For many years, WI Members have been active â€" educating women and communities, advocating for important change and making friends. You work hard to keep WI alive and thriving, and that is whythe Provincial Board approved a brand new twoâ€"year theme to help you plan your yearly program, create awareness about your Branch and recruit new Members. FWIO will be using this theme as the basis for ALL activities, communications and events â€" and we encourage you to do the same. The possibilities are endless and we know that you can enjoy exploring and creatively implementing your own ideas with you fellow WI Members and your community. Each Branch was mailed a package containing important information about the theme, the 5 keys areas and how to implement it into your activities. Additional information can also be found in the Member Services Section ofthe FWIO web site â€" GET INVOLVED has 5 Key Areas GET INVOLVED with Family and Friends Renew relationships, friendships and focus on what’s important in life. Are there ways you can get your family interested in or involved in what is important to you? How can you be involved in what’s important to them? Invite a friend, neighbour or someone from the J community out for coffee or tea. Tell them about your Women’s Institute experiences. Ask them if they would be interested in joining your Branch. Research your family tree. Be sure to add recent J changes or additions and send a copy with your next Christmas card to family members. Be sure to include any stories or history that might be interesting to those younger family members! GET INVOLVED with your Community Just by being a WI Member, you are involved in your community â€" congratulations! But, could it be time to review what your Branch does for the community? Is there something more or different you could be doing? Are there other people in the community you could be working with? J Tell other organizations in the community about WI, who you are, what you do and what your plans ‘ ‘ wig/(lflhlï¬â€˜g‘bl lfflx£fld