Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1939-40, page 3

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fie Women's Institutes hll'e _a 7.1m opportunity to use that: e Economics programme to the extent at (hIS time. Are we members of the‘ Women's ‘11:- in a very enmble position, v hnd the opportunity for the . . ry trainingtaum .thhome rs of our con-mum xes In the .de for the conservation of food? . "I, es for the past years not hove been more fittinxly .-i had we beenuwxre that the t crisis was going to be thrust . When renevnng the Home Imlts re submitted for the I. it Is indeed reLGuring to what a power the members of ',.Imen's Institutes if the arises for the rationing and .I IIi' food. etc. The members »lu!ii(‘d roduction, conservation substitution: in foods. remodel- .II.i mnkin of clothing, uses of Imnlr making of cheese. bread, :II, soup and even fly-killing Theac nrnjects have been not :tudied but the bat mathmls been adopted and are being Inntinunlly across Ontario hy II percentage of our 42.000 mem- Study of Markets. might spend some time vcry -:Il.ly in studying murketing con- Lct us take I: pies as an m- There ure istricts where I are a luxury; others when- rot on the ground. Have the ‘.-r: u snlution for this prohlcnl'.‘ marketing of this surplus would .ll worth studying by the urea: . rnui. Also. wo can cultivntc und Insure the use of up Ila in prefflr» to oranges. grape ruit, etc, .r classes in nutrition how tough: Irhnt to use us substitutes fnr '. (nu, rtc.. as fish, beans. mnrnr- rhme. Chicken fat. with suit I is closest of all the fat: in I it is delicious for pnstry unIi IIts. Have you used It? it hi: 'I used in many localities (nr yours. methods and recipes given uI: 'hesn substitutes lei-Ive little tn ho ml in the way of information I an lot it be lnid thnt momlmn 'hn Women‘s institute hnnrrk-Ii i or pmvitinns of My kind. WI- at wont plenty nt the oxpnnsv nl I. one else. "hv- girls should be «mounted in min on the {arm or with thI-ir "u in rural dintrirtc. This will -‘ the city positions I-nrnnt {nr tho 'I n-jorted bv the forumâ€"mun n'hn \'l‘r_V nut to he discourulzud and l nur hI-ln nnrl undcntnndinr (‘lrry On As Usual. in the meantime, let In 'h our institute uctn‘i 'es ns ml: organizing nnd conduc I: tho "("3 under the lenders' training "m0. noting us lenders in the girl-‘ '-iI‘CL'I nnd many-ring their work Is in. perhlps, om: of th.» finnul wtrihutlom we can make to our Intry at this time. We must km- thc stand-rd; of homo. Prrhlpfi II time Is opportune to rultivntI- me life to a motor "XU‘HI. WI- - I‘ become engrossed in so many Hide interests thnt our home lift- I- quiered. Mnny 0! those intonat‘ H nereoaurily be curtailed for the IN being. Could we not extend our "II- pit-sum? “'1- hn-e - nsponuihility u: our fJIIniution. The members of the Imrn'l imtituten have llwnyn buy: WI Inr their sum outlook. “II '1! not be found Inciting In this “My Neithrr must we be dowpon» ynt. worried or fearful of whnt the more my hrin knowing ours h u 1-]! nun Ind lint right will pm :II . “'3 run but help nur country by "Wu up our ltundnrdl 0! living production Ind mason-tin oi (“thy minulnina our pride In the I mmn end not in nu our oiri Inni- '=1Uom foil. Doing Ind helping with ’hlt which “I! It hind is not on “Ammo to driving on nnny lruriI H“ ‘i ll inst ll mull. Thus “ve "M" on the home (mt. (Contributh by In. J. K. Kelly. \lmonle. Mud-l Convener.) {nrwanl HOME AND COUNTRY The Members of the Provincial Board of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. 1939-1940 mix Mr. J . I - .I \I. .\lvv I... . I- ..,. PRO NCIAL BOARD HOLDS ANNUAL MEEHI‘IG TIII l‘rm-II I ml l'IIIIII mm L. I .' II... n! unirr II IhIri .iwml. .: -.I I-Icc. AI thI run-II: .lllnunl lIiI- {ill}: III lhI- l‘rnIIIII-IIII li.I.Ir.I .II III. IIIII-r “‘1' I \\..III. III-mun. .II Il:.‘.tl’l I. Ithle “Ll the I 1|lele II! II- 1...“ :mnuvr .mqu --I Lht‘ IIIKI.1I.~II:. III. II ruumc of lip I'IIncIuIIIII I Ft'IiI-rIIiiIIn ‘Illlt'v' II« I l‘|‘il".I_ I-rI \(‘llil'i in MI _I .\l. \' .-{l GIle ukurs III {III irlrlll‘l‘ll. lIII. rim-II Inr llIiAIi ilIv IlnIII-umlilI l'. \I [*Iwnn. “ml {or III' .\er.ull-.Ir., \R. lII-L, In-IIIIty ,\I...I.I.-r, IIIII In. Imwh‘ I-icItIIII l'n iIU‘Iiil l’rI-II-lI-III. ,\lr-. Iirumt .\ III. ..r I'..rI I‘Jrhng III-.. II.~I»..II..II. IIII-IIIIIIII, nIl- annum ..r I)... W.- .I..A.- .I‘ II... “In I~I.-r IIII.l IlII- IIII.IIII .‘IlIIII.I.-r II. «I prv . .IIIIIrcrInI.IIn III IIIII I'Inu IIIIrit ..{ .....,..r.III.II. IIIIII-II .-II.II I...2II.-III tlII- Pr» ’ lt'iAl F-I-lI‘rnIIIIn IIIII 'hv II.IIIIIrIII 'll' .\ir. Ill-“:ln IIrI'IIl II.» IIIIIIII-n ! - III II~r.~.I IIII-IIIII. JII‘i tlII-Ir rIIrIII yuung .mIlJ. III lhI- “III-rt I -urI. in .\(rlrn lurv .‘lll-i HI-mv IiI'nII-IIIIIrI III-.II.I.II III II.. l'I'lInrllill'H’ lil'll'l'r IIIIz tn thu I.I.I IIIIII um II... in h-II -ir|*<<l‘li IIIâ€"IIII- llli‘rl' I III l-‘IIrIII IIII-l llnlm‘ Ii.:IIItIIIr:IlInII nnl \\'«--l l?r.IdI ration. lhu \iInI-ItIr llInnlI-‘i lhI- W-Imon'n mm It fur ‘hvir IIn iI-r hII IIIIII I-artII-IIIII I in llIVlll'IlfVi'l :In. mum-nu IIII.i III-,wi UIn' ii"'rIInlinUv IlIiI Wurk Mr Kim-h r-vmmI-II-iI-l thr \‘I‘IIInrn' in I IIIIIII. inr Ih.~II- r l-fl'rfl'I‘In “IllI .III.-r rI-.-..I.IIII.~I nryIII . nliun‘ “III... w.IrLinn {..r n nIIIJ..r .IlerrtIvr- III- II 'rIlIIIII z.- .‘vlrI ,\irl'..w l'. lrll urI~ III I.:lI I, |I.|ri|I’Ull|l’i‘. (III hr! I’lrllliliIIPil non! II! A4'f‘ Irr II. n: IrrIIIIIlIIII-.I \lr . I‘IILI- «.I. III-r r‘l' m... nnd 'lIIv ll Inrii run it: rhuirv- III I-r-ul l-nI )Ir l-.IL.- -II.-II.Irl hut u. h.--. .‘ln-l In...“ .I m-IIII I.- I... w at}... In lIring II I'I'nirl‘vuii'lh II. ..-rvII-. III Lm-Iim' IIIIh IhI- anIIrIVImrnL II' lhr Fwivrairli WIImrn'- ln-lilulm III Iln- tnrin nnvl InIi IV’ In Iin'mmnr liar-Ir :Iim- n-IIl irlvnl- l‘II-rcr-l IIIIIIrmnl III-II ri‘-"n thr IIrIIIIIiI-IIt's nrtmn. rly nit-r lho IlrrlnrnIIIII-I I-I unr. In llIll.r (he I-‘Y'I‘if‘t'l III “In rIrIIrurIlnIIIIIrI n' HI.- IIIIIm-II n! m I‘r-klm’ifli nnri Imm- Inmn an‘rfnml‘nt‘ III III-Int |'i my way during {hr nnlirvnul rmrrrv-nr‘v Tim Prnt'inrial B-Iurri rin‘iriI-«l In IIlI. lnin r ri InliI-n unIiI-r thr “'nr l‘hurIllM Ad In! I rmlrnl fund ’2' thI~ FMrrnlrd Wmnc'n'n Initituir- III I‘Inmnu I'll] in mlIrlI mntrihulmm (mm Ihr Wumrn'. Inzlltuln mlml‘rl Int-rd thin. Mr- E. i'uh lnr‘i mu Mon- flnrlre, u inint mnnnm with Mn. Mthoweil Ind H“ Illihtr'illl. {with not" In Advil w-r~ uni-nod In tho mmmlun (or Idmlni-tI-rinz thin "17;. Manor-ll. In iwr urn-Month] .-\IIII uni u “rim-In. (rum 4n. \ I.» III IIIIVI'I) urgnn. i‘Till‘I‘il|~ IIIII InnwuLIriI II- .lIIIIIIrI- Law-minimums Wl‘l’l‘ I'\> I 1.. .III dummy and Ii... .- IIIIII II III lill' rI~ rgnIIInng vi .II-I ll'lIlI IIIIII I-IIIII ~III-.III III“. Thv linnr-i I1] ».l thvxr I'YlIiI‘ III .\ir .‘ll'l‘l‘I‘ ll‘I .llil‘llilllllli‘ni III lIr-l «I..- In... Int»! ..I II... II.I..IIII....I II...III .Dl il’I . lI-iI rn .\l liI'iII-uI-ll .\lr- I'IIlIII \II. 1 UnrurII. .IIIIg IlIrwI-Ir ' III. II..IIIII.I..II Ii..III.! lII VII-«mm; hrr {Ivan I.I tin. lI-.IrIl. ll‘ IInInIIII'I duh-Km.- I.. IIIII Tr ~IIIIInl I'.-IIII~r-III-- 0‘ Ilm \u Ul illmi I -IIIIII-I \\I.I.I.~II III II..- \‘uii-‘I illi'l III InflliHn III .lIInu in I. .\lI~ il‘rlH-V‘ l‘ i'IIIIII- Muir-l LII.II 'liil' lIIIII III-II lilil-rreuli I..- II... .IIIIIIIII... “I M IIIIIILI-r lilrvlllfl II Iln- \\'IIri.l sII. .~II.I.II.I~I..-.I II... -|I«I'nivllli\ “I .IvIIw ....II-.r.IlII.II “I'll ~ IIIIr: I\.III III in 'Iixrllv’ll‘fliiun In I .IIII .III.-r.-rI I and «III II, In. .I. ..I ill. ‘1“.‘lllll‘ul I‘.III.IIrI' \iI-Imn ..1 IL. “uri-I .‘lI-I I'nIIIv- I-uIII IrIIIII'.~ 'I. 7h. I--IIIrIiIIIK|I>n ,\lra IIrI \lLIII I-II lInJ mam, wlIIlo rIII. III III Imui I (ll Ih Yt‘lir“f‘nlllii'»l‘ .II‘ IIIIIIII, \\'.III -n'~ in-IIIIIIr-I l-I III» A wIII-II l‘uul r\ \\'IIIIIrII I.( (ha \\‘I»vli‘ nnl II‘IrIIrIIInrlv tn IL.» Ixnrl V)?" )In'. IIILI~n i'IrnlIKhOIli III. I'IIIII .~ .I Unlnr‘ ‘ II-I-nn-l I'll" i I’ l- III- TIII- l'ru‘u‘lnriul I'm-«III. II...... II i rlI.- mIInwnI -.I hung M III I. II ~L III lliiilu mum," II.III..IIII I” II... III...” I.{ II... "II... .II II. II.II.I ..I II. I... ..I "II-ml. II, III....II-I. .InI. u‘mrIIlIIIII III Vla- \lIll. - \lrnliirl.ll v nrl mr .II IIII~ \ ' Imiui I'IIIInIn “Mn-n II! “In \‘I‘IIIlII 'IIII Ii or! ilkrV‘l‘i I.I .-..IIIInII. IIIIIIIrI.' III'I..'I ll lilrl'llrh .I I'l‘nlliil- \I‘Ilfi'I' ,llmnuv 1’10Illlfll’lnif‘iiill‘l’l‘.lli'l‘ll'hh‘ih i..-r nilrru run-Hun) IiIul li - lr. -I:I.II.~ II...Il.1 'l'l.o~ II. IIIIIIIIIII. IiI.- I . IuInII.-III:| [Ir‘irnlhmn IIIrIaIlIng It .I. huh I. I.....I.I.. I.III IIIIIII-IInIg II III IlIr w. IIIII "Mn-r..- I. .‘ih‘ I’Inri.» MINI i-Ir III. I..-,I.I VIII..." ..1 II.. Iiirn’lw'r II-r Um [II-.grnmmr IIIIIIII 0h» IIIIIIII-Imrnt I’lHl\ .~-...l-.-- .un l‘--rtrr. an lrimi! ..I [in W Ion! Hoard mt-ml- n and Mann win. hurl crrwrtl within lhn ln-t Inur h'lf’. utnnrii-d u I..t.I n! IIII rI-rIIIIIIIII I... thr rutmng IIIrmlmt. In. Mrlmnll .\ir- fortrr mr-rnII-Il tn .\lr1 Mr int-ii n ullwr tr: M‘r'irr [.nrtnl with tho inn .n-‘i fir-d I'iIlIr- u! the Ffilrratwi \V'nnI-n'a incllluln III I)» urio Mr: "(Dun-ell In lhnIIIIln tho IiIrrdIvn nuurrd lhnm nhr ‘mIlI nI-vrr for I (hair llnllnt-u. run the hind. I a hnIi mmlr Ilurin htr lI-nurr n! om: lhcnâ€" IrlnnI. Ihn would Inuun - hnr rirhnl rrwIIrri "cumin-tori Mn. W B hound-it. Son-curt) AGRICULTURE AND CANADIAN iNDUSTRIES Agriculture. in yl‘cst‘lllillg u hrIof luc>sugu oII “AngcIIlIuru‘. III: - l .luIIIc lill‘ words I-i our hi\‘\£‘rl|0r'\;t‘lll'rfll.I “Speed lhI' plough" shIIIIlII I‘IIIIlilluI‘ to be (unmmk IIIIIuII IIIIi Lui‘d Tweedsâ€" IIIuIr. Ii uIiIiI'II, "Agriculture has tux-II. nnu always will he, (he gI‘vIIII-sl .I\~.II III‘ Ihc IIIIIIIIIIiIIII". It Is thII IirIII iIIIlIIIi uI' LlII- unlur LhIIt IlIu new I.» of Kim lIIIIIr \\‘|Il sug- Ru)! III..rI~ elliI-II-III \‘rl‘lilll‘llnll IIII-IIIIIIls mid .Igrwullun- \IIll lliu'l_\' >I~I~ l||i|I|_\' anv and IIU\L'1 IIrIIrIiI'rs iIIIrIIIiuI‘I‘Ii. \\'IIh \‘lll‘ thought )IIIrIIIIII-unt III Ilm IIIIIIIis III IIIII' iII):li I'IIIInIiIun \Vulm-II “in! .II I‘.-II I~rIIIIII-II IIIIr Mirplus IIHIII I-II-I- I. :\ i‘l’tvi‘il'lll limi "ml..- mun-rind IIIIIIIIIIIIII, ily IIIIIIIII: CIIIIII» .lIIIII i|||‘|ll"' “I' hI-lp wm ill\‘ \\':i|‘ \‘ll illl‘ iIIIIIIII il't‘ili. l‘II .-IIIIIIII-r.II.I IIIII \Ill‘lt‘ll lllh'w .»I’ III~IIIII_I- I‘IIr II~lII.lI .IIIr I‘IIIIIIIIIII.~.~ )iulhifl \l-‘liiii IIIko >|‘I .~. lIIII I must II IIIIl II IIII-IIII.III IIII II I’I-II I-III ~I.I llllp; ,t-‘lill‘llll\l‘lll\ III II... [‘:|\l .\ ll’. 1.. .~..II......II.-II IIIII. III.- .IrugI-IIIIIIII. .Ir iiI-IIIIIIIiI-.III.III. IlIII IIIII-IIIIII I‘lIIlI \lil'fl lIIu III~III IlIII .nIIIIIII-I hi... :I I‘.IIII.. :Iilvi‘ IIIIlI III-nu; III iilt' Ullllln, I.|I’m, IIII.II-.- .I...I I.IIII. .IIII... .IIII IInI.~ ngmli .Ir KI.I.I.III.III.II. “III. .-I. 'rII.- s.I.....I I-‘mr. .I.I.IIII.II- II». .-I..I hut much inIlInIvoII {mm III I III.I livilill III-IIIIuIIII lII I.-II--I..II I.. .-..II (.IrIII lliI-rl . .lI IIIIII IlI.- III~II I....Il .III- IIlIIIII, IIIIII I)..- .II-IIIIIIIIIII-III ..I‘ .IIIIIInr unrlI IIrII \\‘IIrIlI\‘ III' Illlil‘ l‘iu- \llri‘xllfll‘IilllH .II IlII. I.III~.II ..III.II n-il'lillIIII' in IIII- .-.-IIIIII~I‘-. nnni l-I II Nlr\ll'l' («IIIIII.I. “ill I nil .-.III I‘Illllfil‘lill‘ lII lIlIII‘ III‘ II . II I. II «.rIII.» IIIIIIII IIIIIII In I Hi. |IIII>I|inr I-IIJIIIIIII-III I-r I2...|' Illli .Ir .Imr. in mm. ..I IIIIr, II lII~I.-IIIII. ll I.-IIII .Ir IIrI..II-.III IIIIIulI I... IIIIII..II Hr ..-...I.I Nil: .III.-I.| III III-,:|.-.-I l'uIInIIlnII iIIIlII-trII~-, I,I.....I.I I. I... llllltfl‘f .II.I.III. .-.I III III.- .III.- “mu ...IIII-I.I .II III.....I I-IIIII IIII- .II Ill II.. II... ,.III- .II l‘tll \\:llI III...II “Hun... IIII II IIIIII.II II In I IIII -.III.I.II IIIII. |-.I-II .II- I“ I-IiII-r 'IIIIIIIIII“ III III. iilll‘l .,: \I‘iII Hill'HlIIiI-H .‘Itlll!\1' IIII-III-I in 'Ivlllll I.,IIIIIIIl.Ir IIIII- II. I. IIIII.I; I..I. I I-I..III.I ,IIIIIIIII IIIIII li\"|n ril\l|"IlIiIlIi \IIII lII IIIIII.- .I III. IIII IIIII .IIII ,-..III I-....I.III..II I I II .I I .II ..I-I-I IIII-II III. IIIIIII III II I.I Ii .II I I \‘Ir‘ II. IIIIII .IIIIIII II. .. r..r.I.I..II I... II...II I»- II..- HI' l. lIIIIIII IIIIII III \III IIIIII ».I III. II II. .iIl. ml |Il willll \ I. Il\\lYI HIIIV IIII \\,II iIII .uIIII- [III HIIIIIII. II. IIIIII IIII-II IIIIII I..I- I. I‘IIIII.I,. I.I III.I.II. Iill'l II. II lll II... IIIII-.-. I iIInIIIIIIII'lIHIIII’ HI .I II”... I. III“... In}... I M III. illli'I lIlIlll'l' :4 Huh! inr IIIIIIIIIIIIII- IIIIII ll >l-il" III I.IIII.I II. IIr.~ II l...i III M I. IlrIIIIIII I.III I.-I .IIIr I......II III II“... .III II... liliii I. I.....I “. ,m, II. II. I....I.I .I. II. .. .I.... ..I I. III] I. IIIIII.I I.” II.. IIIIIIrI- .I IIIIA- II. iIIl” II.-..r In .- II. lllr IIIIII-III.I.I ..r 'Il'Vl‘ .u. rln ...I.I... III IJH .. III-. III -|i|"'. IIIIII I... . llllrii'il I .I. It. IIIIIIIIV'. .I-IIIII.» .IIIIiInl II.. I... I...I.II Iiu ....., ...II “I IIIIIII IIIII- .II I ..I.II.IIIII-. I.I..I II.. "Ii II.I~.I..II -.. I IIIIIIIII ..I |.I|-»-I mum... II. IIIIIII I‘I...II.II‘II..â€" in II.. I..-II.II.III. II II. "III. lnv 'l‘l 1....IIII ilYI II IIlII,II-II I‘llillinl 1.. III” Vllllillr'.‘ IIIIJ nipIIIv. II I‘ II»...III.I IIIIII II um. II IIIIIIIIIIIII..II (u-IIIIV iNIHI III .III. ...I..~ "III ...I. ..wn I.. ..I Tho )I‘IIIH' iII-iIIIIIrIIII, wlIlI'lI \L IIII-II II. Il...r .IIII I-DII-y" “In; ..I. u. Inl‘f'll‘-'I‘l\, haw inlnl'.‘ lw- "lil'llll‘ll‘ I..l I'll’l tilhrrI IIIurIIIImIrlI' IIII‘I...| l- III...-I 5hr lll'llrflhl n! Vim Ill'“‘l‘r I-IIIIII I-f livivw iII.II.Iu- IIv VIII: f‘lIiIlililnllifi “I II. IIIIIIVI. ..I.y wmmn m.» IIIIIIIIII- IIII'IIIIIW mum-II... um] IIIIIII I......I.I In IIrI mivnirIIl-lr Innnnnv TlIIIrI- mnv l-r IliVi’iP'l III-lnIIInI 51‘. II. thII 1 .IIIr INI "II-III.” .II I. If", I..II IIIII-IIJy, In It mIIIIIIII.II~ .4 mp, III.~ wIImI-II .II «III rnIIlu hnI-o mud" n lil‘nlli‘f‘ I'nn irllmlinn [u llIo wnll'nrn II! HI" (‘nnn Iiinn IWII-lr nnIi, yrI. [0 [ha l'iriliuh Empiro. If‘nnlrllmlml by Mra. A. MnIIluy, Flnmnrk. Pruvinrlnl (nnvnnnrJ

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