Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall 1938, page 4

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INSTITUTE SPONSORS VILLAGE FAIR Thc Wiorton Women's Institute as- sisted by the Rotary Club and the Wiarton S orts Committee sponsored a Village iair, July 29-August 1, in- clusive. The Fair was a financial success returning a net profit of $1,100.00. The Village Fair was held in the Women's Institute Park and the booths for the midway were made out of scantling and evergreens or tents. The Rotary Club took charge of the midway and the Women's Institute was responsible for the tea-room, home-made baking, hobby booth, fort:- une telling, liochmiide candy, handi‘ crafts, and Indian booth. Two launches were hired for each day and parscngers Loki-n out for a ride on the hay. Three ponlei also helped to provide cnjoyahlc entertainment for the children. The amusements at the park on Fiidziy were sports, competitive danc- ing and a street dance. An open-air ciinreit, buin dance, soft ball and the choosing nf a Village Queen were the highlights of Saturday. On Monday, there were a League Ball Game and music by a Kiltii; Band, community rillfllllg and fireworks. On Sunday c\ ninpr thi- ministers of the town arvsirlt‘ll in an open-air service at the paik. Books of tickets admittng the hnldcr til the paik, a boat ride, the street dance, and the old time dance, \vr-l'u shit. for 2.7 cents. Merchants l'l-spollllcd lilwr lly to a canvas for mnncy for prize (ln Friday, a cliililleli'» palade was stagcll with ntri q of pen, kiddie var~ and tr ' The business t'tint'l‘l‘l'h provxded floats for a parade on Monday. Music was supplied for cal-h parade. A great deal of etl'iirt was required in ulllfllll MI >t'ill results. but everyone, including the workers, en- joyed the ilCi’llsifin. Thi- tnurihts were L'\]|l'CInlly ('lltllllfllflhiil‘. Much was lt'llll’lf’ll which will be of llf‘lp another year. it'nntriliutcd by Malicl B. Duncan). CHILD GUIDANCE ON THE AIR \\'ivinen’~ lnstitull- mcmlicrs will be lllt“<l‘ll to liniiiv that Dr. Elmer lti-amun, yxychi-lou‘ist. will talk once 1| “‘t't‘Ii' uvL-r tlii» Illtllll on Child Guid- ance. The talks will llc broadcast by (‘FHB wvury Fililny afternoon from tliii-i- Lu tliri-i- ftcen. Everyone in- ti~rc»tcd in cliildrx-i linuld plan to listen in and if no llilc discuss the tall. with ni'lgllllllu liliil'wal‘tlF. The talk might \vi-ll lll' ii-pnrted at \V0» nii-n‘s llislitlltv moi-tings. While each talk will he oomph-tr- in itself, the listrnrr who follows the talks from “wk hi work will profit IllilsL Sumhm, lininlvtnn [nil-135 given spci‘izll attention to safety measures and prevention of motor car accl- dentx. Closer supervision and better road signs were among the measures advocated. Lalicficld, Pt‘tt‘l’hot'll Co. â€"â€" Benc- fitcd by an address on trees and re- {OTVSIIIIIOH work given by the agri- cultuiul representative of the county. The .spnnker stresscd the need and value of planting trees and shrubs not only for beautification, but for economic profit. Lakeside. Oxford Co. â€" Selected shoes and footwear as the phase of Canadian Industries for consideration duringr the past your. The roll call brought out information about raw materials. A qualified speaker dIs- cussed proper shoes for different occa- sions. Good types of shoes were ex- hibited. Lynnville, Norfolk Co.â€"Reports the Kitchen Ensemble project as the most interesting feature of the sea- son’s programme. A large number of dresses and aprons were com- pleted. LflA/mfifi News Flashes From the Institutes Crowland, Welland Co.â€"Made a study of legislation through a roll call which was answered by a muni- cipal law. Problems on taxes were presented for discussion, and_mem- bers took part in answering a questionnaire on the Women’s Insti- tute Hand Book. A paper brought recent legislation before the memberâ€" ship and furnished material for thought and action. Ridgcville, Welland Co.â€"â€"Plans to make a systematic study of some definite interest such as health. A paper on the subject is presented each month, and a copy of the Health Magazine is furnished each member. A hot: beverage is provided for the public school children through the co- operation of the institute and the trustees. Music is also being taught in the school. Decew Falls, Welland Coiâ€"Eene- fited by the story of the evolution of methods in agriculture, from hand labour to modern mechanization. The discussion of agricultural interests resulted in an exchange of seeds, bulbs and shrubs with suggestions for suc- cessful growing. Dutton, Elgin Co.â€"Stressed the value of a local library through an address on "the library as an edu< cational factor”. Demonstration was made of the proper classification of books and magazines. The result of this programme has been an increas- ed circulation of books. Bayham, Elgin Co.â€"Had a talk on Canmlianization, and a further study of the subject through the roll call answers. after which members were appointh to visit families of New Canadians recently settled in the rpm- inunity and to whom were given magazines and also garden seeds. Lakeiicw, Elgin Colâ€"Selected the well known Canadian writer, Nellie l'lIrClung, as their literary interest at one meeting. The address on the life of the writer and readings from her book Lantern Lane showed how one may enjoy the most simple everyday events. Port Stanley, Elgin Co.~Studied the life of one of the landing artists anil exhibited copies of his work. South Yarmouth, Elgin Co.7Work- ed on the vegetable project which was found very instructive. Not only did it introduce vegetables hitherto un- used by the members, but information was also given on new attractive ways of cooking and serving well known and commonly used vegetables. Andcrdon. Essex C0.7Responded splendidly to the Vegetable Cookery and Glove Making projects taken up by the district. Non-members as we I as members have become interested and plan to become identified with the institute. The institute apâ€" preciated the work of the local leader in Glove Making, under whose leader- ship several of the nienfolk mode gloves for themselves. Leainington, Essex Cloâ€"Learned something of international interest from a talk on the Women’s Institute in South Africa. The speaker who had lived in South Africa for some years has the distinction of being a chaitcr member of the movement in that country. Coniber, Essex CdiFarticipated in the vegetable cookery project work. This provided recipes which were furnished by the local leaders in the project and given in response to the roll call. The demonstrations, talks and other features presented by the leaders have been the means of pro~ motian the use of more vegetables and improved methods of cooking. In ad- dition to this the summary day gave the members the additional know- ledge of gardening. \Voodslee, Essex Co.â€"Is aware of the enrichment of our national life by the contributions of New Canadians, and included in the Canadianization programme brief sketches of New Canadians who have been successful in this country. Parhain, Frontenac Co.â€"Held an evening meeting when reforestation slides were shown. Following this ‘ a number of farmers. Who hfiietiilt‘tgdnded, ordered trees for Plant' ing. c h “8 DC 1'3 Kel‘cigsth'iysingers informed of world: happenings by a WWW of‘ events each month. One It 3- brought to them the Japal’msetfil “he tion, and the news_ of the cutas rop of the Niagara Bridge. _ Poruuis Junction, CochrgnehDdls- trict.â€"Is interested in SECDI‘I‘I‘Ig kg“? service in the wllage. The inst) if is making a survey and secunng 5e quested information for the HY}: Cmnpany' and hopes to have same installed in the near futin‘te. H n lute. Cochrane Distric .â€" as _e - mgr-aged the fourth class school childâ€" ren by reading their compositions on the Industries of Canada at a regular institute meeting~ Maps 0‘ “'9 Cochrane District showing centres of industries prepared by the third class students were exhibited. A contest on the elimination of weeds was planned. Silrcr Water, Manitoulin Island.â€" Had suggestions for community im- provements as the response to_a roll call, This brought the suggestions of furnishing tables and seats for the recreation grounds and also other de- sirable improvements. Eventually this interest resulted in the formation of a rnmniittee representing various local organizations whose responsibility was to carry through the suggested improvements. Prnridcncc Bay. Manitoulin Island. 715 hczilth conscious. The institute provides and maintains first'aid kits in tv n whords. holds baby clinics and sponsors dental clinic work in schools. Motl A s with small children are showâ€" illiL’ appreciation of the services of the institute by becoming members. Sandficld. Manitoulin Islandâ€"Is uti W: the leader of the Vegetable (‘oolicry project at each meeting, The leader ilriiionstrntes and explains one vegetable or dish at a meeting, the members go home and try out the particular dish demonstrated and are then ready to report and to receive in» stniction on another dish. Maple Park, Oxford Co.â€"Staged a Kitchen Ensemble Parade, demonâ€" strating a variety of the different styles in dresses and aprons which \vorc made from the Sallie pattern. Members rcalized as never before the versatility in clothing: patterns under skilled leadership. Diintroon. Simcoe Co.â€"Had a de» hate on Resolver] That Wealth Causes More Crime Than Poverty. The judges' decision resulted in a tie. Jack's Luke. Silnt‘oe Carâ€"Debath the question of AutomobilesiRe- solved That Automobiles Do More Harm Than Good. The judges de- cided in favour of the affirmative by only a few points. Woodstock North. Oxford Co.â€" Fnund interest in quilts and quilting much increased after participation in the local leader projects in Home Utililation of Wool. Special atten. tlon was given to designs. The local leader held special meetings for the project. Stayner. Sinicoe (Ioâ€"Spunsored a Hobby Show for school children. This prnved so successful that the institute plans to make it an annual event. Coldwater, Simcoe CO.â€"â€"Vi5ited the local‘council at one of the regular meetings to learn by observation how the council carried on its work. Guthrie. Simcoe (loâ€"Selected the Federal Member of the House of Com. mons for the Yukon, as their study “Elect of interesting people in politics. Hydro Glen, Simcoe C0.â€"~Focus;ed attention on the kitchen by studying kitchen equipment with emphasis on proper heights and locations. Norland. Victoria Ochâ€"Honoured the memory of the late district presi. dent, Mrs. J. Mclf‘arland by reviewing the valuable serVice she had giVen the district and resolving to increase their own service through the ' ' ' hcr unselfish work. Inspiration of District. â€"â€" F811, 1933 Thedford, Lambton OILâ€"Di scrap books at its June meefl’ggyfid response to the roll call. Some un' n books were on exhibit, featuring mis ccllaneous interests including stamps~ health hints, garden helps, tabla set: ting, the Coronation of George VI etc. ' Golden Valley, Parry Sound Dist‘ Studied the legislation related I schools under the direction of the can. vener. After facts had been presented a discussion followed, with the result, that the institute requested that the annual school meeting be held in the afternoon instead of in the forenom. as formerly, to permit the women id attend. Woodville, Victoria Cc.â€"Formed a study group which met one night a Week throughout January, February and March to study literature and art. The programme was carried an by reading and discussing book: to. gether. They purchased from Ottawa and Toronto Art Galleries six punts of paintings by noted artists. These were framed and presented to the school as an encouragement in the study of Canadian Art. Crozier. Rainy River East 1) H Studied better housing by means of a questionnaire on a model kitchen Each person was provided with paper and pencil and was asked to show how she would like to have her kitchen arranged. Adamsville, Bruce Co. â€" Was en. couraged to study the needs of the community by a paper on community activities. As a result, a local l»;an- ing library was established in the local store. Ingram, Temiskaming Distâ€"Aim. ed time at four meetings for the study of Vegetable Cookery. One meeting was devoted to the prepara- tion and cooking- of Vegetables, an» other to the preparation and SEl"lI'lg of salads, and a third took the form of an Irish stew supper. The fourth meeting featured a tomato soup min per, which was followed by an enter- tainment for the people of the com- munity. Middleville, Lanarlr Co. â€"â€" Profitcr] by demonstrations on table grttlng and salads given by a student irlin had attended a course on “Catering for Tourists.” Snow Road, Lannrk (Smâ€"Ha: voted some time to study of by): he. A well attended short coursi' In Health Education encouraged the In stitute to secure the services of the Medical Health Officer for a hxmd clinic. Forty-three persons were treated. Pakenham, Lanark Co. â€" Has aroused interest in music by staining a choral society, and also has planned for musical instruction in the heel school. This institute has had the four local teachers give nddressc< on their work. Brooke, Lambton Co. â€" Built it; programme for the past year around education. Literature was featurel and included monthly book reviews, good poetry and books. Papers. ad- dresses and roll calls on literary sub- jects were used. Forest, Lambton (Joâ€"Listened if) an address on “Canadian Canning by the manager of the local branch of a Canning Company. The member5 were greatly surprised when‘ Ills? were told that only one woman in I!“ knows how to buy canned goods to advantage. Blackwall, Lambton Co.â€"â€"Studled the Women's Institute Hand BOD“. as a part of their work on legiflam" Questions revealed the need of “ID” intimate knowledge of the orgamzu' tion of Women’s Institutes. Central Enniskillen, Lambton 09-“ Had a paper on general legislation. which was followed by three 5h” papers dealing with Wills, county 20‘: ernment, and the highway traffic ac.

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