Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), July 1933, page 2

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HOME and COUNTRY 2 Purpose of Home and Country The urpose of “Home and members to render worthwhile Count is to stimulateakeener service to the community. The interest in the general work of the Institutes and to assist the officers in making the activities of each branch of real educa- tional value to the members; tn encourage wholesome social un- dertakings; the attention and to enable the andvalue. DISTRIBUTION OF HOME AND COUNTRY .\'n. 2~July Issueâ€"Is being sent to the presidents and sciiclhrics fur the pnst your, l332-33.‘arid the newly elected uriircr. for 1213344, buth brunch und district. One extra copy is Iit'lllL’ suit to thr- brunch secretary for the current ycm- with llll‘ request that she puss it on to some interested member. (lnv in three extra copies oI this number will be sent to the bronrh be crury if she writes to the Institutes Branch for 1h. ...... No charge will be mudu. ‘ _ N0. 3â€"Scptenibur Issucâ€"Will be mailed without charge to ihu brunch rsursrnry Iur drnributiun among those who were nit-inbch during the 9M! year. I! the membership IS larger ti... your lhnn last, then [he secretary should upply for the extra iilpiw required to give n copy to each member. I No. diNnveinbcr Issueâ€"One copy of this will be mniled to ciioh brunch und dim." president and secretary. , The general distribution C‘IIK'I'I lnonth will ipcludc chairmen of sliinding committL-cs for the various convention nreas, secre- lurics (Hid presidents tor the conventions, members or the Pro- vinciill Ervnrd, Provincial officials in the various provinces and lenders in rural women's organizations in some twenty-five countries. A ‘ The plun oi" distribution {or the succeeding numbers will be the shine us for the November issue, outlined abuvc. EXTRA COPIES Those members who wish tn secure the November issue and in" following three numbers to be published in December, February nnd April should pny Ten Cents to the branch secre- iiiry who will remit for all the members in her brunch who wish to secure copies. Rfllnlttnnce should be mailed to “Home and ('uuntrb'.” Parliament Buildings, ruronto, n..d ll money order .s scnt, it should be mud. nnynhle to )1. v, Powell. Do not send >|iiinp>, Thc cxlru copiu> ur cinch issue pnid {or in udvnce will bu :iddrt scd 1.. the sum-tury (if the branch. \Vlli'l will be expected in urrungc for the di>trillu|i0n of the slime Hmong the members ..l... have contributed. l‘iissibly some branches will send Ten l'i-iits uul ul thulr rL-iruliir rump {or Mich mcilil-cr. excepting 'Ilc president and secretary. It might be well to arrange the nicinlicr who Wish to gut copies in groups Illl(l tlic secretary could hand thu required number to some one member ul each mu... for distribution. If the members iirc not scattered over secretaries and presidents have the responsibility of drawing to of the members such information and sugges» tions as are of general interest .. \‘cry inn... territory, possibly the dis tribution citrl be made lit the Institute meeting. In tiny cuse, t will be well to have .i..-... distributed as Mil-n us possible after tllc copics arc run-wed. \ ‘wuuld prui’nr in how not less than ten extra copies sent [in i- h brunch. frr-ni Nlivcinbcr to April inclusive. although fmi'i‘r will he ~('nt at Ton l‘cnts {or each mcnibcr. The cost of the {our i. _ will be Illill' One Doilur for tcn members and Ten "l‘fllsfi I r cach uilililii incnibcr. Drilcrs and remittances rul- uxtrii copies rur mu... nut later than thulit‘r llll hould reach the Institutes Branch .th. Annual Report The cost of publishing on An- nual Report and furnishing a copy to each member would be Six Thousand Dollars at lco so it has been decided to pul L i only a limited number of the Annual Report, say three copies for each branch with addi 'unul copies for district officers, Con- vention Area officers, and a few for exchange purposes, sny, 4,500 or 5,000 copies in all; so the members will receive a copy of “Home and Cnun- try" to be ublished in Sep- tember, in pace of an Annual Report. With a copy of the re- port ill the hands of all oflicors. and the September number 01' “II. and C." in the hands of all members for the past yenr, and with literature as outlined in the first number of “H. and C." available. there will be no luck of material upon which to base progl'lllu fur the Institute meet- ings and study by the individual members. Grant to Branch Institutes A number of Institutes have expressed a willingness to fore- go the small nnnuul grant of Three Dollar's ($3.00) if the ‘amount‘involved will be utilized in making the various services of greater value~literature, as- Sistance in program planning, material to be used in preparing papers and addresses, Demonâ€" stratiun Lecture Courses, assist once at Conventions and District Annuals, etc. In view of the fact that the funds available fannstitute pur- poses and girls’ work have been considerably reduced, about $13,- 000 less than last year. we are asking those Institutes which \ sh to receive the grant to make application for the same in) a form which will be supplied Reports From Branch OFFicers Now that reports throuin Standing Committees have be- come general. except in some of the nurtluzi sections of the Province, it is really not neces4 sary for the district secretary to send to the Department reports of number of meetings held, number in attendance, number of papers given, and brief notes re- garding the meetings from time to time throughout the year. If the district secretary w hes to get these report: every month, or every three months from the branches. then she should notify the branch secretaries according- ly. The statistical statement for each branch is given on Form “E” at the end of the year, and all the Department requires be» yond th" is news of general in- terest a to activities and meth- ads of organizing and carrying on various lines efl'ectively. If a branch has done some new line nf work or carried on some regu- lnr work in an unusual and ef- fective manner, do not fail to send full particulars direct to the Institutes Branch, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, but the Institutes Branch will not re- quire reports of meetings from time to time throughout the year from the District Secretaries; therefore the branch secretaries Will not be expected to forward reports to the district secretary unless requested to do so by her. to those who write for it. The $3.00 will be withheld from the branches which do not apply for the same. This action Will not, in any way, afiect the amount of the grant to be poid to the District Institutes_ which will be on the same basis as u ear ago. _ y Each branch is requested to give consideration to this matter and if they decide _to ask for grant. make application for the same sometime in October. It is well known that most nf the branch institutes raise many times the amount of Three -Dol- lars and will not feel the loss of this sum, especiallv 11f It. Will mean that better seI‘Vice Will be rendered to all the branches. Distribution of Literature It has not been the custom to send bulletins and other publica- tions in quantity to the officers for distribution among the mem- bers, but to ask each person wishing a publication to write for the same. It appears to be a real task for some who really want a certain publication to write for it; so we wish to an- nounce that if a member hands the secretary a slip of paper con- taining her .name and address with the number or name of the bulletin or other publication de- sired, the same will be forward- ed upon receiving the signed slips from the secretary, so long as the supply lasts. Financing the District Organizations At a number of District An- nuals concern was expressed in regard to financing the District Organization. In many counties, the grant from the county coun- cil has been discontinued, and re- sources from other quarters have been curtailed; so it becomes the responsibility of the District Board of Directors to carefully plan their expenses. It", in the opinion of the Directors, too large a proportion of the re- sources are spent in salary and expenses of the officers. then they have the responsibility of adjusting this outlay in keeping with the resources. or take such steps as are thought advisable to secure additional funds for car- rying on. Governments grants will be paid to the District Insti- tutes as usual sometime after November lst. Since the District Secretary will not be required to keep list of members and forward copy to the Institutes Branch or to send statistical reports throughout the year, their responsibilities will be much lightened and more time can be given to assisting and encouraging the branches in need of special advice or help. The Institutes Should Main- tain Their Independence The programs of the Womâ€" en's Institutes, or as thev are called in some countries, Rural Women's Organizations, are thoroughly distinctive from the programs suited to groups of women living in the centres of uopulatiun; and while they have mine undertakings and interests l"I1ICII are common. the objective at the rural organization is largely to secure for their lnem- hers many of the advantages to be found in the larger centres; so it would seem advisable for the_ Institutes to continue their policy of maintaining their own identity ‘85 an organization, comparatlng With other organ- izations and institutions when occasion requires, but not affil- iating, as by so doing they are liable to place themselves in the position of being misrepre- sented by those who would un- dertake to speak for the home- makers in the rural sections as well as the centres of population. 'fl 5 , 'rJuly. I933 Messages From the Summer series of Meetings =Messages from the Summer Series of Meetings havebeerl encouraging and inspirational, covering a vast field of energy, from one end of the province to the other. A central worker sends this word of cheer from the eastern districts. The programs gen- erally are well-balanced and seasonahle, many branches stressing the importance of pro- gram planning which has re- sulted m good, and in some in- stances, unique programs of wide interest. Papers, addres' ses, demonstrations and short courses have been given promm~ ence, special interest being taken in attendance and roll call com- petitions, debates, oratory. music, and social life. Literature has been distributed, schools and school fair work encouraged apd supported. Libraries are receiv- ing generous and continued as- sistance. Girls’ work occupies an important place in the interests of the branches. and in many branches the young people are especially active. . Study courses included Sonia] Hygiene. County interests along all lines, community life, both educational and social. home beautification. relief, and neigh- borliness formed a large part of the work of these branches. H o u s e h n1 d Science Course brought increased membership and health education received much attention. One branch put on a unique program following an essay contest in the schools, “How to keep well.” The essays were written in the school under the supervi- sion of the teachers. The pupils were divided according to their standing in school and awards made to upper and lower class grades. The prize essays were read at a Health meeting at which the children put on a Health Parade in costume; and carrying equipment signifying outdoor work and games, clean- liness and other features. Sleepy fairies appeared and all sank down for health-giving sleep. Membership Lists It will not be necessary for branch secretaries to forward lists of members for 1933-34 to the district secretary. So the Inâ€" stitutes Branch will not furnish further blank forms for lists of members. The secretary of each branch will of course, keep a record of members, but will not be reguired to copy list for the use 0 the Institutes Branch. If the district ufiicers should re- quire lists of members for their use, then the district secretary will ask for the same, All the Institutes Branch requires is a correct and complete list of bill- cei-s, Presidents and Secretaries, for the branches and district; so we shall appreciate prompt noti- fication when 2i change in one or both offices is made during the year. Copies of “Home and Country" will be forwarded to the branch secretary in accordance with the number paid for following the September issue. Please do not conclude that the Department does not wish to keep in as close touch with the branches as has been the custom. We expect through “Home and Country" to give more valuable assistance than ever to the In~ stitutes: but we wish to avoid all unnecessary routine. We are looking to the branch and dis- trict. ofiicers and the members of the Provincial Board to Ito-operâ€" ate in making “H. and C." of great value. If you have sug- gestions, information or ques- tions of general interest we would be pleased to receive the same. From the Central division we hear of thecontinued enthusiasm amopg the members and the branches. One report‘says: There is keen enthusmstlo interest Special preparations were made, Dainty refreshments served; Kind reception tendered; Trans. portation was well planned. A fine spirit of courage was noted among the women .and a hope. ful outlook. A shurin with the less fortunate, of foo , clothing and neighborliness. Members were keenly interested in help. ful sewing hints and thrift ex. hibit, The worker cut out pat- terns at night and took to the meeting for presidents at branches, a bundle for each president and asked the mem- bers to make up an article from each pattern and have an no hibit at the local branch, in all about five hundred patterns were cut. ' One difficulty is to get lead- ers. The capable are reluctant. but when they realize the value of official work the difficulty is overcome. Branches like the group sys- tem of meeting and they were well attended. There exists a fine spirit of co-operotlon â€" efforts are made to make the W. I. educational in the com- munities. Inspiration and edu- cational advantages of short courses were noticed. WDmEll are realizing more and more ihe educational value of W. I. find are stressing program planning, Members are toking_part more readily and appreciation of Gnv- ernment service was expressed. A healthy condition prevails in W. L’s. Each branch is deal» ing with its respective problems in a praiseworthy way. Older members realize that as yet W. I. is only in its infancy regard» ing Institute possibilities. Each new achievement creates still newer ideals; something new is constantly developing from old. and so work goes on and on. A friendly and happy spirit is evidenced among members H the face of economic problems and meetings were well attendwl. An inestimable volume of energy is being directed toward making better citizens, better homes and better communities. room for the intensive applicn» tion of the old vital principles, Scrap books were a good feature in one branch, divided into four sections. house plans and decor- ation; household hints and re- cipes; miscellaneous: current events and poetry. These were definitely educative to the own- er. A W. I. choir of twelve voices was inspiring, While program plans were definitely considered. Program Planning The officers will please re- view very carefully Program Planning as outlined in the first number of “H. and. C." We have had a great many requests for the complete program for which we ave particulars for [lie mont s of June to September, inclusive in the first number of “H. and C.” The program for the balance of the year will be forwarded to those who write for the same. May we remind the officers that no branch is expected to follow out this program as out- lined. The needs of no N“ branches are just the satin!- Those who have the responsibil- lty of planning the program. must keep in mind the ground covered last year. the capabili- ties of the members and others in the community who have a contribution to make to the 111- stitutes. Some provision should also be made for giving ame time to “Nutrition” as outlined in the Lesson Leaflet, dated

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