Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), March and April 1934, page 3

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arch and April, 1934 WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE LECTURING STAFF HOME and COUNTRY Miss Lilly Petty, Percival. 11.11. No. l. Addison. 1 general, any rivalry too in- se for good humour should stopped. The ideal of good rtsmanship has to be taught. essentials are abiding by the es of the game and the de- on of the umpire; playing for - sake of the game, not for ning at any cost, be it honâ€" , temper, or comradeship; ng a good loser, and a grace not overbearing, winner. olne communities arrange to e a man in charge of both 5 and girls. This may be - only possibility for girls to ster the rules of a new game ll as basketball. But the I an leader should always be sent to see that the girls are overstrained and that every 1 has a chance. A leader has, ing the course of the games l exercises, a good oppors ity to impress upon the girls care of their bodies, not by talks, which always make 5 shy and uncomfortable, but a casual and incidental way the occasion arises naturally, the comradeship of planning arryingâ€"on and carrying-out activities. n planning recreation, it is l to have, with all ages and es. singing together as much possible; a class or depart- l t Glee Club learning'to sing, t two, then three parts, is asure and service combined. two or more persons in the r munity play musical instru- ts, encourage an orchestra anjo club. Ukeleles are quite pensive and easy to learn ~ easy to sing with. But ve all, if the young people to get the best out of music, ' must learn to know and ‘ good music, they must learn discriminate between vulgar, hy music and the really utiful. Get good musicians interpret an immortal piece l usic and to give talks on the = of musicians. (Continued on page 4) sslr Rowâ€"Left to Rightâ€"Miss n. A. Slicmr, 1167 Kim: 5:. Allen: Smith. Glanfnrd swoon; Miss lu. E. ilsDinrmid. nu. No. l, Moose Cree 11.11. No. 1. Dcnfiold: Mrs. Hugh Bertram. Stoney Creek cond Rawâ€"Miss Elizabeth Werner, cm, Toronto Institutes Branch. Ontario Depnrlmcnt oi Agriculture: Mrs, Fred. H. Grnhnm, Nonh Gowcr: 4n Sunnmlssd Ave.. Toronto: Mrs. John qunilton Shearer. Bor 451, Georgetown; Miss E. M. Collins. Institutes Branch. Ontario Department of Aul'iculturo: Mrs. J. M. Kitchener; Mrs. Clarence Haves. Goon:an Miss ss Ethel J. E. Robson. Hnrriul Gx-uyuun. Streetsvillc. 157 Nutmwnsngn Sc. Ori Mrs. Wm. G. Tuwr s, Alhons Miss Gertrude Poole Mlss E. Alum-lbs. nnt Rowi'Miss E. J. Guest, 5 Evelyn Crescent. Toronto: Mrs. ins. Patterson. New Hflmlwrl' Mrs. Lam-n Rose Stephen. 359 First Ar , Ottawa: Mr. G. A. Pulnnm, mom of Agriculture Mr J. w. Stone, Hand Head: Mi of Agriculture; Miss F, P. Eadie, Institutes Brunch. Ontario Department or Agriculture. Ontnrio DQI‘IRH‘ M. V. Powell. Institutes Brunch. Onuu'ia neDul'thnt Inclâ€"intention! Women's IllstiLu THE PROVINCIAL BOARD Ata meeting of the Provincial Board held in Toronto on April 3 and 4, all members except Mrs. Frank Tanner. Vars, Mrs. “L J. Trainer, Hilton Beach, and Mrs. J. J. McCoombs, Kenora, were present. (see November-December “Home and Country" for photo and list of the Board members). The Presir dent referred to the absence of Mrs. Mchombs, expressing re- gret for her sudden bereavement in the passing of M r cCDol'nb through an accident. The members of the Board cxplcssed their sympathy. The President, Mrs. R. B. Colloton, referred to the honour recently conferred upon Mrs. W. F. Pal-sons, Port Credit, Pron vincial Convener of Health and Child Welfare, by His Majesty the King. The Secretary was instructed to congratulate Mrs. Parsons on the birth of a son. The F.W.I.C. has contributed Twenty Dollars to the Inter- nat'ional Organization, “The Associated Country Women of the World”, and are in receipt of their publication, “The Countryâ€" woman", the first number of which was published in Ma rch and contains information of world-wide interest. Mrs. A. E. Walker, Chairman of the Resolution; Committee, reported that resolutions dealt. with at the conventions held last fall and by the Board had been presented to Dominion and Pro- vincial Governments and. others concerned, and she and her committee had been given a hearing by the Provincial Cabinet. The President reported that she had interviewed the Honour» able W. F. Finlayson re the construction of a road to Killarney. The Superintendent, Mr. Putnam, stated that material for a new Hand Book was being prepared, and submitted some sugâ€" gested changes and additions for the consideration of'the Board. When suggested material is complete it will be submltted to the members of the Board and other leaders for finnl rev n. The Treasurer presented a financial statement, whlch showed a substantial balance in the treasury. Mrs. Fleming. Mrs. Kelly, and Mrs. Colloton, referred briefly to their representation to the FederatedTeachers’ Association; the League of Nations; and the Royal Winter Full', respectlvely. A resolution was passed expressing appreciation of the Pro- vincial Conveners of Standing Committees for thelr reports. The Secretary reported on the distribution and financing of the Song Sheets published by the Federation, and announced that quite a large number of copies are still on hand. Re Telephone resolutionâ€"The Dominion Railway Board stated lihat some two or three years ago reductions had been made in some sections of the province, but proved of little value so far as the retention of service to citizens who were compelled to consider financial conditions. The Board also stated that appeals must be presented direct the company concerned, clt- ing specific conditions when reductlons were deslred. With regard to the Radio Commission, some. ten or twelve points had been submitted to the Prime Mlnlster .of Can- ada, stating the stand taken by the Women's In'stltutes of Ontario. and in reply the Pn'me Minister stated this informa- tion would be taken into consideration when deallng with the Commission. New books for Travelling lel'arlC\' were (llrffi Peace Garden Treatyiwas presented and t 3.10le by Mrs. Houckâ€"Mrs. Stewart that the Board approw of thr- Treaty provided safeguards be provided in this connection. The Superintendent reported that the momma-sh”: had dropped off somewhat in recent years, but was about the same this year as last year, and he expected that \ 'th four or five numbers of "Home and Country" free to all mo :rs during the cfiming year, there would be a substantial increase in member s 1p. The Board appeals to the members to concentrate rm the vice the individual may render to her branch and crlmmunlty, and to study very definitely what the Women’s: Institutr stand for. The President and other members of the Board, a,- wcll a» the Superintendent, advised very =trongly against collcctinn: at monthly meetings. It was COHsithi'Nl that the time is inopportune tn u-k frll- thr appointment of a commi. on on Health, " suggc-tml by 1hr: Community welfare Council, althnugll in ymllutlly With the special effort to make general the splendid FL ct.- availnble for better health. It was decidcd that directors will be allowcl only one term rm the Board, except, of course. the President. Thl> term should should be for two or possibly in exceptional instances three years- If for three years, the last two years must be consecutive. It was decided to send a recommendation regal-«hm: tune of examinations, in writing, to the Minister of Education, the President explaining that employment in summt’l' l'wnl'ts', fruit picking, 'lP’l other responsibilities were . l'iously :lfioctwl by the present as for writing examinations. Ml A. E. Walker, of Bartonville, the Pl'l‘. lent of till:- F.\V.I.C.. c (-ndcd gTeetingS and good with to tlw Provincial Board. Stirs. \anker stated that this organization lliul been a definite bond between the provinces, the Contact maria have been inspirational. and the other provinces still look to Ontario as a leader and ad " or to them, and she urged Ontario to live up tn the standnr which had been set. In l'eferrlng to the Peace Garden. Mrs. Walker stated that the individual branches would not be appc ed to for contribu- tions, but null l'n nmc provinces the provincial] body had already made contribution. The Board advlsod that group; of girk taking llllvantnpyl of one month or three months’ short courses, should be urged to form Junior Institutes rather than Clubs. thus being able to co~ operate with the Seniors and tn take arlvnntilgc of the wen-ices available. That all chequcs should be signed by two officers, usually the president and secl'etal ', should apply not only to thL provincial organizatin but to the di, rict and the branch. The President advised that when appeal; for relief came from outside points to the officers, or individule members. the aims should be sent on to the Institute: Branch, wllel-o inquiry will he made. It has been found that there are some individual; who make appeal to many sections of the Province. It ' ‘ urged that the Institutes be not used as advertising agenc and that the list of ofi'lccrs be not made available. c.\'r cept for purposes approved by the Board. It was ‘ecnmmended that the Directors br‘ l'otul'llml for a second year, and that the auditors in the branch, the district nntl the convention areas, he Women's Institute members. Dominion Pins may be had from the Secretary, Mrs. W. B. Leathcwlzllc, Coldwntcl', for seventy-five cents (750). Mr. Putnam spoke of the need for adjustment of <EL‘l'et‘fll' salaries in mlllly districts, now that the l'csponsibllitl'o of the; ofiiccrs have been much reduced. The funds thus ,n\ l might be utilized ill the organization of new branches, encouraging e, ing branches, and assisting the girls. ‘Notes of condolence will be sent from the F.\\'.I.O. to Mrs. R M. Farris, of Brantfnrd, and Mr” A. Hu fl‘mall uf nl!l§(‘ll\\', {annex members of the Board who had been bereaved sinm- tho Inst ment- ing of the Board. On the resignation of Mrs. J. W. Stone of Bond Hand. as Provincial Convener on “Home Economics", Miss Flora l>ul'nan of Dungannon was appointed. The resolutions committee was given power to (ll‘ill \vltll rcso~ lutions according to their discretion, giving to the brunch or dis- tn’ct concemcd where thought necessary the i'Dilsnns for their action. It w ‘uggcstod that im the new Hand Bonk goncl'nl recom- mendations on Institute activities be included. The Superintendent emphasized the great importance of defi- nite planning and effective work along educational lines on the part of the members in each branch. He urged the organization of new branches, and a specile efi'ort to retain rlld member: and secure new ones. The Secretary presented a questionnaire with corresponding answers on Parliamentary Procedure; this will be given publicity later. Mrs. J. E. Houck of Welland made a strong plea fnl~ conseâ€" crated cfl’nrt toward world peace. Miss M. V. Powell, who has been Secretaryfrczlsurcr of the Provincial Board for the past four years, finds that the increasâ€" ing responsibiliti ' in the Department, together with other re- sponsibilities, make heavy demand upon her time, and, tllerefole, tendered her resignation. The Board expressed kecn npprecia» tion of the services rendered and sincere regret that this rela- tionship was being severed. As an expression of appreciation they presented Miss Powell with a beautiful scalskin hand bag. Miss Powell assured the Board of her continued interest in their activities and the pleasure experienced in the associations during her term of ofiice. The Bollrd appoian Mrs. W. B. Leatherdale of Goldwater, as temporary Secretol-y-Tleosurer, and permanent appointment will be dealt with at the next annual meeting in November.

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