Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), October 1935, page 4

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MARY WRIGHT CONTINUES TO GIVE POINTERS Mar Wright hustled into the Editor’yii Ollice the other day, without a new ribbon on her last Winter’s hat. She hasn’t had time to do a thing for herself, but she says before Christ- mas she is going to have a new house dress. While her husband has been re- covering frain an‘operation she has been busy managing the farm and getting her brother's boy, Donald, oil to his freshman year at the Agri- culturnl College. In spite'of all tJiis, she hasn‘t missed an Institute meet- ing of her branch and has also at- tended many others in_ her district. “Ilo you know," said Mary, it is not understanding the details of the organization that makes trouble for many ullicers. One of my best friends said she got a lot outAof my outline of the responsibilities of branch Institute villi-era in the April issue of “Home and Country", but she could not always remember it. Imagine! I told h r to cut it out and paste it in the back of the branch minute liouk. Ami by her con- versation I know she didn't under- stand the vliil'vrt-nri- between the Board of Directors a nd the Ex- ecutive." Mary pulled her bill! from under her arm, and with the relemie of pressure~ it [Irippml 0|)I'n as quickly as if it were tilled with springs. Out dropped iiiuny bunches of materials and papers. I “Oh. that is some of my material for our work on Huymanship. 1 am a llil’ul lender you know," explained Mary. She w-li-vtvd out: of the pillii'rfl. “an definition of tho Rulll she, “is my rum-lion of Board of lIiri'l-torn and Executive Coni- mitlA-r. I should like to have my friend AI’J'II'H read it. Illlll I hope she Fn‘lll'fi it i the minute hunk, along with u..- . - mm from the April "Home and "wintry". 'i'hurw mu- l'llllry’s mat-y: th is." Ext-entire Committee hi- l‘lxc iliVi- (‘oiiimittcc is made up vil' tilt- Hiillml, Vil' l'rDMlllt'llL‘l, Si-rVol."ryr'l'ri-iisul‘l‘r, llistrii‘t Direct- nr Ilnil mm ullwl' director. In case tlu- hrrinrh hill! on llonorury l’ii-‘Viililut. .ll' also in :i Iiieiiilmr of Mir \I'i'ullvv. .‘\i the time iif llil! iimm tint-ht nl lln- honorary ollicrr, tlu- ln'nni-h .h-irrmim-s whether she hm n \‘nlq- ul‘ not. The l‘lU‘l‘IlllVO l'nminittm: plans do- Hill“ of mullet» fur which no HH‘Cllll (‘mumillu-u- hurt lil‘v-n nppninlm, lt nvl-r i|| vim-~- of vim-rin-m-y win-u an imli [1- .l in" is roquirml. It nuth ‘iul I~\lu~ni|ilul'us hy the .um- “hm. mph pro- ‘ l4 n l‘w.|l_\. In some of the In Illlllil-t \llll‘rl‘ llll'l‘" is a :ll of lmim u. llw unn'utim- .Illllllv l'u-v' Ii:i|fâ€"hm|r lit-(urn int-m- WWI . Ini-v-f I'v lhu l‘I-l'llllll' mi'i-llill' of [hp l-rnnrh. n I munith n. . rw-r nll llll' mir- rlvn ~ I! I'lh'll ll\' tlw Sorro- l'l’l'lplll'm' owl llt‘t'llll‘i mi tlw unimlmrmnl i'IiIiiIiiilllii’liilnlw which lllv nul "will lln- .illi-nliun of tin- llli'llilll'l"~l|i|v It 1| I'l'nll-l nu ilw iii-vision of the hrum-h lusliluti- udwlln-r this lnltnr (um-mu ulinlxlil h.- tlii‘ v-cspnmihilily n! thr- ixili-iiliw- nr lhmrd of llll't‘v'liil’ei lhmril or hireclurs 'I'Iiu lhmrd nf llirm‘tors canal thi- l'v li-nt. \'it-i--l‘r«-viilt-n . cureâ€" t:il'\ 'l‘l'v-‘l Il'l'r, unu llistrii‘l lliri‘t‘tni‘ l|lill illl'L‘l' IItlu-r xiii-prior“ “iih ml lul- ilitiiilliil director for Mich L’I'v mum- bvrs over the mini membership of FIG. It has power to mini to its members. Smut- of the Institute llriinchus hich plum-d lln- rmwt‘ncrs of Stflllilinl’ t‘umliiitti'us on tho Hoard and it has worked nut wry well. A fi'u' lnstilllli‘s hnvt- the custom of having the past President act n: Honorary President. At the time of such an appointment they decide whi-thcr such an officer has n vote on the Ennr-l or not. 3 of Port Colborne, Welland {Emâ€"Has made possible a Tuberculous Clinic by forming a committee to sell Christmas seals to assist in meeting the salary of the itinerate county nurse for tuberculin work This branch also held an afternoon tea at the beginning of the school term for teachers of public and high schools, in order that the teachers and par- ents mi ht become acquainted. Fort rie, Welland Octâ€"Keeps a "Current Event" scrap book \Utl1 the object of preserving valuable records of important local events. New Hamburg, Waterloo Col-Has studied the lives and works of the great composers of music with emphasis this year on Mozart, Liszt, Bach. Selections from their work were played. I’elham, Welland Ca.â€"â€"Held 3 "Carpet Rug" social where balls of rags for rugâ€"making.r were made. The rug when completed will be donated to a bazaari ‘ Cobocunk, Victoria Co.7Is paying $120.00 for musical instruction in three rooms of their public school and obtaining excellent results, They also supply First Aid Kits and toilet requisites to the school. Fenelon Falls. Victoria Co.â€"â€"Had a paper on “Emergencies” by a R. N, who gave information on the treat- ments for hemorrages, burns, scalds, fainting, bleedinga, and other home emergencies. Norland, Victoria Co,â€"-ls only 5 years old arid has a small member. ship, but every member is alw ys ready to prepare and present a paper. The spirit of friendship has spreer throughout three school sections. Montrosc. Welland Colâ€"Devoted a meeting to a "Hobby Contest". The contestants were the conveners of standing committees and their ex- hibits pertained to their special com~ mittee interest. The exhibit! were judged on attractiveness and edu- cational value. Iliirnzib . Welland Co.-â€"Guve pleas- ure to ii ‘shut in" member by a card shower. Powlea Corners, Victoria Co.â€" llail an illustrated address on Art given by one of their girls who had been a student at the College of Art. Scotland. Brant Cu.~Calli-d one meeting ii "Musicale"; Ilul] Cull Wm :ins '1'er by "My Favorite Sonic". An address was mven on Folk Songs ni' dim-rent countries. and another on “Hymns :inrl their History". This mm followed by group singing. (Winkstown. Simroe Co‘slionsors rw'rt-ntion {or all ('lfl‘ and nuns. A t-nnimunity I-lallnw en nurty and convert has been an annual (went for siwvrul yours and enjoyed ll_V' both oh] and _-.'oun;:~outstiindint,r cost- unu-N. Winn-s and contests tire feillurorl. New Dundee. “hate-ring Pdillolil a flower show throuch the united ull‘nrt nf soninr and junior Institutes. Thu flowers u'cre judged and pn'm iiwzinlwl to exhibitors from lm‘nl nnil Hill'l‘fllll’lillnff communities. Luncheon :‘lls served and a contribution placed ln 'ln- h-n cup helped the finances of the Iirurch. x r‘nntinucd from cnl. 1). The Branch President may call a moi-tint: of the Board at any time she has a trend reason. Matters of business whirh could tukc'up too much time at u regular lllt‘t‘tlnl: of the branch, should be tnkr‘n cure of by the Board of Directors. Correspondence _“I sometimes wonder," said Mary, “it the provincial seal on the envelope directed to an Institute secremrr means that it is just tiresome busi- m-ss again and may be put away. of course, the letters from the Depart- ment are rather impersonal. But that doesn't mean they shouldn‘t have ntbentiou. Generally, they should he rcuil at the regular Institute mactim: it the branch is to keep up-to-dsts." Just what would \'~ " “My wright? \l. do without News Flashes From the B a ' x (Ioâ€"Spons- m""95"’"- MW?" in the school ors musical inst-rue ion 1 lass and assists in financmg 5 01W“ 9 .n in the community. Better muSIc 1 local church choirs and greater ap: preciation of good music have re sulted. Smithvllle, Lincoln Co.â€"-Put on an noyswr Supper" and programme by local talent to provide‘fiinds for theI re-opcning and maintaining the 1008 Public Library. Corunna, Lambtm Co.â€"Included in one of their programmes 8 Paper on the “White Trillium the floral emblem of Ontario, and a talk by a landscape gardener about his Work. Home Centre. Lombton_ GILâ€"Held a banquet in the beginning of the year and secured some new members‘i Providence. Lambton Co.â€"Debate the subject, “Resolved that the W0- man Who Takes Active Part in Coni- inunity Life is Happier than the One Who Does Not". Port Lambwn. Lambton _Co.:- Subscribes for the “Reader's Digest , and allows each member to read it in turni \l'ilkesport Lambton Ctrâ€"Hail a roll call with each member donating her best quilt pattern. ‘ Varency, Haldimand Co.â€"A.ppoint- ed a Current Events Committee to report at each monthly meeting. Cayuga, Haldimand Co.â€"I’roinoted interest in music by purchasing a piano {or the public school and placing a piano in the Council Chamber for use at monthly meet- IDES. Bethel. Haldimand Co.â€"Gives two books as prizes to the school each term and has already contributed thirty Volumes to the school. South Neebing, Thunder Bay.â€" Cured for a family of five small children while both father and. mother were ill in the hospital. liillarney. Manitoulin Island. â€"â€" Gave an afternoon of household ser- vice to members in need of help. I‘iiper hanging and remodelling of clothing were among the servims given. South Bay Mouth. Manitoulin Islnnil.~Gave substantial and practi- cal liel]! to a crippled child by pro- vidiii hospital mi x ray me, Hi lialte, Manitoulin Islandâ€"Hail the topic. “Who’s Who in Ontario and WW". zind :ii'ouscd such enthusiasm that additional books were purchased for the Institute Library. .ldnni' ille. Bruce Co.â€"Asked the """lllemtion of the men of the section, and held a “Community Bee" to im. WWW the school grounds, The teacher of this school has introduced ’ll' “I'Int Lunch” and is receiving l ‘ to from this newly organized ln~lltutu branch. \l'iiirion. Bruce Co.â€"ls doing SlliV'llll work in the school, bv Sup Pli'lhi: new so v bunks. clnthirie: and “1‘” 5 ’0’ "m." chilvlren. and milk Inr thw u ndei'nourislied. t) llopwurth. Bruce CO.â€"-Hll3 aroust tL' community to desirable beautifi- m pork. Citizens have respond- wl by tmn-z up thi-ir gardens and im- pronm: lhr: nlryvr‘urnnce of the homes |’l‘n0|:{lll_\'. This branch is also de- veloping a memorial park with tennis court and a buulinu green. F Hopg Bay and aneness. Bruce (giafiueps tholschool supplied with ' .. 501i uni ' ' mums. p other toilet require- 'l'ubcrmory, Bruce Co,â€"Is ‘ on :i "Mudeâ€"inflanuda" bazanfiutwigg the co-nncration of some of the Can- aiilun Manufacturers. The proceeds will be used to help maintain the ser Violas gt thegocal doctor. - .in say. rucc Co.â€" ' contacts. two school selliSnsbmgif'l; community halls and two chiircl'l It furnishes toilet requisites for boili- scliools and alternate 'h entertainni nt ' “ alesome (“mm to e s in the halls. In ad- this two incu ' ' . _ fable in boys are Its continuous charge valid Morpeth, Kent Co.â€"0btainevl became ‘ parts kit 7C Aâ€"Was fins ' ~ . _ e-decoi'atiii nu- interior of the Continua ' g “3' Mtg") Millaé m" Sm“ "1 arewar , Dufferin co._ ~- the services of‘a dentist, finalllgélm address on the care of the teeth an Shelburne. Duiierin Co. is; fire responsibility of entertain-ml?“ES on the nights of their local Fall Fem receivmg 50 per cent. of the prgc au’ The Maples, Duiferin coerce?“ generous reapanse to the roll Ed which took the form of “relief I plies". my Chesterville, Dundas Co.â€"Is , sponsible for the management of [ill Public Library. This branch has al~e provided glasses for needy c w milk for under-nourished children a a cot for a sick child. ' Mount Pleasant, Durham (‘0 mails itself of the Tm' i rary service from the De of Education each year. panmem Cavan, Durham Co.â€"lnvited the school boards, inspector, agricultural representative to a public meeting to discuss the introduction of musiml education in the schools of the town. ship. Then a competent instructor was engaged. A choral class he: been formed recently and musical egucation is established in the town. 5 ip. Bowmanville, Durham Co.-Stu ‘1 “Birds” and "Trees" at the teg’iil; meetings by having an address on each of these topics, with a displal‘ of twenty-seven species of Canadiah trees. A contest in naming these species was a feature of the pm~ gramme. Victoria, Durham Co.â€"Featured a paper on "Protecting Contacts in Tubercular Cases". ‘ Nestletoii, Durham CO.â€"IS start ing a library and. has on hand about one hundred volumes. Luton, E’lgin Co.â€"Featured a dis play of quilts, quilt blocks and pa- terns, and discussed the merits if their designs and colours. Nprth Yarmouth‘, Elgin Coil-lad an illustrated address on "Planninu and Planting flie Perennial Border“. Port Stanley, Elgin Co.7Env cqurages clean sports by co-opsratint With the local Base Ball Club. Squth Yarmouth. Elgin CO.â€"l’lflll 1 special programme when every mad- mother took part. “The Character- istics and Heritage of our Grand. mothers" was the title of the address given. Camber, Essex C0.â€"H3d mull".r pictures from the Ontario Departâ€" ment of Games and Fisherie an open social evening when men were present. South Woodslee. Essex C0.rllll‘ been assured by the Township Fulln- cd that they will assume all ii ‘ responsibility in connection dth’theria toxoid clinic for all i ran in the township. This v r be extended to two other t Golden Valley, Parry Soun rang-es- a Christmas treat and proViding a small gift for one“ up to 5 years of age. The PM“ of the concert are shared with 1”. school to purchase books, picture games. lilillbank, Perth Co.â€"Raiserl wit“ by an autograph quilt. The li‘n'lfl was donated to the upkeep “1 il‘" local cemetery. The proceeds from a "play" provided assistance for Lilimr Board and hospital work. , _ Avon, Perth Co.â€"Had the “hi” inspector lead the discussion folio“- lni: the topic “Agriculture as MW“ in the Public School". , Gail's Hill, Perth GILâ€"‘Put 9".“ Publicity programme when Camila" Magazines were exhibited. A ‘ Minnitaki, Kenora Districtâ€"5W" "The best results of Institute work]: this branch have been getting W women out to meet other women “ll” rarely left their homes before fill Pro ammes centre on health 3"“ fee ng the family".

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