Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), March and April 1934, page 5

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MAP". ‘934 mNDON (DNVENTION .. ’ui Ariaâ€"El ' hex, South Enron, Kant, Lanna)", W, South oyd. Waterloo. . nnd Due in! Conventionâ€"lamina. Oct. 23-24â€"25, 1984. enfiim Clinirmnnâ€"Iln. Bolton Fi . Thai-awe, nation Secretaryâ€"Kn. Harm-n An anon, Wilton anr. enfiou Trumanâ€"Ila. John Me, Appin. unit-u of sanding Committees , '0“ In. G. Dalian. 11R No. 1, Hensnll. thundCltlld mun. W. Rnwson. Patrvlin. will": .____..___.._.llrs. J. C. MuMillln. RR. No. I. We: Lorne. . Econdmlu H-115. Peylnn Banney, Haunt Elxin. Wan W111. T. W. lie-lie. Blenheim. mm -M._._|lrs. M. Simpsun, KR. No. 1. Billy- lawn. mimin Aztlle Mrs. W. J. Anderson. London. { w _ ..Mrs. A. George~ iianhester. rial Research .__ In. Peter McArthur. Appin. ‘ Industrie- W .flrs. Gun Cnmphell, Mt. Brydgrs. HAMILTON CONVENTION ‘entinn Ann-Bruit, Huldimund, Lincoln, Norfolk. Well-nil, \Vaitworth. . Ind Dnt: of Convuitinnâ€"Hlmiltan, Oct. 30. 31, Nov. 1. 1934. cntinn Clinirnnnâ€"Idrs. J. M. mason, Ningnrnon-thela‘u. 'entian Secretaryâ€"bin. \V. A. Waltz, as Dundu SL, Bruitford. ‘enlion Trustinrâ€"Mrs. Horace Smith. in Bulii SL. Hamiltan. Chnirnlcn oi Standing Commiltm .Jlrs. L. Wilson. Scotland, Ont. ILMPS. Walter Smith, KR. No. 2. An- Mrs. D. W. Miller. Glen Morrin. Mrs. E. V. Addison, Maple St.. Simm. Jrs. 'l'. B. lchiin, Lynedoch. Mrs. J, L. Stokes, Port Colborno. Mrs. Wm. Paxton. KR, No. 2, St. Cu- Lhnrinu. Mrs. J. A. McLennnn, Dundns. Mrs. B. Curler, Cnnficld. Mrs. C. A. Aldcnon, R.IL No. A. Hamilton. or Acfivifiu ..............Mi.ss Bessie Keefer. KR. No. 3. Cult:- donin. liclty ......................._.....Mrs. Lyle Snvigny. Ridgeviliv. BELLEVILLE CONVENTION ventinn Annâ€"Hastings, Northumberiand, Pl’lnfl’ Edvard. ea Ind Dth‘al Convantlonâ€"Belleviile. Nov. 1-2, lDIH. ventitm Chuirmnnâ€"Mn. W. R. Munru, ilernorrlti'ille. vuntion Secretlyâ€"Mrs. M. B. Worse, lt.lt. No. l, Rndnen- ville. Chllnnen of Standing Committee: cation WW Jim. Chin. \Vhytock. lilndoc. lth Ind ChildW rLM . F. .l. Nickle. Eldorndo. ‘ _Mrs. J. A. Dwiucy, Vornnnvilln. Mrs. Chan. leel li. Bloomfield. . Harry Murp y, Shnnnunville. . Bert Busih, R.lL Na. 2. Funk- ford. . J. Black, Warkwnrth. Mn. Walter Gnu. Giimaur. Mn. Casey Krtcheson, Truman. . M . Stauntan Fox, Eodnerlville. All Mn. Clarence Holmes, Brilrvillr. .Jdu. Rune", Withurl. Sdby. Miss Mabel Webb. Bonnrlnw. TORONTO CONVENTION ventidn Areaâ€"Durham, Enlihnrtnn, Prierbaru, Victoria. Onhrln, Yuri. Dnflerln, Grey, Hniton. Pot-l Wellington. ca uni Duh n! (Mauritianâ€"Tammi), Nov. 2&214’2. i934. i nntlim (Batmanâ€"Mn. J. Harvey Hurrin. Pun Credit. ‘nf Convention Suntanâ€"Kn. A. Amnrung. innuufi. Quinn of Standing Committee. Jr; J. M. Abbott. Erin. nlth ____,._Dr. Mn rct Panes-non. Tomi-to. cultulo __Jlrl. J. . McClure. Brnmptan. Sammie: .___._nn. w. A. Scott. 26 Putting» 31.. Lindsay. Idllnluflpn mm“ H. J. Clnrln. Anmrn. ‘ ‘ ..__.._.._._.|ln. 1‘. link. Allan. Mill- .._...qu- J. K. Bulky. 40 Nor-and IL. Toronto. I - â€"â€".â€"_......__...Irl. Geo. Altair. Bnnla. ' ._.....Ji-E. A Georg-(awn. Wm ....Jln. J. [Yogi-told. hplur. ».- gummmm ’ ‘ dam all l which "lath do“ a Wm i m Mini-whamm- human m". Wm.Abont wanna-mu)de ’ mwhmm _ luv-flinging .. m m... . u HOMEIu-d COUNTRY FOOD FADS AND FALLACIES By Mix Gertrude A. Gray. Field Assistant in Nutrition People. in general. In: becaming food must-ions. partly due to an incnnrd recognition of the import. in the g'nywth Ind mainmnnnco o! the body, and to u li-sscr extent to thc methods of ndnrtising uscd by tho mnnui’ncturus of food pnxinm Ind of cooking equipment. hlndcrn Adi-"tier hnn been quick to anim- n ehnngwl atti- tude on the part of thc public. As a insult. ndwrtismwnts spank n! such things as vitamins and mineral man»? (with n‘gnnl in the spatial product ndwrfisd) which makes it diflicult (nr nun not wry-d in sud! things to t-stimnto the value of tho statements in thvir nintion to the whole pmhlun of nutrition. qumtly (hr humrmnker is urged to buy this or thiit (on-l pnvluct as the “min mum 0! wine- mkfl‘nhlli of the dll‘l. 0r. shr l‘ tnld thnt ii she does rint “Sl‘ mruin utrnslls iiir clicking foals. much of their {and value will be lmL 1n rmlity. if «no IS funii~ linr with the mmpm‘itinn oi foods and knows hnw t‘.‘l(‘l| fill.» 15 lflk‘fll‘d by hut. food condiments can be rnnwrwd whr-ii mini: ordinary equipment. Another persnn will nasure hbr that :i (iii-l n! iii-mini iuiw for «WM wad“, or at intervals. is tha but run (or :i lam: int of iiit. (m denim-s! and “filing I‘)T~IRhl In {cwr and tumour .m the brnin. Still nnnthi‘r will In” hor lhnt mm! iiln (mm \\'l\li‘ll the humnn family sailor can be own-umr by uni taking min-hm rind proteins at the saint- mrnl. The (art thnt nur illlil)‘ hh\'lll nnd potent»: urn ouch n protrinAsuin-h mixlunv ni’ iii-int tlw slum pmportions us in mnn)‘ n well-Mmrtrd dlt‘l ii whuily ix nt-rrd. Any hnndit derivnl {rum mrh n (lint (iinilrin ("Ill ~hli’f‘ll “(‘Pflmfl'd) by In lulu". is bvcnuw ii is our of which hr runnnt ovnrnnt and bot-nun it ennminu it int of fruits llllll wgvtiiiiliu For in child. in law rnloric \‘ulur l! intumi-ii t. The wine purwyur u! midninrmntinn snys. “Thr hmvy iiwr of sugar. if he mmhinon then with mihrr iii-id (mm or niviit nr car, can Krt up n wry sinnbh- in" {mm thv nlruhul RI‘lII'l‘lilinl in stomnrh rind intestine." But nimin. the fur: thnt protcin Hillbillva rhnniimily with "CHI ~13 that it is no longnr (m. nml that th iiirnwiinn n! ~lnrrh run pmch in n modium prudimlly neutral i- iimnml. FncL- nrc ion hnmporlnan The num- mnn. who write: .\l.D, nlior his mmw, uiyv tlnil "if we nllowz-d ouch nmtr ilinn-s tn run IL! rnur-v IInm“it“-ll~l. \w would find that npcvntnnmun rrcnwrim nrn the mlv. nui Liu- H orptjnn. and that to recover from nnr (limo i: but in rv ~ causing it." Jutt how to do thnt nppmn inn «implv whrn w:- nn- tniil thnt nil Ilimnu in made up n! dullrimicim nnri pivihnrm, rind w may at once and tho Hum limo hr rulinrinz from in" much and not enough. Y“ "ii! "In". th in n din-elm of n much ndwrtiml nnnlr tnrium. hnI writhn n book full at quncktry which lin‘ llN'n widely read by mlny people. it is Iurprising thnt hl-i nli‘A‘lllir- monu- nnd contrmllctinnn am not up nrvnt tn tho rmclnr-I who nrv‘ (nmiiinr with this lnw-nbiding “Mr! M NVI‘fliNl hy «ch-urn. The into Ditth Stair Joninn had a Minn far this «nri a! qunnluiry. Ha cnllod it “Scimn hy". nnd ilucribn it in .Iynu-mntimd immmncn. the mod (inliuhtrul n'ii-nm in tho imriil. blffllllc it in nmulmd without labour or pain-- nml hin'pn tiiv mind from melanchnly. Very 0min nntl-nwnln in main without thinu inhi rim-M oration till the (not: of the fine. A.- inr rxnmpii‘. mnw rpm-ml fl'i'IHIl prepnrntion may ho [ier tho cmiit in: n (‘hll‘l'n 5min in wnlght whi-n it was thn extm minriM, n-bubiv [lllln ntru milk. midnl to the am which nirv-mly inrlu-lnrvrmhin, «mm, m...” llnll cold livnr rill, thnl In.- rn-opnnlibla fur the min. ii. iii to much unit-r tn haliuvr thnt a fin] lump- m mm.‘ qzxtllnl magic than to Itutiy it: vuluu In rnlntinn in tha- dirt in n w n r. Agnin ninntiflc finding!- an» ni'trn uml in mrvo thu purpnw ui thp mnnulactunr a! n pmtluct. \l‘n nrn lilidl in! tho wumlurtul (mum nine of lymph. mar nivi mmiy. hut no Iurllinr m: plnnntion is firm thnt than things. bring ‘irnight (ut‘l foul». :in nnt furnilh my building m-kvrinl (or ban» or Ill-luv nr mnuiiii Any [m in; Ind pmtxtlva vitiunlm. Ami Mrnuu‘ iii their act. ve flnvuur as minnnrnl with thr- blllllii an» a! him-I, rotatable: Incl milk. may (m4 nut thr-n (and: ihnt rnntnin in- dinmhle claim-nu lor M. Pm'oninr Sharinnn in un nrfitiu an "This Problem of 3mm !nr Chllilnn" lay: "in urn erni, tht pmpu plut- of ulnar in tho imri minimal and Mllan habit: Mcliildrvn innot in ninth mtnu-l lurm- u myiriy, nm in tho lndllcrlmlnlln and linens-tin naming of all kind: n! fond.- bnt nth-r :- 1 tin nnd flavour to (nriliuin thr Introduction intn tho chlld'l .ii-ury o! um.» lmnunll of fruit and milk. the import-m: of which to child health hu lxvon lnA crrulnzly an huiud with Inch y-nr'n procra- in nur linan- ad“ a! nntfllron." Anin. m th- wwld-h- graph-t- nn than who warn u: at tho dunpr of citing rn-t. our uni brand hncnmuv n! the arid- {arm-d. Yet Profunr Sim-mun, who in on. a! flu but linmvn {and chain-h ill the «indium. - ,"in my ovinlun, it in Iiill In own quaint whothnr tha n JA- lulnnre of the mimrnl mad til-dint l9 ari- not a! uruflul signth in hum-n nutrit Tho hut-M h M which no unanily marlin lrmn th- mo of dicta mm at fruits. in and milk (thnt hamnlhlin- “Liming-«r! bdln partiathafut math-gluoan lnnnlldullwh-nuwllntlubody lanthanum-uni“ wnynin which an uni.in of likrnlnmhofth-olwdnianpttnhhmdki l.nnu yby limb inelidinn.pbuplmwl.hvnnnd vitamin. Ind MW: Mal mm" hvi- d m. and thud-nu of ulnrtinin m.muuum.:n unwind. (Continued from page 4) brief outline of what this sub- ject (OVEN would be of vnlue. following this n study of the diil'cn‘nt divisions. tliiii of homo bring divided into iwn sections. Cni‘t‘ and education ni children. and family niliitionship. these subdivided lll'liil‘l‘ school. rliui'cli. socirty. rvrnnih'on and leisure \\‘\1rk and wunly: or household nmnngmiirnt undvr the head- iiigs uf imiipnioni. piiiii (if work. division ui’ iiwnnw, :ic- mums. buying. planning, r ani tho nuiny roqnvs ni- rnivni nwrnily an» inn} “'1‘” oxprom‘ the opinion ihni liw \\'i\l|\(‘ll i\‘ cr‘nlii'iii: llll-lil-dllii‘ inlnmi: 'nii nu pruliioiiw of riiixvn< ‘l :in-i Vin-inns fi‘llllll'i‘S of cii-irs :inii lwgislziiimi. which will iiiiiiliiii‘\~ JINIII‘I‘ IN ni' .‘l iiiriziii' llllil iiiimi iiitvilimiiil ox- i-wri'isimiihv l‘iRlll-i (if friliirliisn ii_\' uur iiii‘nihon :uiil ntliivrs. Wv viiiiv: illli" in H’I'lll" (iv 1 nil i|\'lllllll‘ii‘ murmw nil-ii ‘ .ii-purtnwuk u! (hm-runwn (I‘lh‘hl‘r‘, lulllht‘r‘. i.lll':| ' nixiitnrinu-i, tm‘l lionlui and iii \'uiu:ii~ llw lllu..i ltlllliiii‘iifllle :inil :iwiimlo illful'llllliliill mi lhl‘ min «iiliirrl. ivlui. . m- rmiiiiul ii .-i-. .if llll\' wnx limit liu- moi ~:i .(m- inry M ~ n ho (“aim-mum only u-h. ‘muui :iml iiiinl rlmirv l\ gin-n \l'lil'il llllllflllK llp lulu-Minn. :iwl tint «illliliil ln' nimlu nl imi inn I‘il} nr i\\'n \\'w-h'~ in iixli-niirn of llll‘ Illlil‘ llillll \\‘llii‘li iii ni'iiil in in iw im-wiiini ii in \wil lllllfl rnriiinm~ lwr: in ii" in n i i ii! lhnir nwn human-ii u». p..~~il»l.~, ii. iii’i.~r nil llll‘ rri-iiiut i il‘lii in iiurivmi i‘n-m .inimr um um digging. ii i-. .mr lll'hii‘l‘ in xiiiâ€"w ii... nu-miu-r. iii ~Ii|i|iitllliflliiillx nr niippiyiiiu iimli-riiii {mm which iiiny "my millivr lli‘iilll‘lllilvll nr of Ili'i‘ni‘" \‘;iillv lu (iii- nl riic‘nlinirliili 'l'lin w pnrinu-ni mniinu iii iv :lilll mg in lli liilill vi ~ ii." nmi liniw‘ ii ni ‘nllllli > in lll' ni’ '-l|ii gnviiiu-r wiiiriiiimmi vain-v in "in iniiiiiiiv. iill'l \\'ui|l“ \\'I~i rrnlii- iumw liiili‘i .‘i‘v‘ in lli|\\' ilii- lllll\' ln- iwnmuiii ~ill" Solving the Ollicer Proiilrm Sou-n lli‘i’llll‘i n which hun- awnâ€""In, in .mu-m" .1 4-. m, .- iu-riiilly nun ur i'r.-....i.-..i mui ‘Iil‘i‘ i'rinuiivnl, inn-v ll :lilim-nnl nu-ml-u lulu» iiiv .-l.uir iii vurii nivrling, 1‘\\'4till‘1‘ immui in lw mm. rl-ipuliviiiil- fur m.- min.- |Ifiiflrlllll niuirl frnm ili-~ Il'illill hu‘lw-qi plik‘inlllrl' (‘uin-n-r. vii ruinniillwu hll\l‘ "0"" up [iiilnlrli fur 'itrllll‘ ..r "I" "ill!" ini "mm: “mm... ..r ii... “mi un-I Mrh mum- i- nirvuinl ni 4Iiil' mwiinw. Thnrhnli-mrn flml nut in mi. wnv iliry rnn i'nrn nu mun. Nirn niui iln nu wnil II'I tlin nllll'l‘l. PM nunmpln. in January. Lhu (‘nnvnnur nf illurliiiun imk ihn rhnlr, Hiinrt niliirmvx-n Wi-rv‘ [livl'll nn "Faluriiiinn" llllll "Wo- mrn'n [hid in ('niimiiiin i'rw [rm-1." Thv tnnrhvr nllr'Wl'll hi-r miilu, htryl null Kirll. in mn- tri utn nit-mun-rlrntlnnn an ihv' "with work n! ital Crou- .liin- inn, iii-i mu-irnl numbcru. Qiin-tlnnn Minn-«l. with n \’illll‘ (this liili’u‘linn rm hmlth in in by thn nriuitr. Al inliwi. linf n vinrrm nut-harp wnm pro-ant whn rnreiy. if I'Vl‘l'. nmndul. ‘l'lio cammlltmii on Home Eka- nrnnin. Arriruluiri'. Cnnluliiin ln-lu-triu ml (Mu-r ilcpnri- um hurl Munlly itnnrl pra- m Thin film "when the pmridnnt'n uuk midi ins-i dim- riilt build” bringinu out nml Mlcnt. The member: can try tak- ing nn native part in in my Ind such liu hur own individual Ind Mum unique “M! to can- tribula. ‘

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