. D. Graham; Mr. C. _ iii- %1H3&hegrP$ovinci:r lsrevsidelit; Hun. W. A. Goodfellow. Minister of Welfare; Miss Anna P. Lem D. Graham, Deputy Minister of Agricultur ~ ‘lrs. lib rector, Women’s Institute Branch and Home Economics Service; Mrs. Thus. L. Kennedy: Mrs. W. A. Goodfu..m, Mrs. Hugh Summers, Past President. l. The term of office for Board Directors shall be 3 years. 2. The number of subdivisions in the province shall be raised from 22 to 29. 3, The standing committees shall be: (1) Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries (2) Citizenship and Education (3) Historical Research and Current Events (4) Home Economics and Health (5) Public Relationships‘and Community Activities {6) Resolutions. 4. The retiring Provincial Board Director shall be a member of the dis- trict executive (with or without vot- ing power) for the two years immedi» ately following completion of her term on the Provincial Board. 5. Living expenses of F.W.I.O. Board Directors, while attending dis- trict annuals in her own subdivision shall be pooled and an equal share paid by each district in the subdi- vision. 6. Board Directors shall be elected from each district in the subdivision by turn. All federated representatives from the district whose turn it is are eligible for nomination if they have held the position of federated repre» sentative any time since that district was last represented on the Board. The election shall take place in con- vention. All voting delegates from the subdivision shall be eligible to vote for the Board Director. An alternate to the Board Director shall be elected from the same district. 7. The Branch Women’s Institute fiscal year shall be from April 1 to March 31. 8, Branch fees must be sent to the district secretary-treasurer by Febru- ary 1. 9, The retiring district director shall remain on the district board of directors until ratification of the newlyelected district directors at the district annual and expenses of this officer to the district annual shall be paid from district funds. 10. The F.W.I.0. badge (pin) shall be registered. 11. The colours shall he Royal Blue and Gold 12. A district life membership badge shall be authorized. 13. All members of the Provincial Board shall be privileged to wear the Provincial Board member‘s badge. Many other changes were made. These may be studied when the re- vised Hand Book comes at! the press. It is the aim of the committee to have the revised Hand Book in the hands of Institute officers by the time of the Officers’ Conference in Guelph. INCREASE IN FEE The secretary announced that the result of the vote taken at district annuals last year showed our women to be in favour of the increase to 50 cents. This will go into effect‘at the Branch Annual Meeting time this year. F.\V.l.0. TENT AT PLOUGHING MATCH Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mrs. C. L. Moynes and Mrs. J. H. McCulloch reported on the F.W.I.0. tent at the International Ploughing Match at Lindsay. This project proved very successful. A committee comprised of Mrs. J. R. Futcl'ier, Miss Anna Lewis, Mrs. J. H. McCulloch, Miss Elsie Little and Mrs, Ward Benner were appointed to plan for a tent and ex- hibit at the 1949 Ploughing Match to be held near Brantford. It is the hope of the Board that many Women’s In- stitute members will accompany their husbands to the Ploughing Match this year and count on a friendly visit at our F.W.I.0. tent. Let us make it "A Women's Institute Rendezvous”. FEDERATED WOMEN'S INSTI- TUTES OF CANADA _Mrs. Hugh Summers, F.W.I.0. Director to F.W.I.C. reported on the executive meeting held in Ottawa. The next F.W.I.C. meeting will be held at the University of Saskatche- wan, Saskatoon, the week of June 20, 19:19._ It will be held at a time to coincide With the Saskatchewan Pro- vincial Women’s Institute convention and Mrs. Raymond SWE, President, Associated Country omen of the World, Ackworth, Iowa, will be in attendance. This convention immedi- ately" follows the Provincial conven- tioliihin lilaqanitoba. a. ugh Summers, Mrs. J. R. Fal‘iQhfir and Miss Anna F. Lewis, will 0 cm y represent On ario r.w.i.c. Biennial. t at the The Jubilee Guild of Newfoundland has been invited to send a r â€" tatives to this meeting. I p esen Ontario voted to send 25.00 as F.W;I.O. contribution tuna-rd the Vii}: men 5 Institute plot in the Peace Gar- den. (For information concerning the Peace Garden write to the Loan Library, Women’s Institute Branch and Home Economics Service, Parlizh mcnt Buildings, Toronto). ASSOCIATED COUNTRY WWIEN OF THE WORLD A letter was read from the l‘ ru- i.ive Committee, A.C.W.W. askin: what the F.W.I.O. take immediate irn (1) to inform Headquarters w LJI Representative whether they did agree to support the principb of Equal Pay for Women (2) to ass with their Government their rec at the failure of the Wheat AKI‘M won! and to press for renewed eil‘m to conclude a fresh agreement, 1 i to ask their national representatr n UNESCO. to endorse A.C.\‘ application for consultative _ with that body (Acceptance H for application has been recommend ‘ iii the Executive of U.N.E.S.C.O. bu hil: to be agreed to by the membi na» tions) This letter was approved, ail.- the following “Women’s Food Perm d “The Women of the underme ‘ societies, organized for vario poses and pursuing many did objectives, are at one in emphm‘ “'13 the absolute and urgent need fox Ullb ing at least some portion of the 8 in]? food products for the world out or the realm of monetary speculation: i Y recognize the difficulties of do] ' and seek no quarrel with the lee" _”“ ate trading methods, but thel' 199‘ that the time has come when a new and systematic policy of givmrz 1W ority to human needs beyond “‘3' other consideration whatsoever 15 called for and they ask the Food (ind Agriculture Organization to Uri!“ ‘1 governments to adopt a new p0 - f view more appropriate to the. Wm“ state of the world than one Inhel"l€.d from past chaos and selfish competi- tion”. _ A. letter was received from the \men’s Institute of Norway. thank'dg the Ontario Institutes for hawnz Wind their annual dues of £5 (525-) ‘0 the Associated Country Women Ofuihe World. The letter said in part The good and friendly thoughts that cheque have touched our heart: and have strongly made us feellfli" the ties that link five m‘ll‘o" A.C.W.W. together are strong ""9: and real ones. We hope one day the- will do their part to bind a “"7” peaceful world together." ,d The annual dues will again bef‘géd for one country, to the Ascot” Country Women of the World.

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