Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1941-42, page 2

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HOME AND COUNTRY Winter» 1941.42 -â€"__â€"â€"_ ANNUAL MEETING PROVINCIAL BOARD, NOVEMBER, 194'! TORONTO u HOME AND COUNTRY l’nlvlmhul uunmru in "I'mv ll‘ull‘l’nh'd \\'nnu~u') lllsllhltus ul Ontario and The wont-H's mm - mum-n anurtnwnl of .u, vulturv \lnmno EDH‘ORIAL L‘mx ui'r'l' \Irs. Erik-Kl put", 1' ‘ Miss Mnn‘ .L (‘lnrk .\li:.\innl:s or l'uonscmt. BOARD: lllvllrvll Honorary Prrmdrnu: Mm Mary A. Clulke, Tom-no. .\lrx. r. .l. Mulluu‘ull, nun-4..” Pmuuu .- .\in. arm: Duke, Purl (,‘urlulg Vice Prnnlmzu; mi :1. ni-Ilmuu. |<Iriu Harbour. Sllrllul, it J, I‘unlbiuku. m Junrtloll, n I, runniin. in.- .urs lluy \unzulll. Lullc Curruvu adding rial Dirtclon: \ \lvillnr leluum. u iu. HMIL i. Birdrnll. Sholburnu. , Gull. Ilrunsoln I'm Unror. Mrs. T. 1:, Conan, r H Rn \IEMHERS or 1011411 nowup \\'|’l‘ll umis'rizu or AGRICULTURE AND DEPUTY mmsrnn, . 1 .s.m-r., , , . [loading from left: A um know? RowÂ¥\In p Prawn“ run rmum; Mm .1. Connor, Fort will Mrs. L. Mani-HAEE", Oliarlliqn: Â¥rs;i.‘l'3.ntllonwui‘lgnlfi ,5. . “E, - Srcr‘ulmrv-Trcnshfl‘e' llnrihurnblo P. M. Down i m.- ul Agriculture; n .rm-xi A. Duke, ort Linking, A “aka,” a“ my _ an“ um: i u n “mméffli “'"im" T: ' I” “my "' (1‘1" suiii‘rmiwdiiiil;tmriiliiir \uggnlinnidiuiveiglil‘ '(iuiiiiick lira El E "mi mil i * “V "“L ' '- ~ â€"i . ' 1 . re. d. nL'.'. 1 ~ 2 , . . . . . ._ _ , 1"“'""35- r I "m iigfni‘iigiiwpni‘ierfiioi‘, iihniiin. "UM-011'" "mt runuuu; mg. n. Holmes, 13:11qu . Mr.. Gordon Hamilton, Pembroke, u. i,.i..,,, Bin I Wm "- "mm" H““’"““ M“ T, 1.. Cownn Gnlt; Mrs. 1.. w. Ullllllnml. rm Dover. Sx'crrlori/ Trcnmrcr: w. B. Lmilmdnle. Cnldwmer. ills Guiapundl-nco should In: undressed to "none and oounrnv" Thu Woman's lnsliullt- liraurli lh-pnrlmrnt nl hum-nature Parliament Buildings, 'l'oroulu mm .s dlstributed through lhu sucro or “'omcn's inn-mm. in ma “mum-u in‘lltulu lncmbzrs. EDITORIAL COMMENT SERVE TO THE UTMOST “'ith the war becoming more world- encolnpassing every day, and with Canada pledged to stand by our allies to the end in support of our demo- (rath ideals, every Canadian citizen must pledge hel“’l[ to renewed and intensified ell'ort. May the purpose of every Institute and institute mem- ber be to “Serve to the Utmost". We are happy to wclcomc the new Institutes organized in 1041â€"Varna Juniors (Huron 8.), Victory (Grey SJ, Dewar tchfrcw 5.), Sunnyside l\\'aterlon NJ, Quarl'yvllle (Welland), llatchawana (Algolna C.), Massey (Algoma E.), Tehkummah Juniors (Manitoulin E), Chalmers (Parry Sound 8.). Mcmbership in the F. W. I. 0. will otler them opportunities for service in fellowship with other In- Stltutes which would not otherwise be available. “'8 congratulate the districts to which these institutes belong on havinI;r been thus strengthened. We expect that every district olliccr and director is zealous for the well-being of the \Voiiicn‘s Institutes in her dis- trict, that she searches for and wel- comes new members, that she en- deavours to extend the influence of the Institute to communities where Institutes have not been organized, and to encourage and support Insti- tute work. Your Institute can help win the war in so many ways that it is imâ€" possible to enumerate them here. It may be in such tangible ways as saving sugar, knitting, sewing, buv- ing certificates, producing more eggs, milk or bacon, caring for men and women in the services: or in less tangible ways as keeping your family healthy, practising economy, building morale or creating right attitudes. The Hon, Winston Churchill said in November,~”ln the past we have had a light which flickered. In the present we have a light which flames. In the future there will be a light which shines over all the land and sea." Ours may be onlv a miniature ray, but may it glow steadily! BAD ltnn‘fi‘lrs, 1‘, any”. Brown To express deep appreciation for the inspiration which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is giving to all home» making women, greetings of lore aml loyalty were sent to Her Majesty from the Provincial Board in session at the annual meeting in Toronto, November, 1941. Reports of the past year’s work and plans for the new Federation year reflected the way in which memâ€" bers are striving to live up to their motto “For Home and Country”. Mrs. Ernest Duke, unconte't-l in election, was returned as pr ulcnt for the third year of ollice. ln ac- cepting the honour Mrs. Dukc stated, “I enter on this year feeling that this is the year I should give my very best and I hope to do it". The pr ir dent challenged members to sustain pride in our organization, to make a drive for new members particularly younger married women, to build up local Institutes and to foster com» munity solidarity and morale. She expressed appreciation of the contri- bution made by the girls in their junior activities and of the support and co-operation she had received from all sources. Regrets were expressed for the n1:â€" scnce of Mrs. '1‘. J. McDowell, hon- orary president, and of Mrs. F. Harold Spiers, Brussels, director for subdivision 9, who was represented by her alternate, Mrs. F. C. Denier- ling, Fordwich. War Work Progresses Mr. .I. 0. Laird from the National War Services addressed the meetinl: rc salvage campaigns. He commend- ed the salvage programme which had been carried out by Women's Insti- tutes and impressed the Board meni- bers with the urgent need for con- tinued effort. The Government‘s sys- tem to prevent exploitation was out» lined and groups were asked to co- operate and make reports of activi- ties each month. For information, address Mr. William Knightley, Direc» tor National Salvage, New Supreme Court Building, Ottawa, Canada. To continue to make the relief of suflering their war aim was the policy i-eafiirmed by the Board. The sum of $1,000.00 was voted from the Central Fund to the Feder- ated Women’s Institutes of Canada Central Fund for the National Wo- men's Institute gift of a mobile kit- chen for Britain: and $80.00 toward rental of the clubroom of the Aus- tralian and New Zealand Comforts Club. Toronto, for the use of men in the Empire Air Training Plan. . w u ‘mcm, snrnln: Mrs. The Board named Mrs. Duke con- vcner of the Central Fund Commit- tec, with the following personnelâ€" Mrs. L. W. L'halland, Mrs. L. Reesor, Mrs. E. Wilson, Mrs. E, Patterson, Miss Mary A. Clarke as honorary nu-mbcr, and Mrs. W. B. LeatherdaIE. secretary-treasurer. The activities of the Central Fund committee were reviewed by Mrs. Duke. She expressed gratitude for theI steady flow of contributions to this prov cial war chart and for the many int“ 4 v s of confidence and apâ€" proval rccclvcd from Institutes con» coming the administration of the Control Fund. The secretary presenter] the finanr rial statement of the Central Fund as audited to March Slst, 15141. Total ' had reached $8,576.64 and, th (li )urscmcnts of $8,229.80, the balance April lst. was $1,494.67. An amendment has been made to The War Charities Act to the efiect that the financial year will close on llct‘cmher 315:, instead of on March illst, as formerly. (See Central Fund statement elsewhere in this issue). Seed orders. amounting to two tons, whirh had been placed with three leadingr seed houses for shipment to the National Federation of VVonlen'S Institutes in England, were listed. (See page 1 “Seeds, etc"). Response to the Blanket appeal of the Canadian Red Cross Society was reported to be Hreatly in excess of the initial $400.00 voted for that pur- posc from the Central Fund and it was agreed that all contributions reaching the fund for that purpose over and above $400.00 should be for- warded to thc Red Cross for blankets. A warm vote of thanks was tend- crcd by the Board to the Central Fund Committee {or the work accomplish» cd. Accepting this recognition, Mrs. Duke Dalll. tribute to the voluntary services given by members of the Central Fund Committee so that, out side of auditing the books, there had been no administration expenses. It was made clan that the secretary’s serv _cs were given as a war work contribution apart from her regular secretarial duties and that members had financed themselves to meetings. Minister Expressed Appreciation _ tThe fl-Ignourable P. M. Dew is er 0 griculture, the De ut ' ' - ister Mr. W. R. Reek and 15h; £22k were guests at the Board dinner Following (llnllET Mr. Dewan, assist: ed by Mr: J. Clark, provided a most entertaining and educational (liver- an, Minr sion from the routine of busip .: hr showing movie films from his p. umfl collection. These included view,» when in Great: Britain, Eire and acnr Vin. ada. Mr. Dewan expressed re 1 on behalf of Mrs. Dewan who v unr able to be present. He congra .:l the Women’s Institutes on th: tar ellort and commended them we quality of work which they an my. Mr. Reek addressed the lint: Hr rated the Women’s Institutes writ of the most. important organ» lull: in the province, as well as on: the vol! strongest. “Stand on your on Keep above controversial qur. ~he cautioned. He felt: that so doing the bigger questions and leins which open up will In readily solved. Miss Mary A. Clarke, Supt‘l'l ‘llll- ent, in her message to the out, bagged the support of the direvl ‘2 ill furthering;( the Home ECOX‘IOHIII plo- grannne in war-time. ‘Wisc ll mg' and ‘What’s New in Nutl'itlu me two new courses which are ex 1R1- ly timely. She reviewed an .tuz through the Co-operativc "w- gramme and figures showed hut services had stood up well. - Clarke stated that the Red . Home Nursing Certificate is ml to any one who regularly attcn the Women’s Institute Health Edv: li-n COUTSE. Complimenting the Board an» hers on their election to Pro'- Llal directorship, the Superintl mm Chflrlzed them to be mindful m lmr responsibilities and opportuniti In closing, Miss Clarke paid trib i c l“ the breadth of vision and l4 ally which Women’s Institute im- new have shown in their war worl and extended congratulations. F.W.I.C. Highlights The Federated Women's Insti H'ea‘ of Canada announced that plnlr ha" been completed for the publicatr‘" 'If a news bulletin of National “Ur-i9“ Institutes activities to be editul by Mrs. J. Price. Director of Pul'l‘m-V F.W.I.C., and that it was exiww“ that its initial appearance would be early in 1942. A copy of the “F.W.I.C. Hummus of Standing Committees" Md)?“ received as a guide for Provmcial converters. It has been prepfll'ml 1“ the Federated Women's Instituto‘ Of Canada to co-ordinate the stud." 3,“ working programme of the stall‘llng committees throughout the Dominion following the regroupinz of we“ committees at the Biennial in Freiler, Icton, N.B., last; June. The Bonn poll- min»

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